
Large Family

"Mm... Renna, you're really good at this..."

Moaning softly, I gave Renna a small peck even as she moved up and down on my cock, the red head using her hips and pressing her butt against my thighs as she milked me for the last of my semen.

We were standing together still inside the alchemy room, making love still despite the two of us knowing that we were needed elsewhere to ensure that everything was going well with the rest of the family, but...

She felt so good on my skin as I held her, and the pleasure from both the body and the mind as we embraced was intoxicating as we hid away in this room, seeking out one another to sate the rest of our lusts as best we could.

Renna giggled softly as she rubbed herself against me, before we both moaned as I ejaculated once more inside her womb, my sperm flowing from my cock freely and bloating her womb even more than it already was thanks to the sperm that Shelur had ejaculated into her.

Holding that pseudo pregnant bump of hers in my hands and enjoying the softness of her butt as we stood there was incredible, and I now understood why all of my partners had constantly been seeking me out when I was pregnant.

There was just something primal about seeing the large stomach on a woman and knowing that inside, a new life was being formed - and it was even better when that new life was partially yours as well.

"You're good at this as well, Astra... all this cum... I love it..."

Rubbing my cheek against hers, I felt my face heat up slightly as she added "I love you..." a breath after that, something that made my heart leap inside my chest as I hugged her tighter and whispered back "I love you too, Renna..."

The smile that blossomed on her face as she nuzzled me back was reward enough for me, but I obviously craved more as my magically grown cock stiffened once again, though sadly the rough knocking on the door startled us both, before we were dragged out of our fluffy, lovey dovey world when Rhefia peeked inside and said "Stop fucking and come upstairs. Camara's struggling to calm all the children down since they're quite 'famished'..."

Rhefia shook her head as she leaned against the door, watching as I pulled out of Renna with obvious lust in her eyes as she raked her gaze over us both hungrily, though she added "I think it's just Aka being a bit of a brat and the other two being a bit lonely after their Mama oh so cruelly left them for so~ very long..."

Smirking at me, Rhefia then gestured at our tits as she added "I really think it's just Aka being a brat though. Her being all upset since Camara can't produce as much milk as our two cows here seemed to get Ehretia and Ipoala upset, and they're all sulking and throwing small hissy fits. Can't really blame them..."

When I had gotten closer to her, Rhefia spun around and grabbed my ass before walking beside me, her hungry stare remaining on my breasts as she continued to speak, clearly enjoying having me back in the house so that she could let her lust run freely to the person she lusted and loved the most.

To say I wasn't happy would be a lie, though having her so blatantly treating me like a piece of meat in front of Renna... I was mixed on that, of course; on one hand, I loved the way she was so clearly wanting to pull me into a room and fuck me hard for a few minutes, but I was also a tad embarrassed for how she was treating me in front of Renna, though when I glanced back...

Well, Renna was following us from behind, and her cheeks were red as she stared at Rhefia's hand with clear lust, only to blush even more when she realized we were both looking back at her.

"Wait! Did you call me a cow?!"

After a few seconds I turned back to Rhefia and glared at her, only to moan as she reached over with her other hand and squeezed my tit, soaking the shirt I wore with milk and causing her to raise a brow as she asked "Are you not? You've got tits as big as a Cowkin, and more milk than one! Or would you prefer I call you my sow? Is that what makes you feel better~? When I call you my fat assed sow perfect for breeding~? Hey, tonight, let me breed you like the sow you are, yeah? I'll milk you and let you drink my 'milk'~!"

She snickered at that, watching my cheeks darkened to match Renna's as we both imagined that happening; the idea of yet another orgy where Renna watched as I got bred was really titillating, but...

"W-Well... maybe later, but... We were supposed to take the children to the Festival today!"

Panic slightly filled my mind as I recalled that fact, but Rhefia just shrugged as she said "We were, but that was before you came back with a Duchess, an Orc, and Kalia came back with a Hawkkin. I don't think going out is the right idea at the moment; we should be taking this time to get to know our new family members, no? And we do need to go over some things... like Giselle, or what we should be doing just in case the Queen comes calling. There are other things too, like getting some more funds for the family, getting food and materials stocked up..."

My panic receded somewhat at that, though I pouted as I said "There were still a few things I wanted to do inside the Festival though..."

"Things or people?"

My pout deepened as I stared at Rhefia, who only smirked when Renna said "Magistrate Fenkar did request that you pay her a visit for a large amount of money. Oh, and on an unrelated note, we do have to go see my sister soon and tell her about the commission for the store..."


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts