
Miss Hertanc's 'Order'

"That's more than enough for now, Miss Astra. Thank you, again, for being such a wonderful business partner to me! But let us get back to the issue at hand; making a lot of money."

Pulling out and unplugging my now loosened pussy, Miss Hertanc cleaned herself off and got dressed before I could ask if another round was in the cards, though as her words registered I just sighed instead.

Lowering herself into her chair and sighing as well, the Horsekin enjoyed the comfort of her wonderful furniture for a few moments before saying "You have made good use of my materials, Miss Astra. Very good use of them. Like I said earlier, some of my close associates warned me you might try and run after I gave you that box to tinker with, but here we are."

"Here... we are... Miss Hertanc, I made a deal with you, and I intend to stick through with it. Believe me, please, when I say that I want this money to be coming in as a stable enough source I mean that with all my heart."

Smiling at me, Miss Hertanc just nodded and sank further into her chair, only to raise a brow as I moved over to sit on her lap after I got dressed as well; she didn't push me away, and I noticed how her smile widened a little while her hand rested around my waist and on my thigh as she steadied me.

I made sure to emphasized my curves for her as I pressed my chest against hers and rubbed my ass against her leg, but I focused on using my words as I leaned closer and whispered "Honesty is always the best option between partners, Miss Hertanc... So let me be honest to you, hm?

Yes, I love Duchess Renna Poinset with all my heart; yes I am doing everything I can to help her and her goals. But I am also my own person, and if there is no conflict between you and her... well, I have a big~ heart, don't I~?"

She smirked at me when I winked, while her hand clapped against my thigh as she nodded in agreement, feeling the area that my heart rested with her other hand before she said "You have a very big personality, that's for sure...

And honesty is a refreshing option amongst my partners, Miss Astra. Thank you for being honest... so I shall be honest as well. I am my own person, even if I am a Hertanc. My sisters wish to maintain the power of the old ways, my Mother desperately clings to that power granted to her through her marriage. I know that money is one of the true powers of the world, and I want to be powerful. 

Help me make money, help me make my sisters lose money, and there will never be a conflict of interest between us. Am I going to agree with everything the Duchess has to offer to the Queendom? No, not really; taxes anger me, the idea of increased wages for the same quality of works angers me, but her overall vision of peace is one I can get behind."

Grabbing at my ass again, she winked at me this time as she added "The same way I can get behind you any day of the week... may I be so bold as to ask if the view is the same between the two of you~? I've seen her before and I can't imagine your hips aren't as wide as hers...", making me blush as I was compared to my woman.

It was a mix of indignant anger and arousal that made my cheeks redden, but after a brief moment of wanting to be petty I understood she was just being horny right now, and it was a fair question; to respond I leaned closer and whispered "I don't know... I've never measure, but I imagine we're almost identical..."

That got her happy enough, and she kissed me as a reward before leaning back into her chair again and getting us back on track, though when I nuzzled against her she laid her hand on the side of my head and kept me in place.

"So, speaking of that, I was wondering when you might want to start aiding me in the things I want to do to my sisters? If I offered a reward per task completed, would that motivate you~?"

Stroking my hair and patting my thigh, Miss Hertanc treated me a little like a child, but as she gave me a more sinister smile I shivered before nodding, knowing that this was what she really wanted me for.

"See, I know I'm not the 'smartest' in the city, but I am by no means stupid. If I've heard the news about you and the Duchess having a relationship, so has everyone else. Which means my sisters have as well, and they very much dislike the Duchess... and by proxy, you as well. 

They've been itching for something to have against her, something tangible to use to potentially blackmail her in hopes of halting some of her recommendations to the Queen for policy. As her lover and Secretary, surely you know something? That's what they're thinking, so if they manage to get to you..."

Kissing my brow, Miss Hertanc released my head and stared down at me with a sharper smile, pushing her glasses back into place and saying "They can maybe get something out of you to use on her. They're not idiots though, so they wouldn't kidnap nor threaten you, but if they liquored you up or slipped you an aphrodisiac..."

She paused at that, looking me up and down before chuckling as she shook her head, likely thinking that they wouldn't need to do either to get me in a 'vulnerable' state, though when I pouted she just kissed me again.

"They could get something out of you that way. Loose lips and all that. So it would be easy to feed them some false information that got them in some trouble... or we could go a more direct route. One you were likely going to use on me."

Her smile was ever present, and now I pursed my lips and looked away from her as I gave her a non verbal answer, one that drew another chuckle from her as she whispered "I knew you were hoping to get dirt on me, Miss Astra~!", which made me pout again as I realized I needed to work on my 'espionage' skills some more.


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts