

After finding out that I was lactating, it became part of our morning ritual; instead of giving my beautiful Deerkin wife a morning blowjob, I bounced on her cock while she suckled on my tit, deigning to drink my milk over eating a full meal.

I had also told her that, somehow, someway, my womb closed while I was pregnant, meaning she could fuck me however she wanted.

I had hoped that would get her to flood my needy cunt with her thick seed, but she seemed to be in love with all three of my holes, alternating as she saw fit and giving each an ample dose of her minty semen.

Which is why I was also currently full; her cock was filling my ass as I bounced, moaning loudly as she assaulted my intestines and breast.

Feeling her cock pulsating inside me, I prepared to receive her potent load, moaning harder as she bit down on my tit.

Cumming from her rough treatment, I enjoyed receiving more of my lovers semen inside me, leveling up my Breeding System again.

Five days had passed quickly enough, and my systems now looked like;

[Level Up

Level 12 (SS), Level 15 (BS)

You have one Breeding Point!]

I had continued crafting my love her arrows, eventually convincing her to wear some real clothing, citing that it might help her blend in on her hunts...

Besides that, ever since she had gotten a taste of my milk Rhefia had been insatiable, craving it at every moment she possibly could; I loved that she wanted me so badly, so much so that I had improved {Pleasurable Body II} to {Pleasurable Body IV}, going from 10% to 25% more pleasure.

Which was also why my ass was looser than before, but I didn't mind; it made it easier to fit her wide girth whenever she bedded me.

Besides that, I had also improved {Seed Absorption} to it's third state as of now, considering it would make it easier on myself if I could live entirely off her minty cum...

It really did taste so good...

As for my Survival System, I had improved {Crafter} to it's third stage and taken {Spearwoman II}, which improved my Attack Value with spears by 6.

It was just one of those skills that, while I didn't use it currently, I wanted to have it just in case.

So, after lifting myself off Rhefia's lap, I watched as my chocolate skinned wife got up, her face shining from the constant pleasure.

Giving me a long, deep kiss, Rhefia slipped her fingers into my cunt, swiftly sending me to the edge, making me cum again.

"You are so..."

Licking her lips, Rhefia grinned at me, her cock throbbing as it demanded more attention.


Gently pushing her away, I chuckled as she kissed me again, giving my ass a good slap before walking towards the rack I had installed on the side of the house.

Lifting her bow from the rack, she came back and kissed my red nipple, getting another sip of my milk before chuckling as I pushed her away again, fake glaring at her.


"Haha~! Yes, yes~! I'm going, love! Don't miss me too much~"

Tossing on her fur vest, she disappeared into the forest, making me marvel at how she too had improved over our week or so together.

Maybe I was improving her via sex?

My heart warmed at that idea, only for me to gasp as I felt something.

A tiny kick inside my large stomach made me grin, and as I sat down I felt another one.

"Camara dear~! You wanna join mama out here? Hm?"

Smiling gently down at my noticeable bump, I chuckled as another kick came, almost as confirmation.

"I can't wait either... you and your dama Rhefia... will you be as beautiful as her, I wonder? As tall and strong as your dama? Or will you take after me, and be a caring woman?"

For a few minutes I sat there, talking to my little one as she occasionally kicked out, making me feel giddy.

I was a month away from giving birth, which made me both anxious and excited.

I couldn't wait to not only bring a new life into this world; one that Rhefia and I would cherish dearly, but...

Licking my lips, I found myself desiring Rhefia to fuck me with the intention of breeding me again; how she pushed me down and took me primally, wanting nothing more than to knock me up.

See, recently she had been gentler, and while I was still satisfied by it, I missed that raw feeling of her dominating me completely, taking me with the intention of impregnating me.

Recalling how she had told me she wanted five kids, I found myself more partial to the idea now...

Though the idea of five mixtures of her and I running around was slightly worrying, but also endearing...

Leaning back, I stared up at the blue sky, taking in the two suns and wondering what else was out there.

From my very hazy memories, I recalled that Lion's lived in drier areas; savanna's were their preferred areas.

Or what about what the past me wanted; Cow Women and hung Orcs?

Where would they live?

Would I ever meet them; and more importantly, was I going to remain with only Rhefia?

I loved the woman; I knew that I did, wholeheartedly so.

But the thought of remaining with just her was...


Even if we managed to have dozens of children together, I feel that I might regret being with just her...

As for Rhefia, I think the amount of convincing I would need to do to allow me to sleep with others would be quite difficult...

Pursing my lips, I bathed in the suns light as I pondered that question, thinking of possible solutions.

Surprisingly, that took most of the day, and I eventually found myself sucking eagerly on her cock, the Deerkin standing in front of me, her leg on the stair above me as she fucked my throat.

Swirling my tongue around her flared tip, I enjoyed the way she groaned above me, trying desperately to hold in her large load, only to spray it everywhere as I started massaging her heavy balls.

Sitting beside me when I finished swallowing down her seed, I told her about Camara's kicking, making the Deerkin grin widely as she knelt in front of me, gently holding my stomach and whispering to our child.

Smiling down at her, I pushed thoughts of mating with other races to the back of my mind; for now, all I needed was this tall, muscular Deerkin and her minty semen, as well as the five kids she promised me~


So, like I've said, Rhefia is wifey number 1, and will stay that way for awhile; both because Geard Forest is rather remote, and also because of how adamant she will be to keep Astra to herself.

For now, it'll just be these two (maybe three and four~) for a little while, since Astra still has many things to do, like leveling both her systems, learning to hunt, give birth, and so on~



Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts