
Meeting The Family (4)

"Hey~! Everyone! I'm back~! Come on out!"

Astra's sudden shout as soon as we entered the compound that she had constructed so quickly startled me, though what really startled me was how quickly all of her family rushed out... and the fact that it was a large amount of people; I knew she had a big family, but seeing it again in this context with me being pregnant, it was... a tad more intimidating than before.

Especially when a tall, lithe Deerkin exited the house only to turn straight back around, her face briefly visible to me and seemingly quite familiar, but not something I could entirely recall... but when Astra said "Rhefia, it's fine. Come on out..." my eyes widened, and I now knew where I had seen her before.

Pursing her lips, the Deerkin turned around and stared at me with narrowed eyes, before ignoring me altogether as she approached Astra, only to pause for a moment when three small children rushed past her legs and almost knocked her over.

An adorable black haired Catkin rushed out ahead and launched herself at Astra, whilst the two others - a Doe and a pink feathered Robinkin - leapt into her embrace a moment later, each of them grinning happily now that their Mother was back.


A Catkin who looked similar to the baby one stepped forwards and let out a sigh, before her yellow eyes narrowed as she looked towards me and asked "So what brings the Duchess to our home yet again? Did our wife make you feel too good in bed? Couldn't bare the idea of not having her pressed against your skin again?"


Astra glared at the Catkin, who just shrugged before looking towards the Hawkkin, then towards the Orc, her eyes narrowing even more.

Another Dark Elf stepped forwards and made her way towards Kalia, and for a brief moment I felt disgust well up inside me as I got to see the one who had caused such pain to Astra, but considering she was able to walk freely and even pull her daughter into a hug, I guess they were past that portion of their lives already...

"So... like you can see, there is someone here with some... legal issues..."

Astra turned towards me with a wry smile, and Rhefia walked over to her side and gently peeled each of the children away from her, much to their irritation, all so she could grab ahold of the woman's juicy ass and pull her in for a deep kiss.

All while her eyes were locked to mine, the warrior Deerkin marking her territory clearly in front of me as she gave her wife a kiss and openly displayed what she was able to freely do whenever she wanted with the woman I had come to love; of course, she had no idea that by doing so, I was only becoming more aroused even if I didn't show it...

Astra pushed her away a moment later, only to be given another kiss by the Catkin Sari, which was just as deep and intimate as before, though the Catkin certainly was far more handsy as she grabbed ahold of both of the woman's cheeks and lifted her up, making sure she could show just how much she missed her woman.

When she was pushed away too, Astra was finally able to go through the introductions for the many people in her family, and all of them were staring at Shelur, Inik and I warily, clearly not entirely sure what to think about us being here.

Though thankfully the two other Deerkin were staring more at Inik than at me, whilst the Lamia and Doe were rather neutral, just observing everything from afar.

"This is Rhefia, this is Sari; they are my two official wives, and they are both the Dama's of my children. Rhefia is the Dama of Camara, Aethisia, and Ehretia through me, and the Dama of Ipoala there. Sari is the Dama of Aka, who is the little milk fiend I was telling you about. Over there is Prixisia, the orange scaled Lamia that we have custody over thanks to her crimes, and that is Heila, a Doe that Rhefia impregnated back in Tusk City. Over with Kalia is Yiksa, her Dama. I... hope that's everyone."

Astra was looking around at the crowded area, counting out each person and nodding to herself after a few seconds as she turned back around, wearing a small smile as she said "And it only gets larger from here on out. Ahem... everyone, I-"

"You and the Duchess here had sex last night and now you want to add her to your growing harem of women who are absolutely in love with your body and you?"

The dry voice of Rhefia made Astra pause for a moment, and after a few seconds she took off her veil and pouted as she stared back at the Deerkin, who was just staring back at her wife with a neutral expression.

"I... It's not my 'harem of women' but a group of people that I love and want to spend the rest of my life with!"

"That... is a harem."

Rhefia raised a brow before rolling her eyes when Astra stomped her foot, only to glance at me and say "Well, I guess this means you've sworn not to turn me in or something? Otherwise..."

"About that..."

Astra made Rhefia blink a few times as the woman tapped her index fingers together, not staring directly at her wife as she remained quiet, which caused the Deerkin to take a deep breath and look towards the sky.

"I... have no intention to do anything at the moment, no. I would still advise remaining away from the city though..?"

"Yeah, I got that. So what made you so confidently bring her back here if there was no oath sworn?"

The violet haired woman pursed her lips and looked towards me, before turning to look at her family as she said "Well... I got her pregnant, so uh..."

Rhefia, Sari, and the two Deerkin just stared at the woman for a few seconds more, before Kalia decided that she should get this out of the way now as she said "And um... Inik and I are going to get married... since I'm pregnant too..."


Just one chapter today sorry, next couple of days should be double uploads though!



Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts