
Our Viewing Pleasure

Reincantra PoV

Lounging amongst the cool confines of space, I looked down amongst the planets under our direct purview and pursed my lips, wondering who I should watch next.

Currently, there were a few interesting... happenings in different worlds...

A Dogkin fought valiantly against a horde of monsters, fighting for the right to survive another day and reunite with her loved ones that she was bound to.

The heart wrenching story of a young girl believing she was loved by none, slowly turning herself crazy and doing what she deemed necessary to secure her partners love, no matter how twisted her actions may be.

A slow, boring, yet fulfilling life of a normal person trying their hardest to entertain hundreds, if not thousands of people with little more than some simple words to paint pictures of world unseen.

But, of course, I always had to turn back to my favorite, to the one that inhabited the world where I had been born from, and the woman I had found to be the most interesting of the bunch.

The world of Teran, and the story of Astra, a woman who died unnecessarily early, and was given a second chance at life.

She... surprised me with her choices, and she continued to surprise me daily with her actions, going about her life in a rather interesting way.

Approaching the world of Teran, I laid down amongst the stars and looked over the planet, finding Astra and beginning to watch as she strode through the streets of some city, a Dark Elf by her side.

"Oh~? Interesting as always, Astra... pregnant once more with... twins? No, two separate daughters, from different women... Ha~! Let's see how you're doing..."

I kept my eye on her as she walked through the street with a veil over her face, and I opened the systems I had gifted her, my eyes widening slightly as I murmured "65 and 128? That's... rather good progress for a woman who lives a rather sedentary, relaxed lifestyle..."

My cheeks darkened as I looked through the system that Demetra and I had worked on together for this woman, brief memories of the 'work' we did to formulate that system flickering through my mind.

"No... calm, calm... S-She's going to come back soon..."

I muttered quietly to myself, my 'heart' aching slightly as I recalled the nights of passion we shared recently, before the Goddess of Fertility had secluded herself once more, leaving me behind feeling cold...

With a quick pinch to my wrist, I focused instead on looking through her systems, getting a better grasp for what had changed since I last watched her, before blushing again as I saw Astra enter a club, the pink haze surrounding it speaking volumes of how much it provided to Freyishtra, Goddess of Prostitution.

'Entering' the club as well, I saw the various beautiful mortals enjoying themselves as they prepared to welcome the incoming customers, and that included Astra and her lover, Yiksa, as they changed clothes.

Seeing Astra don such revealing, sensual cloth, I gulped as I traced her luscious curves and sinful body, my eyes honing in on the wet patch in her panties as she looked into the mirror, her features hidden under that veil.

"O-Oh... s-so this is why you wanted that system, Astra... W-Wow..."

I felt my own body begin to heat up, and I blushed as I looked around, erecting wards around myself before slipping my fingers down to my lower lips.

My eyes remained glued to the gorgeous Human that I had placed onto Teran, watching as she moved towards a pole and began to dance, her body enticing customers to give her coins for sexual favors.

Thrusting her hips out, Astra moaned as a Boarkin splattered her panties with semen, before she spun around and shook her juicy ass for the crowd, moving closer to a few of the customers who reached forwards and groped her through the purple cloth.

My moans overlapped with hers as I slipped a finger between my slit, jolts of pleasure running up my body as I watched, enticed by the Human below.

This was what she had told me she wanted, all those months ago, and seeing her continuing to stay true to her desires despite offering up her memories was a warming sight, reaffirming my choice to allow her soul a second chance at life.

She would be capable of great things even with a blank slate, and that was true even with her more passive lifestyle.

The possibilities that her children offered to the world were endless, and already some of the Goddesses have begun to take note of this new piece on the vast board of Teran.

Obviously, those noticing were of both good and bad, but each found this Human interesting, just as they found her offspring worthy of notice.

The reclusive Hecata and her lover Morganna watched the young Dark Elf girl closely, contemplating whether or not they should whisper into her ear and guide her further into the mysteries of the Weave.

Areseta was relieved that one of her favorite followers had finally found peace, and she was intrigued by Astra and her follower's second daughter, seeing potential waiting to be molded there.

Freyishtra giggled as she looked over the older Dark Elf, occasionally smiling warmly at both her and Astra, her pink eyes glowing with lust as she inspected one of her many dens of hedonism.

We Goddesses craved entertainment, and ever since the stronger amongst us declared that we would allow Teran and its people to grow uninhibited, that entertainment skyrocketed immediately.

The unknown surrounding parts of the world and its people intrigued us just as much as the satisfaction of knowing what would happen in others.

For instance, I knew that - as I slid a finger inside myself, pressing instantly against a sweet spot - what I was watching below was the beginning of a grand story, one that had barely even gotten past its prologue despite months having passed.

And as the Goddess of Storytelling, I was very much looking forwards to the life that the moaning Human below me would have in a world that offered such limitless potential to a woman like her...


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts