
Quick Break

Astra PoV

The soft grunts from the Deerkin above me made me buck my hips even more, the thick cock that was lodged inside my womb throbbing with need as it prepared to deliver a creamy load of semen straight into my pussy, the same way that the gigantic Orc cock had already filled my intestines with sperm.

Both Rhefia and Shelur were fucking me as hard as they could, and I rested my head on my wife's shoulder as I stared at Renna, both of us blushing hard as we locked eyes and watched the other be consumed by such a deep and intense pleasure.

She was masturbating furiously whilst I was being railed by two hung futanari, and seeing her kink being fulfilled so perfectly in front of her once again was enough to make me happy for her, even if that kink of hers had me embracing someone else and not her.

Someone else was running their hands over my skin and grabbing at my intimate spots, all while she watched as I was fucked hard by two separate women, when it could have been her running her hands over me as I held her close...

I could have been the one panting as I shot a thick load of cum into her womb, I could have been the one massaging her cheeks and thrusting forwards over and over again before ejaculating once more, coating her insides in my seed and trying to get her pregnant.

But, I wasn't, and as Shelur pulled out and let her cum drip out of my ass, the Orc gave me a firm slap across the ass as she asked "Want to keep going, Astra..?", all while Rhefia sighed softly as I raised my hips and made her cock slap against her stomach, freeing me from the wondrous embrace of two cocks pressing against one another in my lower holes.

"N-No... N-Not right now... mm..."

Moaning softly, I rubbed my stomach and blushed slightly as I listened to the wet splashing of the semen they had filled me with falling to the ground, forming a puddle at my feet that made Rhefia smirk at me, the Deerkin always so proud about what she had managed to achieve with me.

She reached forwards and rubbed my stomach as well, her darker skin contrasting my lighter tone, whilst her warmth and love was able to be sensed in the gentleness and movement of her fingers.

"I love your 'normal' state so much, but... I have to admit, Astra, I think you look sexiest when your belly is rounded, be it with cum or child."

Giving me a pat, Rhefia leaned back into her spot on the bed and added "Since you don't want to continue here, I imagine you want to go console Prixisia? See what you can do to make her feel better and ensure she doesn't poison Kalia's lover?"

"Yes... though that last part, perhaps something non lethal and that doesn't deal a lot of harm would be in order? Either way... I want to let her know she doesn't need to worry about Inik, and that she is safe here. I feel like we've... neglected her somewhat."

Rhefia just shrugged and rested her arms on the headrest, lounging on the bed and making it really hard for me to not crawl back between her legs and sit on her lap... something she knew since she was still so hard and still smirking at me.

"Well, either go see the Lamia or hop back on my cock, Astra~! I can give you another deep creampie while you get to watch this Orc rail the Duchess, perhaps~? Or you can enjoy throating something that big..."

Her cock twitched again as she suggested that, and I bit my lip as I considered it for a few seconds before shaking my head, cleaning myself off properly and giving her a kiss before looking up at Shelur, who just nodded at me, only to widen her eyes when I got on my tiptoes and pulled her head down, kissing her too.

"Later tonight, Shelur... I want you to break my womb, okay~?"

I giggled as I leaned down and kissed the tip of her cock as well, intentionally riling her up as I sauntered off to Renna's side and gave her a kiss too, before whispering "Have fun, my love~! Milk some of Shelur's cum for me, okay? Empty her balls as much as you can... and ask Rhefia to milk your breasts~? It feels really~ good, and I imagine you will all be parched..."

Her fingers were still teasing her clit and exploring the edges of her pussy, but now that the two futanari were looking her way, she shivered and gushed a little more, only to have her expression blank as Rhefia stood up and said "I'll leave you two to it; I have to admit I am more than curious to see what Sari is doing with my daughters..."

She left as well, winking at me before disappearing from our sight, leaving just the horny Orc, horny Duchess and horny me to stand in the room, though I too quickly escaped before Shelur could grab me, smiling at the Duchess and watching for a brief moment as Shelur approached her and tossed her onto the bed.

Seeing Renna raise her butt for the Orc and watching as Shelur crudely rubbed her pussy with her entire hand, I shivered as the Orc lathered her cock before plunging into Renna's ass, leaving her womb alone as she opted instead to fuck her Mistress' other, tighter hole with her fat cock.

With the sight of Renna being turned into a moaning mess on the bed seared into my mind, I chuckled and left, walking through the house and looked around, activating the bond between Yiksa and I to locate the Dark Elf, who was likely still with the Lamia.

As I did so, I had to admit that I was of a mind to redo this entire floor, to open it all up and instead of rooms, create a few closed off sleeping areas using curtains and partitions, whilst the main room is filled with a giant bed, a bunch of comfortable sofas, couches and chairs, tables...

Just turn this entire floor into a place for everyone to gather and have sex freely, without needing to navigate around and hope they find whom they are looking for; I could ensure we still had privacy by expanding a tad and creating small rooms that would be like 'offices' for everyone to do whatever they wanted whenever they wanted, perhaps?

Either way, I enjoyed the walk over towards the Lamia's room, which made me nod to myself as I listened to the low voices inside and felt that Yiksa was inside with Prixisia; I was right, and I was also curious to see if my two Concubines were up to anything at all together~?


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts