
Reincarnated as the Only Human

Astra woke up in a forest with no recollection of her precious life. The only thing she knew was that she had a system with two parts; one was a Survival System, and the other was a... Wait, what?! A Breeder System?! Finding herself in a forest, Astra now has to survive on her own, fending off the sexual and violent advances of all the other forest inhabitants; none of which are Human! Will Astra be able to survive on this hectic, pleasurable forest? Or will she lose herself to lust? --- Additional Notes: Female MC is pure Woman for now; there is futa, and all the characters are either women or futa. There will be both light hearted moments and dark moments, and this novel is mainly centered around her trying to survive in this new world, all while living her life to the fullest.

Ketsueki_Hasu · Fantasy
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702 Chs

New Foods

With the first ever harvest successfully completed, everyone made their way inside to watch as I set about turning the crops we harvested into something edible.

Before I could truly start, I needed to upgrade my appliances a little, with the main one being a wood oven stove, so that I could start baking bread or other things made from flour.

Since yeast wasn't something that was readily available, I had to work without it, but that didn't seem to be too large of a problem.

I just mixed the flour with some water, creating a dough, which was then placed into the heating oven.

Looking around the inventory, I also saw that I could technically 'bake' bread using the oven as a workstation, which I might do if I wish to bake in bulk, but for now...

Watching as the dough rose slightly, I grinned at the circular loaf of bread, thoughts running through my mind.

I hadn't really thought of it till now, but if I continued to work at my breasts, could I continuously produce milk?

Which I could then use in my cooking?

Or even just have it for the others to drink, considering Camara still shyly asks for some whenever we make love.

Sitting before the oven, I stared at the baking bread, a smile on my face as the smell started to waft out into the room, making me release a relieved sigh.

At the very least it smelt incredible...

While I waited, I opened my Systems, scrolling through the skills that were now available to me.

[Level up!

Level 40 (SS), Level 56 (BS)

You have 3 Skill Points and 3 Breeding Points available!]

My eyes moved towards the new skills in each, specifically...

{Cooking I}: Improves the taste of all thing cooked by you, and reduces the cost of food recipes by 5%

Purchasing that, I upgraded it twice, getting a new effect at the third tier.

{Cooking III}: Improves the taste of all things cooked by you considerably, reduces the cost of food recipes by 20%, and grants a 10% random buff for 3 hours depending on the food consumed

Next, I pondered the skill as I saw it, wondering if my 'desire' influenced the system.

{Mothers Milk I}: Allows for continuous milk production

Purchasing that, I also upgraded it to its third tear, reading the new benefits.

{Mothers Milk III}: Allows for continuous milk production, and when consumed it heals and soothes the body

Not the most insane skill, but...

Well, glancing over at Camara, as she sat at the table carving something from a block of wood, I didn't mind the skill as it helped solve some problems.

Besides, even if they grew up, Camara, Aethisia, and Kalia were all still my babies, so if they wished to drink my milk, I was alright with that.

Returning my gaze to the oven, I grinned as I deemed the bread baked enough, using a wooden spatula to remove it from the metal rack.

Everyone stopped what they were doing as I gently laid the steaming bread onto the table, each staring at it with wide eyes.

Camara, Aethisia, and Kalia had never had or seen bread before, while Rhefia, Yiksa and I hadn't had it in a long time...

Well, that I could remember; I just know that you can never go wrong with freshly baked bread.

Grabbing a knife, I cut into the large, circular loaf, the brown insides releasing delectable vapors as I cut pieces for each of us.

The warmth as it laid in our hands was incredible, and giving them a nod I raised the slice to my lips, taking a bite.

Since we used whole grain flour, the bread was slightly thicker than if I had used pure white flour, but I did have to say, the taste of the bran mixed into the flour was incredible.

If only I had butter-


Glancing down, I raised a brow before holding in a chuckle, realizing that I did, technically, have butter; I just haven't made it yet...

All the girls devoured there piece, Camara staring at my remaining portion with slight envy as I took another bite.

Seeing that, I tore off a piece and handed it to her, watching as her muddy crimson eyes lit up with joy as she accepted it.

"That was..."

Glancing at Rhefia, I saw her staring at the small piece left in her hands, before she tossed it into her mouth.

"Really good, Astra. Hells, I think you put some professional bakers to shame over in Birchan."

Yiksa nodded, her eyes wide as she added "I've never had better either, and I... traveled often."

She glanced over at Kalia, who was looking around curiously as we spoke; when her daughters gaze landed on her, Yiksa licked her lips before offering her the last bit she had, making the girl beam up at her.

Watching Yiksa's emerald eyes melt, I ruffled Kalia's pink hair as I whispered "What do you say to her?"

Kalia had been mid bite, so she spoke with a mouth full of bread.

"Tank yew!"

Shaking my head slightly, I chuckled as I continued stroking her hair, Yiksa nodding as she turned away, her eyes watery again.

Kalia gulped down her extra piece, before she turned back to me and asked "Mama, more?"

Kissing her brow, I said "Soon, little one~ Mama needs to make some more..."

Getting up, I set about to actually baking another before using the crafting interface to bake another, both likely needing the same time to bake.

As the smell of baking bread filled our house again, I sat back down and talked with everyone, listening to Rhefia as she spoke about her hunting ventures with Yiksa, while our daughters asked about how to better improve themselves.

I only chimed in when needed, instead listening to each speak with a proud, warm heart.

All of these women were my family, and I loved each of them dearly.


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