
Meeting Vienna and Lizbeth Augustia (1)

After our little talk, we all ate and retired for the night, falling into a large pile as an orgy broke out once more, with Rhefia and Aethisia demanding a lot from the rest of us, while Camara occasionally enjoyed the administrations of Kalia or I as we took 'breaks' from the rougher warrior Deerkin.

When morning arose, I fixed us up a hearty breakfast of various meats and grains, making sure we had what we needed for the day since Rhefia and I were likely going to be visiting the Nobles today, while everyone else would be enjoying some more time out in the city.

Yiksa said she wanted her earnings to go buy some alcohol from Suu for when we depart, which Aethisia agreed with immensely, blushing slightly when we all looked at her in surprise.

Camara would go with them, since Aethisia then wanted to go visit the Arena and see if she could get a challenger again to earn some more coin, though I could tell she just wanted to fight.

Kalia was the only one with nothing she really wanted to do, deciding to just follow her two older half sisters around and shop a bit, looking for more seeds or some good books.

As such, I opened my 'coin purse' - inventory - and handed out the money to everyone, giving them something to spend.

Yiksa received the largest, since I just handed back 80% of what she earned last night to her; roughly 9 Gold, while Aethisia took back 10 Gold from her winnings.

I gave Kalia 10 as well, while also returning Camara's earnings from the betting to her, meaning everyone had 10 Gold to spend how they wanted today.

Of course, I also quickly realized how absurd the amount of money we had on hand was when I recalled that a normal family would be safe to live off of 10 Gold for a few months comfortably, so...


Anyways, after we all finished eating and discussing the plans for today, we departed from the carriage and made our way back out into the city.

Rhefia and I walked back to Suu's Love Nest, wanting to tell the Pink Robinkin that we would accept the offer from the Nobles.

Entering the club early in the day, I looked around in surprise at the lounging, chatting women that were all dressed in normal clothes, all of them sipping on coffee or tea as they sat on the couches or stages.

I saw Ithi sitting on the couch wearing a flowing black robe that hid her beautiful body, while Cheria sat on the stage with some more revealing clothes, but still acceptable; a pair of tight shorts that hugged her ass as well as a crop top that revealed her toned stomach.

Everyone glanced at us, and I waved to them before looking towards the bar, where Suu sat cleaning everything up.

It was weird seeing the girls out of their sexual attire, no longer oozing lust but instead... looking like normal women.

I knew that they were just normal women, but I had only ever seen them preparing for the night, so I wasn't used to this... normalcy.

Ithi and Cheria got up, joining Rhefia and I at the bar as we waited for Suu to finish up, her stomach more pronounced today.

We chatted quietly as we waited, the Elf and pink skinned woman discussing plans they had to go on dates or get some shopping done, before Suu finally turned around, smiling softly as she hauled herself up onto her stool.

"Morning~! How've you both been?"

She grinned at Rhefia and I, before nodding to herself as we said we were doing good.

"Good~! So, I'm guessing that the reason you both are here is to accept that request?"

"Yes... So..?"

The Pink Robinkin waved her hand, trailing her finger over her glass of water as she said "It's simple. Ithi can take you to their estate since she's doing a... house call of her own to another Noble. Hand the guards this little token and tell them 'Pink is the favored color' to get in. Lizbeth is a cautious woman, so... anyways, that's all that'll be needed from me, so go, have fun~!"

She placed a small gold token on the counter, before smiling at Rhefia as she said "Oh and Rhefia, I'll be waiting for you to come back sometime soon... I might not be able to take it as deep, but..."

My wife smirked at the Robinkin, reaching over to ruffle her hair before saying "Tomorrow morning then? Start the day off with something nice?"

Suu blushed but nodded, which made Cheria smirk as she cooed "Oh, look at our cute little boss girls~! Blushing like some young, naive woman~!"

The girls all chuckled as they grinned at Suu, who pouted and raised her fist, shouting "I might be pregnant but I can certainly hit you all! If not, I can DEFINITELY dock your pay!"

That made the girls quiet down, but they still smirked at one another as they cast glances at the proud little Robinkin.

Turning back to us with a sigh, Suu asked "Ithi, can you guide them to the Maple Glow Estate please? Shouldn't be too far away from Coriander Estate, right?"

"Sure! I can guide you both to Maple Glow. Come on though, we do need to make haste then. I have a schedule to keep..."

Bidding Suu farewell, we left the club and walked on the streets of Tusk City, listening to Ithi as she responded to my questions.

"Like you both, I got a personal request for something outside of club hours. A Noblewoman wants to experience a futanari Elf, and so she's paying me handsomely for my time. Some up and comer that decided to live an easier, quieter life down in Tusk City. That's what a 'house call' is; usually Nobles do it for a quick fling, but sometimes merchants or some more affluent civilians request us for an hour or so during the day.

A good example is Julieta, one of the bouncers? She gets requests from the common folk quite often, and she charges a few Silvers for an hour; says she wants everyone to find their peace through her body. Some of the other girls take requests and lower the prices because they fancy the person, like Cheria; she's hunting around for a futa to impregnate her, so she's charging little when she does so."

I nodded, enjoying the information before stopping in front of a set of large, golden gates, blinking in surprise at the sudden shift from common buildings to opulent mansions.

"Well, here we are; Maple Glow Estate. Enjoy yourselves now~! See you... I guess tomorrow; Nobles like Lady Vienna never finish quickly."

Ithi grinned at Rhefia and I, waving goodbye as she move down the quiet streets with elegance; looking at her graceful walk, I wouldn't ever think the woman was a prostitute, but I guess that just proves that you never should judge a person too quickly...

Coughing, Rhefia raised a brow at me as she muttered "Let's focus on our job and not the beautiful Elf, alright?"


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts