
Proud Land Owners

We pulled out some of the crates from the cart and created a small table and chairs that we could use to negotiate the purchasing of either of the plots of land... which I was going to try and get a deal on if possible, but I had a feeling that the prices were pretty much set in stone.

But I wouldn't just NOT try to see if I could save a few Gold on something as expensive as this... and I was more than willing to utilize my skills to their full potential if need be to perhaps net myself a rather good deal on everything.

Trabyia took a seat and pulled out the papers from her bag, keeping them weighed down with a small metal disc as she looked around at Rhefia, Sari and I, who were 'representing' the family, while the others continued to roam around and examine the land, mulling over what should go where.

"So, this plot is 300, and the previous was 265. As you can see, we have quite the space available for you, and it has an incredible amount of potential for a house of any kind!"

She smiled at us, waving back at the open field and calm river to emphasize her words, before turning back and rubbing her hands together, looking every bit like a shady merchant.

"Mhm, and what would you say to taking the price of this plot down to 275?"

That made her frown, and the woman tapped the paper and was about to say something when I added "The plot is far from the city, so I'd need to constantly be making trips back and forth for food, and this plot does have two neighbors, one of which is a Noble..."

Trabyia pursed her lips as she flipped through the papers again, before shaking her head and saying "285 would be the absolute lowest this could go for, and even then..."

Reaching up, I lifted the veil from my face and smiled at her, before activating [Seductress' Charms] and [Bewitching Eyes] at the same time, making the woman take a deep breath as she looked me in the eyes.

"Trabyia... Then let's make a deal, hmm~? We both know that the two plots aren't exactly... the largest; I mean, the field beside me is double this size, and the Noble's vacation spot is around one and a half the size of this one..."

She gulped as she stared at my eyes, but she nodded at my words, agreeing with me.

"So... I wanted to make an offer, alright~? 450 Gold for both this plot, and the plot at the end of the Potaam River, as well as..."

Leaning forwards, I hooked my finger beneath her chin and smiled at her, caressing her jaw while my other hand trailed over my chest, making her gulp again as she looked between my eyes, my lips, and my breasts.

"Some personal incentives~? If we sign a deal for that much money for BOTH plots of land, I'll do whatever~ you desire from now until dawn... What do you say, Trabyia? Shall we make a deal with one another~?"

Her lips puckered slightly as I leaned closer, before she blinked a few times as she instead looked down towards my cleavage, her cheeks darkening as she felt my fingers glide across her face and slip onto her lips.

"I... I uh..."

Biting her lower lip, Trabyia blinked again as she glanced at Rhefia and Sari, who were both just smirking as they watched me work, making the woman in front of me blush some more as she realized that this... was always the plan.

She coughed into her fist as she looked away, saying "I... 475..! Otherwise, I'd get into too much trouble..."

"Mmm~ Sounds good to me, Trabyia... 475 Gold for the properties, as well as your own personal bedwarmer for tonight~! Now, shall we..?"

Sliding the papers over to her, the woman nodded again and blushed as I moved to sit on her lap, leaning back into her as I watched her sign off on the papers, scribbling down the prices that added up to 475 Gold in total.

"S-Sign here, and t-then I'll need to take them back to the office to be registered..."

"Very well... I'll go with you, so that we can start a little early~? What do you say~?"

Caressing her cheek again, I placed a small kiss near her lips and guided one of her hands towards my thigh, making her gulp as she began to caress me in turn, her eyes flooded with lust.

"I... S-Sorry, but w-we'll need to meet up at dusk, w-when I get off of work..."

"That's fine... that's fine, Trabyia~! Here, let me sign this first, then give you something to look forwards too, alright~?"

Her eyes kept getting dragged back to mine, and I smiled coquettishly as I reached over and took the pen from her hand, signing off on where I needed to before placing the pen on the papers.

Taking her head in my hands, I turned her to look at me and brought her closer, our lips connecting as I began to kiss her deeply, surprising her greatly.

She stared at my eyes before closing them, leaning into the kiss and moaning softly as I nibbled on her lip, the chocolate skinned woman grabbing my ass and enjoying my lips.

As I deepened the kiss even more, I held a hand close to the back of her head and uncorked a vial of blood, placing a Hex on Trabyia and making her desire me more and more, until it made her ignore the deal she made altogether, not giving her room to mull over her decision when she returned to the office.

Pulling away from her lips, I muttered "Traybia dear, I'll be seeing you at dusk in front of the office, alright~? I swear that on Reincantra... I'll make this a night you'll never forget..."

Gulping again, she nodded before accepting the coin pouch from me, placing it on the crate as she muttered "I... I s-swear on Monetata that this deal will go through... s-so, I'll see you then..?"

She got up and scooped up the pouch, hefting its weight before rushing over to her horse, mounting it and glancing back at me with dark cheeks.

Waving to her, I blew her a kiss before chuckling as she began to ride away, leaving us alone with our new land.

Sari and Rhefia got up and watched her go with me, and the Deerkin beside me stroked my back as she muttered "You manage some interesting things, love... Both plots for a hundred some odd beneath the normal price? That's incredible."

"It is, but... why both plots? What's the point?"

I grinned at Sari, returning her kiss as the Catkin leaned down before I could answer.

In between her increasingly passionate kisses, I managed to say "This is to live on, and that one is to be used for produce and other crops..."

The two nodded, before I was dragged back to the cart and bedded by them both, the two women using me for their pleasure after learning that I'd be leaving them 'alone' tonight...


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts