
Our New Employees

"Truly, I don't wish to have all of you bowing down every time you see me; it gets tiring on both our parts. That doesn't mean I won't be demanding respect from you though, so... let us find a balance and maintain it, hm?

Now, whether or not Arani has told you yet or not, I still wish to go over some things. Firstly, your salary will be paid out biweekly at 75 Silvers, or 1 and a half Gold a month. This is a lot of money, yes, but you can see it as you working out your contracts in roughly 40 to 45 months instead of being the 5 or more years that you signed away.

At the time that you have made that much Gold to purchase your own contract from me, if you so desire you can do so and walk away free. Before you can ask, housing, clothing, food and - should it ever be necessary - healing will all be available to you free of charge. Nearby the winery that I wish for you to operate I own an empty building that is being converted into an apartment complex now.

So you will be able to save up as much money as you want, but you will also have one to two days off a week depending on what you desire with the freedoms to head out into the city and take a break doing whatever it is that you want. On those days however, Arani here will sign the checks that you will need to access your accounts to withdraw any of your funds."

Renna paused and let them take that all in, with many eyes flickering towards the Dawn Elf as they wondered what made her so special, though they all accepted it rather easily; most likely they knew about her background and could tell she was going to be their 'leader'.

"All of you have been chosen because you have skills that would benefit operating a store, be it prior experience or simply the raw talent that I know can be shaped. We're selling wine to everyone, not just Nobility. Therefore I require a wide skillset of speakers, from the more casual like Miss Plume here over towards the more refined and elegant Athena.

Then there are those of you who are simply excellent and maintaining and repairing things in the store or moving things around; you'll be responsible for providing the muscle, Taura and Jingzi. Everyone has their place here, and each of you were chosen by me because I saw promise in you not only from your skillset, but also in you as a person, so please don't disappoint me."

Once more all of the slaves looked around at one another before focusing on Renna once more, and one of them - the Catkin Bas - raised a hand before asking "Um... are we able to pick the days we work and the days we don't? And is there anything against... well..."

She pointedly stared at Brix Plume for a moment, who was grinding her hips on Taura's crotch to try and arouse the Bullkin even more, which was obviously working thanks to the giant bulge that traveled down one of her legs.

Renna coughed softly and stared at them too before turning back to Bas, who was sitting close to the Owlkin Athena beside her; it was clear what she was asking, and as one of the few here without the sexual acts clause in her contract, her worry was valid.

"If you are asking if you are allowed to pursue relationships - be they entirely physical or emotional - with one another, then yes, there is no restrictions on that at all. However, do not let it interfere with our work, and if I find out it has become a problem, we will be having words before I find ways to keep you apart.

If you are instead asking if you can be more... free in terms of your pleasure, then that is also technically a yes. I want a professional workplace, but with how common sex is in the city, if a customer is waffling about and it seems to be easier to convince them with your body - and you want to do so - then you may. Just don't do it in the main store. 

Finally, if you are worried that I or my secretary here might come and find you for sexual services, understand that everything will be consensual and you needn't accept just because of our positions. You all have the right to say no. Anything else?"

Some of the futanari raised a brow at that, looking at Renna and I for a few seconds with hungry gleams in their eyes as they wondered if they would have the chance to sleep with a Duchess or just bang her sexy secretary.

Arani coughed though and reminded everyone where we were as she asked "When are we going to move into those apartments then, Lady Duchess? And is it three meals a day with the opportunity to bathe? Do we have multiple outfits and uniforms, will we be required to wash them ourselves? Which bank is holding our money?"

The rapid-fire questions came from the Dawn Elf even though she knew Renna would remain true to her word, but the questions were ones that needed to be asked for everyone here, not just her; that was why Renna took a seat and began to answer each of them individually, letting our new workers know what they were going to be expected to do and how they would be taken care of.

As for me, I caught Renna's eye and gestured to the door, letting her know I was stepping out as I prepared to go find my own 'workers', which of course meant I needed to take a visit to Heather first and remind the Hawkkin that I was owed a large discount on their contracts... and perhaps even get myself something better while I was there~?


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts