
Out With It

I watched Rhefia care for Camara with narrowed eyes, displeased with how she slipped up to the point of causing our daughter more harm than required during her training.

It was unacceptable.

So I waited for her to finish applying a cool wet cloth to Camara's arm before approaching them, glancing down at Camara as I said "Camara, take your sister and go inside for a bit. Rest up."

She nodded, her muddy crimson eyes alternating between Rhefia and I as we stood there.

Camara gently led Aethisia into the house, our two daughters staring at us as they walked away.

Rhefia pursed her lips as she stared at me, her amber eyes conflicted.

Staring at her in silence, I sat down in front of the fire, prompting her to do the same.

I remained silent for a few more moments, wondering how I should go about it before deciding on the direct route.

"Out with it, Rhefia. Even if its just the beginning, you need to get this off your chest."

Glancing back at the house we lived in, I added "It's no longer just affecting you; it's affected our daughter now... and I won't have it."

She nodded stiffly, before letting out a low sigh.

Picking up a stick, she stoked the flames before us, taking a few deep breaths before saying "I grew up in the Dryadi Queendom, or more specifically Birchan City, the capital. My dama was a soldier for the Dryadi Queendom, and after my mother died she took care of me.

She taught me what I know about fighting, and to me, she was an invincible warrior.

I attended an Army Academy and wanted to follow in her footsteps. People knew of me not only because of her, but also because I was talented; more so than most people.

During my second year there, dama died in the war, fighting as the last remaining soldier of her Legion against an entire army.

The post mortem medals made her one of, if not the most decorated soldier in the last few decades, and as soon as she fell, all eyes turned to me.

I was devastated, obviously, but I used that anger and sorrow to push myself further, to forge myself into a better warrior than even her.

During that time in the Academy I met a General's daughter, who was attending as a Mage.

At first she pestered me about everything, using my families background as commoners as insults, swearing she was superior to me, and that I was worthless and talentless.

I stayed quiet for the next year, ignoring her unending insults and goading as best I could.

I knew what my dama was, what I was.

That was enough.

During the end of year exam, we had to fight one another, and I beat her in the first few moments.

She was devastated, but...

After that, her pestering turned from insults to pleading, wanting me to help her improve.

Stupidly enough, I did just that, and during that time we grew closer.

Our relationship was ambiguous, and it wasn't weird for us to help the other relieve their stress.

The next year passed like that, and she wanted to officially start courting me.

I accepted, and we got together.

I enjoyed her company, her body, training together...

She did too, at first.

However, when I continued to place near the top of our class, always above her by a few spots, she got angry.

I thought that it was something more training could solve, but she didn't.

We broke up, but after another month I found myself back in her bed, indulging her whims as she used me to relieve herself.

When we graduated we went our separate ways; me to the Army as a Captains Aide and her as a Mage to the Queen.

After another year or so, we met up at an event, and it seemed like neither had found a partner in that break apart; we were all over one another that night, and when we woke up...

I acted like it didn't happen, and she did the same.

Our flings grew more frequent, and eventually she asked me to get back together.

I declined, as I was about to go to the Norther Border.

She accepted it gracefully, and for another half year we were separated.

When I returned to Birchan I was arrested; the charges were that I r.aped her, and that she was currently with our child.

Since she was a Gazellekin that was entirely possible, and until they could inspect the child when it was born, I was to be jailed.

She had other ideas, as she had an 'accident' and miscarried...

I knew it wasn't real, since she came to my cell to gloat; telling me that I'd be locked up forever, and that I should have accepted her offer.

She also told me, not that it particularly mattered to me at the time, that she was currently sleeping with one of the Princess', and that after I was out of the picture she'd be made the first wife of said Princess.

However, she seemed to still want me by her side, as she offered to 'forgive' me and take me in as her servant, where I would serve her and her wife for the rest of my life.

I spat in her face, and we never saw one another again.

After a few days in the cell, I managed to escape on one of the transports from prison to prison..."

I stared at her in surprise, not expecting such a heavy story.

Giving me a wry smile, she said "I... hate that I had to leave my home; the house that my mother and dama lived in no longer belongs to me, and all of my dama's medals and souvenirs, her pictures and sketches of mother are gone.

It... it hurts, knowing that I was accused of something I never did, and that the one who ruined my life is still alive and well.

I want to take revenge, I do... but..."

She glanced at our house, and I nodded.

I had no memories, so I don't know what a mothers warmth feels like, on the receiving end anyways.

My lack of memories means that I could only guess what it would feel like for that to happen; the best I can do is imagine having to leave this home that I built all because someone accused me of a false crime.

I'd be angry, but like Rhefia now, I knew that, to me at least, home isn't a physical place.

It's wherever she is, where our daughters are.

That's home.

Reaching forwards, I grabbed her hand and said "Thank you Rhefia, really..."

We smiled at one another, and I leaned forwards and kissed her lips.

"Rhefia, I love you. I love our daughters; Camara, Aethisia, and all the ones yet to be born..."

She grinned, and I slid onto her lap, draping my arms over her shoulders.

"I can't change the past, but I can shape our future. I'm not asking you to forget about your past, nor about your dama. But I am asking you to start looking forwards with me; with us. Raise our daughters so that your dama would be proud; after all, you should know a little of how she felt raising you.

Let's continue making our children's lives better, together. No one will be able to separate us, not in a million years. And if this woman ever comes back, we'll deal with her together. Alright?"

Rhefia nodded, and I moaned as she entered me, her face split with a grin.

"Very well, Astra... I'll try to make my dama proud, but more importantly, to give our children everything~"

Kissing her, I readily accepted her thick shaft, allowing her this moment of respite from her emotions.

Getting up, she pulled me off to the side and laid me down, swiftly getting to work venting her lust.

Accepting it all, I could only pray that, now that her story was out in the open, she would get past it, even if it was only a little bit everyday.


So that sets up plot points and gives backstory...

Was it good?



Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts