
Meeting the Noble

I was lulled to sleep with the warmth of my two lovers beside me as we enjoyed the comfort of our tent, spending the night not wrapped in each others embrace for lust but instead love as we held Aka, Ehretia, and Ipoala in our arms.

It was a nice change of pace, but even I knew that it was asking too much for them to not have a few turns with me before the sun rose, the two futas alternating between taking me and looking over the children as they pounded me into the pile of blankets, fucking me for a few minutes each before cumming inside my womb and leaving me a twitching mess waiting to be used again.

The Catkin and Deerkin had begun to foster a sort of mutual respect for one another during their time together these last few days, beginning to respect the other's strength and finding out that they had more in common than they realized during that time, though Sari's competitive nature and constant desire to usurp control made that mutual respect something to be tested daily.

However, where they could both get along was when I was situated right between them, the two women working in tandem to make a mess of me as they indulged in their lusts and sprayed their sticky semen into my womb.

When they were finally done with everything and had gotten their lust out of their system - somewhat, anyways - we managed to get out of the tent and begin to prepare for the meeting with this Noble, who was supposed to arrive sometime around noon, which left us more than enough time to prepare to meet her.

Sari went down to the river and enjoyed the beautiful scenery with Aka, while Rhefia helped Ipoala get cleaned up and changed - the little Pink Robinkin was growing incredibly fast, already in her toddler phase despite being only a few days old.

Aka and Ehretia would be matured in a month or so, meaning that despite being born later, Ipoala would be fully grown while her two older sisters were smaller than her, though I imagine they wouldn't be 'young' for long.

I joined Heila at the campfire and began to cook everyone something to eat, preparing a few extras for later just incase I could 'bribe' the Noble with some food?

Though I don't want to risk anything just incase their palate is too 'sophisticated' for commoner food...

Either way, I kept myself busy as the day went on, continuing to prepare for our buildings and orchard as I got what I needed over these long hours, all while the others continued to keep themselves busy during this slightly stressful time.

I even had Aethisia help me clear out one of the open tents and set up some cushions and a low table inside it for the Noble and I to discuss things in the shade, as well as over some tea that I could brew before hand.

To say I was worried about whomever might show up would be an understatement, as my memories of what Nobles and Royalty might be like were plaguing my mind - I had already written Vienna and her wife Lizbeth off as anomalies inside the Noble sphere, which had been confirmed by themselves as well when we left their home.

If I wasn't careful, or if this person decided on a whim to do something, we could very easily see ourselves having to deal with the Nobility and Royalty of this Queendom, which just so happens to include a woman personally favored by a Goddess to such a degree that she sired a child from that Goddess.

Caution was necessary...

So I made sure everything was as perfect as it could be before the sun reached its zenith, which was when we heard a horse neighing in the distance, it's hooves clopping against the dirt trail that led down towards the Potaam River.

Rhefia made her way towards the cart, donning her veil and hiding herself away with Ipoala and Ehretia, while Sari stood just outside of the cart, leaning against it and keeping watch over the entrance with Aka in her arms, just incase the Noble wanted to take a more... personal look at everything.

Prixisia and the two Dark Elves went to the other cart, with the Lamia hiding herself away as well while Kalia and Yiksa lounged beside that cart, watching curiously from the side.

Aethisia and Camara stood with Heila near the fire, which made me sigh in relief as I saw everyone was accounted for and wouldn't be causing any troubles...


Making my way towards the path that led towards our plot, I stood and waited for the Noble, listening to the sound of their horse growing closer as I took deep breaths, calming myself down and ridding myself of the worry and nerves that threatened to make this harder than it needed to be.

A few minutes passed, and eventually I saw a tall, bulky horse round the bend, its chestnut hair illuminated beautifully by the sun and complimenting its rider.

A long flowing orangish red dress accented with golden trims did little to hide the curves of the woman wearing it, her bountiful chest and wide hips hugged tight by her silky smooth dress, while the golden chain belt and golden bracelets tastefully displayed her wealth.

She had pale skin that was as smooth as her dress was, with her arms, cleavage, and head all revealed to the world; her large breasts were tastefully concealed by the dress, but there was ample cleavage to draw attention to her sensual beauty in a perfectly balanced way.

Three large blue gemstones inlaid into a golden choker that covered her neck, the contrast between those deep ocean blue stones and her red dress complimenting her beauty, as well as her sharp sky blue eyes.

Reddish brown hair was allowed to flow down her back unreserved, the only ornamentation being the intricate crimson flower that adorned her left ear, clipped into her hair and further complimenting her style.

Serious and utterly gorgeous, the Noble looked around the clearing before staring down at me, her eyes narrowing slightly as she asked "Are you Astra, the one who wanted to purchase the land beside the Queen's Forest?"

Her voice was low and sonorous, giving her a regal air that was brought to full display as she stared me down.

"Yes, that is me, Lady..?"

Nudging her horse to the side, the woman looked me over before gazing over towards the others, answering me with that rich voice of hers.

"Duchess Renna Poinset, and the one who will be asking the questions, Miss Astra."


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts