
Harvest Festival (14)

Standing around the stage were dozens of heavily armored and armed guards, their heavy plate armor and large, elaborate swords, axes, hammers and other two handed weapons making them a really imposing sight to see, especially when they were primarily Orcs, Bearkin, or Northern Deerkin; all of them were muscular, tall, and deadly looking, even more so with their half covered faces and clear uniform.

A half veil covered their eyes, the black cloth embroidered with a white tree, which left their lips exposed to the air, all of which were curled into slight frowns as they looked over the gathering crowd of people.

Each of them were imposing warriors, and as we approached the back of the stage, the two on either side of the stairs crossed their axes in front of us and prohibited entry, not saying a word or even turning to look at the Duchess, who just chuckled softly as she looked between them.

"They're the Queen's Guard, specifically called the Canopy since their only job is to protect the Queen. All of them, hand picked from birth to become a member of the Canopy... most of them by me, which always makes this an amusing reintroduction... Though, I can't be too angry that Hera and Ikanta are taking their jobs seriously and doing it properly, now can I Shelur?"

"No, my Duchess."

I looked between everyone, completely confused by what was happening, only to watch as the two axes were pulled back to grant entry, the women holding them nodding slightly at the Duchess and Shelur before turning their heads back straight.

"Come, let's head on up. The Queen and Goddess Dryatra should be here soon... and you can meet some of my more favorable peers; the ones that hold their positions thanks to their merit only. The Magistrates and my fellow Duchess. Of course, some of the Marquess' and even a few Countess' will be present, but most of them are... not of note. Not unless you desire to expand your social influence and begin chatting up other Nobles, of course?"

She glanced back at me with a smile, but those sky blue eyes were rather clear with what answer she was looking for, and considering the few Nobles I had had the 'privilege' of meeting, I wasn't desperate to meet more of them...

Besides, the Duchess was more than enough for me now, so I shook my head and followed her onto the stage, with Shelur just a step behind us as the Orc remained as close as she could just in case.

The stage was a large rectangle with an attached semi circle in the middle of one to its longer stretches, where a podium was resting and waiting for its speaker to approach; besides that, it was a flat, simple stage that allowed us to look over the growing crowd of people that lived inside of Birchan or were just visiting, something that made me curious.

How many were natives and how many were visiting just to see a Goddess?

Was Dryatra the only Goddess nearby that was able to be seen by us mortals, or was she just the friendliest..?

I couldn't really wonder too much as the Duchess squeezed my hand before releasing it, gesturing instead to the women that stood on the stage with us.

"Duchess Poinset! Ah, it's been far too long my dear. Far too long..."

The first to speak was a tall, thin and mature woman, her mane of fluffy grey hair and the slight wrinkles that creased her eyes only making her more beautiful with her 'old' age, while her heterochromatic eyes - one blue, one amber - where sharp and youthful, even more so when she smirked and gave the Duchess an exaggerated and deep bow.

Lifting her hand to her lips, the woman chuckled as the Duchess just shook her head and rolled her eyes at this display, before the older Wolfkin reached for my hand and did the same, curiosity sparking in those different colored eyes.

"Ah, and who might you be? Someone who can be so close to Duchess Poinset is surely someone special, no?"

Kissing the back of my hand, the Wolfkin gave me a wide grin as she gently released my hand, treading a fine line between formalities and her own desires as she gave me a one over, her grin widening somewhat as she ogled my breasts and hips.

"This is my Secretary, Magistrate Fenkar. I would say she's rather special, yes... after all, she is the one who managed to snatch Captain Sari as a wife~!"

The Wolfkin nodded her head, still grinning at me as she glanced to the side, looking towards the shorter, yet just as elegant Lizardkin woman who was wearing a long, flowing dress that barely concealed her budding breasts and slim, yet visible figure.

"Ah, so then this is that woman who purchased the land near the Queen's forest, correct? Miss... Astra, I believe? Many were impressed that someone actually bought that land... which also explains how Duchess Poinset found you, what with you buying the land near hers as well. Though..."

Tapping her chin, the tanned Lizardkin with beautiful, shining green scales that grew on the outside of her arms and on her neck looked up at me and asked "How could you afford that much land so easily without anyone knowing who you are?"

"I know of her, Cici. My nieces spoke highly of someone they... 'hired'~!"

The third woman stepped forwards and smiled at me softly, while the large, muscular Orc behind her remained quiet even as she reached forwards and draped her arm around the third woman's waist.

A female Boarkin with smooth pink skin and silky black hair smiled as she leaned against the Orc's side, the two of them known to me through name only; Gia Augustia and her wife, the Orc Chieftess who helped create the Augustia Family, Bulak.

"Magistrate Augustia, Magistrate Viridian, and Magistrate Fenkar; South, West and East respectively, and three women I respect greatly for their services to the Queen and our people."

The Duchess smiled as she looked at each, introducing them to me and causing each to give me a slight nod or curtsy as they heard their name, before the last woman on stage stepped forwards and introduced herself.

Standing above me by a head, she was tall, regal, and serious as she looked down at me, her mane of golden hair tinged with streaks of red were the opposite of her eyes, which were red speckled with gold.

Muscular and donned in golden armor, the Lioness rested her hand on the pommel of her sword and said "Greetings, Miss Astra. I am Duchess Leonisa, the Queen's Golden Blade. I've heard a little about you... all of it passable."


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts