
Quality Time with Rhefia (1)

Rejoining us with a satisfied smirk on her lips, Yiksa sat down inside the tent and let out a content sigh, each of us staring at her as we waited to hear about what happened.

Lounging on her bedroll, Yiksa pat her belly as she said "The Boarkin in charge of the Toll House decided to give me the space for a Silver a day for the next week, and all I needed to do was let them bust a few times in my throat~!"

Chuckling at her obviously satisfied expression, I caught the coins she tossed back to me, placing the 13 Silvers away before rubbing my hands together, asking "Who's hungry~? I was thinking we eat before we go out and look around for a bit~!"

Receiving nods from everyone, I went outside and set up my 'kitchen', which was just a few pots, pans, flat surfaces and a spit roast.

Hanging a tea pot on the spit, I began boiling water for some tea, before setting up a pan near the fire and melting some butter.

Pulling out some venison chops, I seasoned them before laying them on the pan, letting them slowly sear and soak in the butter as I turned my attention towards roasting the corn.

Camara came out to help me, likely escaping the foursome that was occurring inside, with Kalia pleasuring all three women.

Slowly getting everything cooked up, I peeked my head through the tent and smiled as I saw my youngest daughter being tightly held between the rest of the family, each of them all slamming their hips forwards as they moaned softly.

"When you're all done here, foods ready~"

Getting a few grunts of acknowledgment, I chuckled as I closed everything off, sitting back down besides Camara as I plated everything, my eldest sighing as she helped me.

"Mama, were you so... nervous, during your time carrying me?"

Hearing her question, I paused for a moment, tilting my head as I thought for a moment, before I smiled softly and looked back at her.

"Of course I was dear. I had many things I needed to worry about at the time, and your safety was the number one priority. Your Dama and I didn't have what we did now, so everything was much different... But yes, I was nervous. Still was with Aethisia and Kalia. That nervousness will never go away, but if it makes you feel better, know that you have all of us around you to help you through anything, alright?"

Camara nodded, her expression thoughtful as everyone began to filter out of the tent, Yiksa supporting her daughter as they stumbled out as well, Kalia's eyes slightly puffy, but filled with satisfaction.

Sitting down beside her sister, Aethisia looked between Camara and I before she began to whisper to her sister, talking quietly with her.

Rhefia plopped down beside me, tossing her arm over my shoulder and grabbing my boob without a care in the world as she began to eat, making me roll my eyes at her.

When everyone had finished eating, I was breathing unsteadily, the constant massage Rhefia gave me only making me aroused.

"E-Everyone... if you want to go out t-tonight, go ahead, j-just stick together and don't provoke anyone..."

Aethisia nodded, while Kalia stretched before leaning into her Dama's side, her eyes tired.

Getting up, Aethisia lifted Camara to her feet and smiled warmly at her, the two Deerkin cleaning up and freshening up before waving goodbye to us.

Yiksa looked down at her daughter, who shook her head as she made her way back into the tent, followed by Yiksa.

Which left Rhefia and I, who was currently groping me with blatant desires to escalate this further, but...

My gaze wandered, and I saw the various Rabbitkin women laughing boisterously besides their carriage, some of them being dragged away by some other woman after handing them some coins.

Following my gaze, Rhefia let out a sharp peal of laughter as her hand dug further into my tit, making me moan as she leaned down to whisper "Is that what you'll be spending your coin on first, Astra? A nice, tight Rabbitkin prostitute to satisfy your urges? Leaving me all alone and cold?"

Her hand squeezed tighter, and I moaned harder as I shook my head, my hand finding its way towards her erection.

"N-No... I-I wanted to s-share o-one between us..."

That made her pause for a moment, before she laughed again, her eyes gleaming in the dimming light of dusk.

"Interesting idea there, love~ That sounds rather fun, splitting a Rabbitkin between us for a bit..."

Nodding at me, she got up and helped me to my feet, keeping her hand on my waist as she steadied me, ignoring my pout.

"Come on then; let's go find a Rabbitkin to warm our night up~!"

Walking with me towards their carriage, Rhefia slid her hand from my waist and squeezed my rear, smirking at me as she muttered "Just getting into the mood, Astra~ Surely you want this night to be a memorable one~?"

I pouted but still nodded, following her as we entered the scented space that the Rabbitkin followers of Freyishtra resided.

Candles and incense burned on barrels that had been set up, while the Rabbitkin themselves were applying perfumes and oils to their supple skins, further accentuating their beauty.

Hearing us approach, they all turned to smile sensually at us, their ears twitching as they looked us over.

One approached us, her scantily clad figure swaying in the dim light, her floral scent washing over us as she looked up towards us, giving us a good view of her cleavage as she asked "Oh, a pair of lovers eh~? Come here to deepen your bonds~? Wanted a third to live out a fantasy you have~?"

Her voice was silky smooth, and I took in her petite breasts, flat stomach, plump thighs and perky rear, all of which was slick with scented oil.

Rhefia smiled back down at her, massaging my ass as she nodded, raking her gaze over the Rabbitkin and making her shiver as she said "Indeed we are... My wife here hasn't had the pleasure of bedding a Rabbitkin, and since I'm the top, she hasn't had the opportunity to let loose either~ So, how much for a night, hmm~?"


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts