
Making a Schedule

"Well, with that all out of the way, are there days you'd prefer to come over to the house to work, or does any day work?"

The Duchess was shuffling through the paperwork and putting them in order, before she reached over and took a sip of tea, which made her eyes sparkle a little with glee.

"Any day would be fine, Duchess, but it'd be better to set everything up beforehand and have a system in place in case I need to change days around, no?"

"It would... For now, I think it'd be best if tomorrow you came over to start, then we pick another day afterwards and see how much work you get through before setting everything in stone. I'll have all the necessary things brought over by tomorrow too, so no need to worry about that. Then we can create a schedule for things and work from there. Sound good?"

"It does, Duchess. It'll be a pleasure working with you."

The red haired woman just smiled at me as she rolled the papers back up, her plump lips curling up and brightening up her expression as she said "I hope it is, Miss Astra... I really hope it is."

Tucking the papers away, the Duchess finished her tea and stood up, her curvaceous body illuminated by the suns rays and enhancing her racy red dress, which hugged her curves tightly.

"Well then, Miss Astra, I shall be seeing you tomorrow. No later than noon, preferably earlier than that. I'll be waiting for you, so don't be late. I'll be heading out now, alright?"

I got up as well, walking the Duchess to the door and escorting her over to her horse, my eyes getting lost occasionally as I admired her mountainous chest and shapely behind, curiosity on what laid beneath the dress making it hard to pull my eyes away, though I made sure to do so.

Of course, the Duchess just gave me a knowing smile as she mounted her horse, those sky blue eyes twinkling with amusement as she began to trot out of the compound, waving goodbye before disappearing into the forest.

My cheeks reddened slightly as I felt mild embarrassment for having been caught blatantly ogling her body - which must be a common occurrence since she detected it easily, and I can understand entirely why - though it was swept away instead by curiosity on what it would be like to work a job that didn't have any sexual requirements.

So far in my life, I've only had two 'jobs'; working as a glorified prostitute at Suu's Club, and peddling my wares from the cart whenever we traveled, and both encompassed sex in some ways.

It was far too easy to barter with my body and make people pay more for my goods if I gave them a 'helping hand' and some warm comfort instead of relying on solely words and mind games.

Additionally, it would seem that this world had a more open idea on what a merchant was, since most tended to barter with coin or sex interchangeably, since I had been able to buy or sell most things thanks to sucking a cock or licking a pussy for a little bit.

It was something that I was happy about, since my desires were rather large and I couldn't imagine being in a world where sex was something that was meant only for private settings despite being something that everyone wanted or something that was so common everywhere...

Though maybe it's because this world has magic and the like that people feel comfortable having sex freely, or perhaps I'm looking too deeply into it...

Taking a breath, I turned and made my way back into the compound, calling for Camara, Kalia, Yiksa and Heila, the four women showing up - with the others coming alongside them, attracted to the cluster of women and obviously wanting to satiate their lusts.

Rhefia and Sari stood beside me, the two carrying our children yet still groping me hiddenly, with Sari being the most daring as she caressed my pussy lips and began to finger me, though Aethisia was rather obvious as well since she just stood behind Yiksa and wrapped her arms around the Dark Elf's waist, the two moving back and forth together quietly.

Coughing, I glared at Sari even as she curled her finger inside me, hooking my pussy and itching at my insides without a care, so I just looked away from her and said "Tomorrow I'll be going to the Duchess vacation home and do my first day of work, which means I'll be gone from sometime in the morning until the afternoon. Additionally, it seems that it'll be at least two days a week, with a potential third day as well if I require it. 

With me going out to work, that leaves the rest of you here to do whatever, though I would prefer productivity over laziness if at all possible, and to make that a point... I have ideas. Camara, Kalia, the two of you are the ones that will have things to sell at the markets, so get everything prepared for... two days from now. We're going to start going to the market biweekly, maybe weekly depending on sales. So you need to get an idea going and start executing it. Kalia, I say you since the Duchess seemed rather enamored with the tea, so I was thinking small bundles of tea leaves with herbs that can be sold for personal use or familial use. Make them for normal drinking or medicinal and the like, since herbal concoctions sell quite well.

Prixisia, help her with that, and start setting your alchemy lab up the way you want; everything you requested is ready, and all you need to do is get it set up. I'd love if you showed Kalia and I what to do, and if you want to begin brewing things to sell as well, that'd be great. Otherwise, just things that we could use would be great as well. Heila, if I could ask you to continue looking after the children alongside Camara, that'd be perfect. They really like you, 'Aunt Heila'~! Besides that just make sure everyone's fed and make sure to relax. I know I'm asking a lot, but don't push yourself; you're still pregnant too, Heila.

Finally, the four of you; Aethisia, Rhefia, Sari, and Yiksa. Figure it out amongst yourselves, but I would like these days of work to be for all of us, so leave one of you behind as guard and the other three go out to hunt and gather resources for me. Metals, woods, herbs, monster materials... all of it. Anything we can get ourselves would be great. Besides, I know the four of you can't sit still and be by yourselves without... 'devolving' into horny animals..."

Sari continued to finger me, Rhefia massaged my ass, and Aethisia rubbed her thick penis against Yiksa's butt, making the four blink a few times before they all smiled wryly, accepting that fact and not arguing it.

"Wait, but you're the horniest one of us all, Astra... I mean, earlier we were using you one after another for an hour!"

I glared over at Rhefia, who smiled back at me despite her words, the Deerkin leaning down and whispering "And that's why I love you so much, Astra. You're MY horny little slut... Besides, aren't you planning on sleeping with the Duchess~?"

"That's besides the point. Anyways, that's the idea; working on things on those two or three days to make progress, spending another day at the market selling things, and then relaxing and doing whatever we want on the remaining days of the week. Sounds like a plan, no?"

I looked around and received nods, before Heila smiled softly as she stepped forwards and took the children from both Rhefia and Sari, the Doe saying "It does, Astra... and I think they have a plan for you currently..."

My lips curled into a smile as I saw Camara, Aethisia, Yiksa, Sari and Rhefia step forwards, the five woman clearly aroused and ready for sex, their cocks achingly hard as they devoured me with their gazes.

Kalia just smiled from the outside, my devoted daughter taking a step back and falling into the clutches of Prixisia, who smiled down at the Dark Elf and whispered something to her.

It was clear that this plan was one I'd enjoy, and without much surprise or suspense I allowed myself to be dragged into the house, where I was 'devoured'.


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts