
Harvest Festival (6)

Time stood still as the ever beautiful, elegant Duchess stared at me uncertainly, her hand brushing against mine as she stood right beside me, waiting for an answer to her question.

Was the profits worth the risk..?

I blinked a few times, seconds ticking by agonizingly slow as I tried to get my mind right, to get my thoughts together to properly understand what was happening, but... this wasn't a situation I was supposed to overanalyze, right?

This was just a situation where I was supposed to just do something, not think...


Biting my lip, I took a deep breath and slipped my hand towards the Duchess', entwining our fingers and watching as the red haired woman's face began to match said hair, her cheeks flushing as she looked down towards our clasped hands with a myriad of emotions; happiness, relief, arousal...

Those sky blue eyes held multiple emotions, and the way she squeezed my hand in hers after a brief moment made me smile too, my cheeks beginning to match hers as I stared at our entwined fingers, only for the two of us to jump as Shelur coughed and said "This is nice and all, but we are on a schedule, Duchess, Miss Astra... Countess Vitri is expecting your arrival in... twelve minutes at Floral Fabrics. I do apologize, but you did order me to get you there no matter what."

The Duchess blinked a few times before nodding, her cheeks darkening even more as she glanced back at Shelur, who was staring at us unapologetically as she tapped her pocket watch, indicating the time.

"Y-Yes, I did... thank you, Shelur."

Swallowing, the Duchess turned around stiffly and began to walk down the street, and she pulled her hand from mine as she did so, only to shiver as I made my way beside her and grabbed her hand again, not letting her go this time.


She turned and stared at me in surprise, and I stamped down on my own embarrassment as I said "You can't just get your 'profit' and not want to hold it, no?"

We stared at one another, blushing hard as I squeezed her hand in mine, until the Duchess just nodded, her lips curling into a joyous grin as she said "Yes..! You're right, Astra... Of course I do~!"

I grinned back at her, though she couldn't see it beneath my veil as we began to walk down the street again, hand in hand and side by side, something that made it impossible for our grins to fade away.

My heart was beating hard inside my large chest as we walked like a couple, this purer, more innocent profession of lust so different compared to what I was used to; usually, instead of my hand, Rhefia and Sari held my waist and grabbed my ass, treating me roughly and capitalizing on my easy to spark arousal to get me ready to mate whenever we found the opportunity.

It was nothing against them, since I loved that about the both of them; I loved how they confidently handled me in public, letting others see that they had managed to earn such a fine trophy like myself and flaunting me to them before pulling me into a secluded area and fucking me as hard as they could, marking my womb with their thick sperm.

Comparatively - so far anyways - the Duchess was far more 'innocent' in her treatment of me, and that made this feel special, made this feel refreshing as we walked hand in hand towards her next store, where she had a client waiting for her.

Before I could even begin to enjoy holding her hand, we arrived at the store, and the Duchess turned to me and hesitantly said "I... We need to be professional about this, so..."

Extracting her hand from mine, she frowned as she stared at it for a few moments before sighing, clenching it and letting it hang limply by her side, all while I stared at her with a wry smile, not liking the way my hand felt cold now but understanding why this needed to happen...

I gave her a nod and approached the door, pushing it open and gesturing for her to enter, watching as the Duchess stared at me for a few moments before heading inside, her expressions under control now as she walked in with a small smile and serious eyes.

Shelur grabbed the door for me, and the Orc leaned down and whispered "I do apologize for that, sincerely, but her position does not allow her to be late; it would be a stain on her reputation if she held another Noble up..."

Looking up at the tall, muscular Orc, I nodded again and whispered back "I understand, Shelur, really. Besides, I think this would be best taken slowly, no?"

Shelur just grunted in agreement, sending me inside with a nod before closing the door behind herself as she joined us inside the clothing store, the dozens of tables and mannequins covered in various articles of clothing from shirts, blouses, pants, skirts, dresses, and so much more.

However, I couldn't browse as the Duchess waved me over from the back, so I made my way towards her and entered the backroom with her, where we found a quaint, comfortable meeting room that was already occupied by a rather... rotund Noblewoman.

Countess Vitri was a large woman with not a care for formal decorum as she lounged on the armchair comfortably, her giant thighs spread apart to allow the smaller, thin Dogkin woman access to her equally large cock.

Despite having such a large stomach and generally being rather fat, Countess Vitri was impressive down below, though that meant little considering the way she sweat and was overall greasy as she had the collared Dogkin suck on her cock.

Her own floppy Dogkin ears twitched as she heard us enter, but the Noblewoman made no effort to rise as she just clasped her hands together and bowed her head, her pudgy cheeks puffing slightly as she grinned at us.

"Ah, Duchess Poinset~! Greetings, greetings~! My apologies, I just got... bored waiting, is all. Please ignore Olive..."

Even as she said that, the greasy Dogkin Noblewoman grinned lecherously as she grabbed the thinner Dogkin's head and forced her to throat her cock, gagging the collared woman as she buried her nose into her bushy pubes.

The Duchess didn't make any change in her expression as she sat down, staring straight into Countess Vitri's eyes and ignoring the Dogkin slave that slobbered over the Noblewoman's cock, clasping her hands over her lap and asking "Astra, can you put some tea on for us? This will be a... long chat."

Gone was the blushing, fun having woman from before, replaced instead by another version of the Duchess I was all too familiar with; the serious, business focused Noblewoman who was devoted to her job, even if it meant dealing with someone like this...


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts