
One After Another

My body ached after Yiksa finally calmed down, the Dark Elf panting beside me as she stared at the ceiling, her emerald eyes unfocused as her cock finally remained flaccid.

Of course, she wasn't the only one with a switch to be flipped, and I rolled onto her chest and flipped myself around, nuzzling my cheek against her pure white cock as I began to suck on it again, moaning as it slowly slipped into my throat.

As for Yiksa, she continued to have to taste her own cum, the Dark Elf lapping at my stuffed pussy as she sucked out the copious amounts of semen staining my folds.

We were like that for awhile, enjoying the taste of one another, and ourselves, for a few minutes, before we both eventually came again, which managed to release the last of our lustful desires and make us just exhausted.

Turning back around, I laid on top of her chest and stared at the sweat soaked Dark Elf woman, my mind conflicted as she gently wrapped her arms around my waist.

She looked awkward as she held me, seemingly completely aware of the deep, primal sex we just had for the last few hours, and aware of the amount of cum seeping into my lower two holes.

As for me, I was wondering if I should feel this... little about what just happened.

I enjoyed the sex, because of course I did, but I didn't find myself minding who it was with; I thought that, after my cum high receded, I would be disgusted or disappointed with myself for laying with someone like her, but I wasn't.

So, I stared into her emerald eyes for a while longer before speaking, finding some guilty pleasure in making her writhe around uncomfortably as she grew more and more awkward.

"I... I wouldn't say I've forgiven, but I definitely have moved past it. Kalia was a wonderful gift, even if she came from an... unwilling union. Besides that, you've proven that, while you used to be a rather terrible person, you can change, and have changed, for the better."

Yiksa gave me a surprised look, before she gasped as I began to massage her sore cock.

"Don't let that, or this, go to your head pet... You still need to do a LOT more to make up for it, but... this was a start."

Grinning at her, I chuckled as the Dark Elf nodded, determination filling her eyes as she squeezed my waist.

We continued to lay like that for a while longer, before Rhefia came up, her brow raised as she saw the cum dripping from my two lower holes, her amber eyes meeting mine for a moment as she said "Yiksa, give us a moment."

Rolling off of the Dark Elf, I looked at her and nodded before turning back to my wife, who was watching us both.

Yiksa swiftly stood up and gathered her clothes, the Dark Elf scurrying down the stairs as she ran away from what she perceived as a conflict, but...

Letting out a chuckle, Rhefia plopped onto the bed and gave me a deep kiss, her horizontal pupils narrowed slightly as she asked "How was it?"

Leaning onto her chest, I pursed my lips as I thought about it, all while my hand wrapped around her cock.

"Hmm... she wasn't that bad, and I think I found something rather fun to try with her... What about you? How was Kalia?"

Pecking my cheek, she smirked at me as she whispered "She takes after you way too damn much. I lost myself to that plump ass of hers, and there was a moment where we both wanted to breed so damn much, but thankfully I stopped her before she opened herself up... I wouldn't have been able to stop if she let me go further."

Nodding, I nuzzled into her chest, enjoying the way she so easily slipped herself into my cunt like it was the most natural thing in the world.

Both of us remained stationary, not doing this for the lust, but instead for the love, wanting to feel each other as deeply as we could.

Whilst she held me, Rhefia enjoyed staring into my eyes, and it was during these peaceful moments that I asked her about whatever concerned me.

At the moment, the thing that was worrying me was what I should do with my upgraded {Skill Transfer}; it allowed me to designate someone as my life partner, and to transfer and copy one of my skills over to them.

So, I took a deep breath and stared into those amber orbs, my resolve made up as I asked "Rhefia, do you remember our earlier conversation? The one where you noticed that I was... able to 'gift' things to people?"

She nodded, her demeanor instantly shifting to being serious as she held me closer.

"I... I feel like I could transfer these 'gifts' to people no longer related to me; before, I could only give those 'gifts' to my children, but now... I... I feel like I could-"

"Transfer your 'skills' or 'powers' to others? Like, oh I don't know... me?"

The teasing tone she took on made me pout, but I nodded.

"Yes, I think I could, but... w-we would need to be t-together for good. L-L-Like-"

Her smirk widened, but she was utterly serious as she asked "Like we were married? Is that what you mean?"

I buried my face into her chest, my cheeks completely red as I made a tiny nod.

"Didn't I already say it before, Astra? You are the greatest thing to ever happen to me, followed very closely by Camara and Aethisia. I love you. I well and truly love every inch of you, and I love all parts of you. We may not be able to have it recognized by the Goddesses, but I want you to be mine, for now and always. My wife. The mother of my children..."

She trailed off, and I finally peeked up from her chest, where I gulped as I saw her expression.

A tender gentleness warred with a deep, obsessive possessiveness, and I shivered as she leaned down, bringing her dark amber eyes closer to mine.

However, instead of being put off by it, I felt my heart swell inside me as I met her lips, enjoying the sweet, tender kiss we shared.

Melting into her arms, I whined as she broke it off, only to fall silent as she placed a finger on my lips.

"I know that we won't be... exclusive, and I'm fine with it. To an extent. I know you want to enjoy a variety of women, and while I could live happily with just you, I admit that having a taste of Camara, Kalia, and Yiksa made me curious as well. So, I suggest some rules.

If I, or you, don't like the person the other wishes to be with, we're allowed to veto that partner. No 'try it first' or anything like that. If I say no, or you say no, then it's a no.

No sneaking around the other; if you want to go sleep with someone else, tell me, and I'll tell you. No secrets, no surprises.

As for pregnancies, this... this is where I really, really want you to communicate with me. I don't want children with other women, for the moment anyways. I only want to have children with you, Astra. But I know you will want to have other women's children, be it Camara's, Aethisia's, or Yiksa's again. If you can, please try and sit down with me and let me know. Kalia was a... different, one time event, but the next however many children can't be. Alright?"

I nodded, going over each rule again, before smiling up at her.

"I can do that! And... thank you, Rhefia. I thought you'd be against this, but..."

Trailing off, I moaned as she spun me around, her eyes gleaming with dark desires as she growled "Oh, believe me, for the longest time I thought I'd kill anyone you showed any amount of interest in, but..."

Feeling her arm slip around my throat, I gasped as my wife began to pound herself into my cum filled cunt, her warm breath brushing against my cheek as she whispered "I know that you can't find better then me... I know what makes you tick, I know what gets you into heat, and I am more than capable to quell it. We're perfect for one another, and I know that, in the end, I'll always be your first pick when it comes to mating, Astra..."

Shivering, I moaned loudly as she continued to slam her hips into mine, and I barely managed to gasp "W-What about-" when she sealed my lips, cutting me off as she ravished me, not letting me rest even after a long day with Yiksa.


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts