
Reincarnated as the Only Human

Astra woke up in a forest with no recollection of her precious life. The only thing she knew was that she had a system with two parts; one was a Survival System, and the other was a... Wait, what?! A Breeder System?! Finding herself in a forest, Astra now has to survive on her own, fending off the sexual and violent advances of all the other forest inhabitants; none of which are Human! Will Astra be able to survive on this hectic, pleasurable forest? Or will she lose herself to lust? --- Additional Notes: Female MC is pure Woman for now; there is futa, and all the characters are either women or futa. There will be both light hearted moments and dark moments, and this novel is mainly centered around her trying to survive in this new world, all while living her life to the fullest.

Ketsueki_Hasu · Fantasy
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698 Chs

Lyna Augustia

Rhefia PoV

All three of the Augustia girls stood around me, looking at me with lust, anticipation, shyness, and excitement.

I focused on Lyna first, bowing to the Boarkin and raising her hand to my lips, giving her the traditional Noble greeting.

She blushed slightly at that, her olive cheeks darkening as she watched me, while her sister Seryn 'swooned' at my actions, a large grin on her face.

"Feel like a Noblewoman now, Lyna~? Is your knight in shining armor standing before you~?"

Lyna glared at her sister, before gently pulling her hand away as she said "Well... Miss Rhefia, please follow me. I believe that it would be better for you to go from room to room instead of us needing to leave. From what Mama and Dama have said, our first times might be a little... hard on our bodies."

"Very well then. Who's room is who's? So that I know where to go when our time is up, Lady Lyna?"

I held back a smirk as she blushed again, her shorter frame placing her head near my chest.

"Seryn's room is there, and Tessa's room is there. Sisters, please go ahead and wait in your rooms... Miss Rhefia will be with you when her time is up with me..."

Her blush deepened, and Seryn grinned as she hugged my arm, blowing a kiss up at me before skipping towards her room.

Tessa shyly waved to me before walking towards hers, and I watched her hips sway as she walked, wondering just what lay beneath her dress...

Feeling a tug on my sleeve, I looked down towards Lyna and smiled, gesturing for her to lead me into her room.

Lyna nodded, and we walked into her luxurious room, making our way straight to her bed, which was large enough to fit five comfortably.

I looked down at her and asked "What would you like to try first, Lady Lyna?"

The Boarkin wrung her hands out as she timidly asked "M-May I see it first..?"

My smirk made her shudder, but I swiftly undressed myself, her gasp of admiration making my heart - and cock - swell as I stood before her nude.

She stared at my rising cock with wide eyes, her hands covering her lips as she stood there, silent.

"Lady Lyna? What now? Do you wish to touch it? To taste it? Or shall we go straight to the main event?"

"O-Oh... Um... P-Please sit..."

She gestured towards the bed, and I sat down and watched as she began to strip as well, her dress falling quietly to the floor, revealing her smooth, supple flesh to me.

Her breasts were a handful, while her hips widened out considerably, giving me something to hold onto when we were mating.

Lyna took care of herself it seems, as her stomach was toned and flat, while her thighs and calves were defined slightly, suggesting she at least ran to keep herself in shape.

Spreading my legs for her, I watched the Noblewoman drop to her knees and crawl towards my cock, her nose twitching.

Easily covering a large chunk of her face, I raised a brow as she gulped, her eyes unfocused as her nose twitched some more.

"Lady Lyna, I would suggest a mixture of both touching and tasting... Place your hands around the base of my shaft - like that, yes... before kissing or licking the tip. If you feel more confident, or want to taste more of it, you can try to put the tip in your mouth..."

She followed what I said, wrapping her fingers around the base of my cock before kissing the underside of my tip, before gasping as she watched a pearl of precum ooze from my urethra.

"I-Is that..?"

"Yes, that is semen. Specifically, precum. It comes out early to help lubricate your insides so that I can reach deeper... Want to taste it? Apparently it tastes similar to actual semen, just not as strong."

Her tongue flicked out over my tip, and she moaned softly as she tasted my semen; biting my cheek, I held in a low groan as her actions aroused me more and more, the thought of deflowering her only adding to my lust.

"It t-tastes like... mint?"

I smiled at that, saying "I was lucky enough to be blessed with a good flavor. Everyone's different, since the Goddesses love variety. Your future partner might have a flavor you hate or love. Though, most flavors tend to grow on you..."

Like the raspberry taste of Astra had on me - I didn't care for acidic tastes, yet she was both sweet and acidic, and I fell for that flavor quite well...

Lyna nodded, before she opened her mouth and tried to take my tip into her mouth, making me grunt as my tip was enveloped in a stick warmth.

"Mm~ Alright, if you want to learn to pleasure me with your mouth, then~ make sure to use your tongue, pucker your lips, and salivate on it... All of those things make oral sex feel much better on a futanari penis."

I could see her eyes searching for mine under her long lashes, and I smiled softly at her before letting out a soft groan again, giving her stimulus and acknowledgements of her efforts.

"If you want to make me ejaculate, Lady Lyna, then use one of your hands to gently massage my testicles, while stroking my shaft with the other~! Oh yes, like that~!"

My fingers curled into the bedsheets as she began to suck harder on my tip, all while her fingers did what I wanted them to do.

The room grew quiet, filled only with the soft pants from me and the light gasps from Lyna as she came up for air.

Pushing my ejaculation forwards slightly, I moaned "I'm going to cum, Lady Lyna~! Swallow it down~!"

I leaned back and stared at the ceiling, moaning again as she sucked harder on my tip and swallowed my cum as I began to ejaculate into her mouth, filling it with my sperm.

It wasn't as large as it normally was, but for a newcomer to sex, it was immense.

Credit to her, Lyna didn't spit it out or spill it, greedily gulping it down before instinctively opening her mouth, showing me her tongue.

"Yeah... If you ever give oral again, always finish it like that... it's universally loved by futa's, Lady Lyna... Now... Shall we continue?"

Getting up from the floor, she nodded as she sat on the bed, her cheeks dark.

"That was great, Lady Lyna. You did really well!"

She blushed harder, but still smiled as she nodded, happy with the praise.

"Now, how do you want me to take you? There are a multitude of positions, and each offer different pleasures. To start, I would suggest other missionary - laying on you back - or doggystyle - on your hands and knees."

"U-Um... m-missionary then..? I w-want to embrace you..."

Smiling gently at her, I nodded before guiding her onto her back, my wet cock still hard as I looked down at her.

"Spread your legs further... like that. Now, I'm going to push my penis in, Lady Lyna. It will hurt at first, but it should quickly turn to pleasure, alright? So bear with it..."

My hands rested on either side of her face, and I lowered my hips and pressed my cock against her slit, which was drenched with need.

Double checking her eyes, I pushed into her cunt and began to go inside, reaching her hymen quickly.

She gasped and threw her arms over me, her breathing labored.

"Lady Lyna, this is going to hurt... So in three... two..."

Before I reached one, I pushed past her hymen and tore it, grimacing slightly as she screamed in pain.

Wrapping my arms around her, I gently placed my lips over hers and kissed her, distracting her from my cock that continued deeper.

Lyna fell silent as I kissed her, the Boarkin staring at me in shock before gasping as I slipped my tongue between her lips, showing her a proper kiss.

Her flavor was smooth and gentle, as well as relatively... tasteless.

It was like a nice, crisp glass of cool water down the gullet; something everyone loves, but something that isn't flavorful.

However, it was still nice to experience, and I deepened the kiss before reaching her womb.

Moans replaced her gasps as I entered her deepest parts, and I smirked as I felt her wrap her legs around me as well, her entire body clinging to mine as I sheathed myself entirely inside her.

When we needed to separate for air, I grinned at Lyna as I gently thrust in and out of her, enjoying her moans.

"So? Does it feel good now, Lady Lyna?"

Her cunt was slick with blood and her juices, but she could only moan in pleasure as I scraped against her womb.

Resting my balls against her ass, I studied her pleasured expression before whispering "I'm going to truly start us off now, Lady Lyna... prepare yourself. If you think this feels good, well..."

Her eyes widened as I kissed her again, and she moaned loudly as I raised and dropped my hips, plunging into her womb and pounding against it.

Keeping a steady, yet slow pace, I began to fuck the Boarkin under me, slapping my balls against her ass and using her cervix to stroke my tip.

With how tight her now deflowered hole was, it didn't take long for her meaty folds to wring out my cock, and I moaned alongside her as I began to shoot my sperm into her womb, this time giving her a full ejaculation.


Lyna shouted out as I was mid ejaculation, and my mind was clouded over as I shot my semen into her womb, trying to knock her up.


She slammed her fists against my chest, but I only smirked at her as I continued to pump my sperm into her tight pussy, saying "Cum, Lyna... Go ahead and feel the ultimate pleasure of being a woman... cum as I knock you up~!"

The Noblewoman shuddered at my shift from being a kind tutor to myself, and I grinned as her eyes began to roll around in her skull, her pleasured groaning filling the room as I slammed my cock into her bloated womb, stirring my cum around.

Her thick folds writhed to life as she started to cum for the first time, and she shouted out wordlessly as she convulsed under me, her heart pounding.

Our bodies were still clinging together, and I felt her heart as she came, all while I thrusted deep into her womb, making her cry out harder.

When she finished cumming, the Noblewoman was looking at me in a daze, only to gasp as I woke her up with another deep thrust.

"So, Lady Lyna~? How was it? Did you enjoy cumming while I filled your womb with my sperm?"

Her cheeks darkened in mere moments, and she nodded, moaning loudly as I continued to hold her close.

"Well... we still have a long time together, my Lady..."

She gulped at that, before moaning "K-Keep h-holding me like this..! I-It feels so good~!"

I gave her a nod, maintaining a steady motion as I continued to fuck her, our bodies wrapped together as we made passionate love atop her bed.

That hour passed by in bliss, albeit short bliss.

A maid knocked on the door and informed me that the time was up, but I just waved her away and pounded into the Noblewoman below me, wringing out another load before pulling out of her.

Semen poured from her gaping cunt, and blood mixed with the sperm as I finally left her womb.

Lyna was unconscious now, her chest rising and falling as she panted for breath, while my semen swum around inside her womb, trying to impregnate her.

Rising from the bed, I wiped off my brow and made my way over to Seryn's room, but not before the maid dropped to her knees and licked my semen from my cock - and gulped down my load as I fucked her throat.

Showering the thin Doe with my sperm, I grinned at her as she blushed, her tail trembling behind her.

However, before I could ask if she wanted to mate for a bit, she raised her hands and used a water spell on me, chanting under her breath and cleaning me off, so that I would enter Seryn's room smelling fresh - and not like Lyna or like semen.

Blowing the Doe a kiss, I grinned as I entered the Second Daughters room, prepared to enjoy another hour of blissful sex.


Just a tad~ bit longer now wasn't it~?

Double the length, actually, and that's since I thought - why shouldn't I just make a 2 in 1 chapter for today~?

Don't know if the other chapters will be this long, but they might, so... enjoy~!



Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts