
Reincarnated as the Only Human

Astra woke up in a forest with no recollection of her precious life. The only thing she knew was that she had a system with two parts; one was a Survival System, and the other was a... Wait, what?! A Breeder System?! Finding herself in a forest, Astra now has to survive on her own, fending off the sexual and violent advances of all the other forest inhabitants; none of which are Human! Will Astra be able to survive on this hectic, pleasurable forest? Or will she lose herself to lust? --- Additional Notes: Female MC is pure Woman for now; there is futa, and all the characters are either women or futa. There will be both light hearted moments and dark moments, and this novel is mainly centered around her trying to survive in this new world, all while living her life to the fullest.

Ketsueki_Hasu · Fantasy
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702 Chs

Harvest Festival (8)

When Countess Vitri departed from the store, the Duchess sunk into her chair and let out a deep sigh, the woman closing her eyes and shaking her head as she idly muttered "Sometimes... Sometimes I want to rid myself of my title. People like that..."

Looking down at the Duchess, I frowned as the irritation and slight defeat rolled off her body in small, yet noticeable waves, and it hurt somewhat to see, so...

"Duchess, would you like a massage?"

Her eyes opened as she heard that, and she stared at me blankly for a few moments before giving me a nod, a mixture of expectation and embarrassment present inside those sky blue orbs that were almost always clear and sparkling.

My heart leapt inside my chest as she nodded, and I moved to stand behind her chair as I reached for her shoulders, the Duchess leaning back into the seat and looking forwards silently as I rested my hands on her body, blanking for a moment.

I was... touching her right now, and it wasn't just her hand or her arm... but her shoulders.

When I looked down, I could clearly see her giant breasts beneath the transparent red cloth that covered the tops of her boobs, and those twin mountains provided quite the view as I lost myself between them, only to shake my head and begin to massage her shoulders, my fingers finding the slight knots in her muscles that I started to work out with deep, firm presses.

Sighing, the Duchess leaned back even more as she grabbed her teacup, taking a sip from it and saying "Ah, and I had forgotten to say that you made an excellent pot of tea, Astra. A shame that the person you had to make it for was someone as disgusting as that..."

"It's alright, Duchess. At the end of the day, she is still a Noble, even if she is... portly."

"Portly? That's being far too kind, Astra... Vitri would be better suited as a Pigkin than a Dogkin... Hells, that may even be rude to Pigkin! They're portly women, not fat like she is... Hah... but I shouldn't be speaking ill of her behind her back, no matter how much I feel it is warranted."

I remained silent, rubbing the Duchess' shoulders and trying my hardest to ignore the way her breasts jiggled as I massaged her, the movement of her torso making them become so enticing as I stood behind and above her...

"She is in an odd position, Vitri... On one hand, she is a second generation Noble; her Mother was a Viscountess, her Mom was a soldier. They made their mark as merchants selling monster parts that her Mom procured. Sadly, her Mom died on a hunt after she had been born, and her Mother turned bitter. Took the rank Countess and started forging connections with whomever she could, however she could... Vitri is the oldest of seven, but she is the only one with power.

When her Mother died giving birth to her last sister, Vitri took the business she was left and used them to forge more connections on her own, creating a small mountain of wealth for herself that she diffused amongst her siblings as she married them away or sent them away, ensuring she remained where she was. Started dabbling in the Slave Trade, and now... she works as a negotiator for any who need it, for those Nobles who are either incompetent or are unable to wield words as well as they wield magic or steel."

Sighing again, the Duchess leaned into my hands and moaned softly, causing me to freeze for a moment before resuming the massage, working out the strain on her back from the weight of her chest, something that I knew all too well...

"I despise being near her, or others like her, but those ilk remain inside the Nobility no matter what. Drunk on power, fat with wealth they don't deserve... It's a shame, really, but there is nothing I can do besides accept them as fellow Nobles. A shame..."

I continued to remain quiet, letting the Duchess speak her mind freely and relax, though when she reached up and caressed my hand, I paused, my cheeks reddening as I wondered what she was going to say.

"When Vitri asked if I could 'convince' her to harbor a better deal, I got angry. She wanted to lay her dirty, greasy paws on you, and that... made me angry. It's odd; usually, I find it alright to use what I can to get a better deal - within a certain degree - and even when some Nobles have tried to have sexual relations with myself or any of my employees, I only feel irritated, not angry. And yet..."

Looking back at me, the Duchess tilted her head as she pursed her lips, still caressing my hand as she said "It made me angry that she was looking at you like that. Even though our agreement - our contract - mentioned that I could ask you if I was able to make use of you in that way, it angered me the way she so blatantly disregarded you and treated you like my possession to give away..."

I swallowed hard, something the Duchess didn't miss as she smiled softly at me, the woman stroking my hand as she whispered "Don't worry, I did agree to never let harm fall upon you, and I did agree to never use you as an object, Astra..."

"I know, Duchess... and..."

Biting my lip, I contemplated what I should say, only for the Duchess to giggle as she said "I know... you're a rather... open woman, Astra. If you don't mind being 'used', then... well, I would prefer not, but I wouldn't say no either. It's odd; when Shelur was requested by Noblewomen, and she accepted, I had no qualms letting her go, but... I want to keep you for myself, yet at the same time, the idea of stifling who you are is..."

Tracing her finger over the back of my hand, she sighed again before standing up, the Duchess looking at me from over her shoulder as she took a deep breath and said "Well, we should get going. There's still a few more stores to go and take a look at before we can enjoy the festivities. Shall we?"

A wide, brilliant smile appeared on her lips as she extended her hand towards me, turning and staring at me with those clear blue eyes that captured my own whenever I saw them, and I blushed some more beneath my veil as I reached forwards and took her hand, our fingers entwining as she guided me out of the room and back into the store.


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