
Hard At Work (2)

Pushing forwards on the chisel, I applied just enough pressure to sink the tool into the wood but not enough to splinter it, finding that balance that was needed to carve this material in a way that looked pleasing to the eye when it was finished.

When the tool was sufficiently buried into the wood I began the process of removing material, letting my intuition guide my hand as I began to create a rough, slightly spherical shape on my portion of the 'window'.

I took my time but also didn't sink too many seconds into this portion of the project, trusting my gut and creating a bulb of wood that I could work with later; with the first little sphere done, I moved onto the next and began to chisel away what I needed.

It didn't take long at all to get the crude stones done, and while it looked pretty damn ugly after all of this, I wasn't done just yet; smoothing the rougher edges out, I gave the spheres some prettying up and matched it to what I saw beside me, joining up Cici's work with my own.

"Good, good! See, if you take a step back and just stare at it, doesn't it look good? It's not perfect, but it's not meant to be. We're also going to be slapping some nice stain onto this to keep it nice and 'healthy' going forwards."

Cici patted my shoulder and gave me a grin before saying "Well, now that that is done, let's get the rest of it done, hm? You can help me down here, or you can go see what Annie's doing on the other side."

I nodded and stood up, moving towards the opposite side of the trunk and joining the futanari that I had just shared a bed with; seeing her go from moaning and groaning hard as we had passionate, needy sex to now being serious as she made liberal use of a larger chisel was rather interesting.

Glancing at me, Annie said "There's not much happening up here just yet; Cici marked out the total height of the base, and now I have to clear away this section here to make space for the wine bottles to sit in the lake as well as figure out how much I need for the statue itself. I'll call you over when we get to that part..."

The Nymph looked back at her work and resumed hacking away at the trunk, removing chunks of wood from the trunk and slowly working it down to the size she needed, and since it was such a tight area, I rejoined the Bullkin and resumed carving out those tiny stones, continuing my lesson with her as she showed me how to make a gradient from these larger spheres into smaller ones.


Astra PoV

I pouted as I was pushed off the bed, though there was little I could do as the giant Orc glared back at me before pushing herself into my wife's pussy, beginning to pound her even as I was told to leave.

"You've got work to do, Astra..! So get... to it..!"

Despite usually being such a wonderful and well mannered Orc most of the time, whenever she got going Shelur tended to be rather... aggressive, and that was shown primarily by how she growled at me, and then by how she pinned Renna down and ravaged her slightly exhausted vagina.

Those muscles were put to use as she lifted her hips and slammed them back down to the rhythm she wanted, making Renna's juicy ass absorb her strength and clap along to that beat as she was drilled relentlessly by her subordinate, who had been given the privilege of serving her Mistress sexually now as well.

I watched for a few seconds more before finally taking the hint when Shelur shot me a 'dangerous' glare, the Orc pulling her penis almost all the way out and showing me that burly, creamy rod of meat that throbbed repeatedly as she soaked her tip inside of Renna.

That powerful phallus was enough to make me swoon, but considering my ass currently hurt rather terribly thanks to the four consecutive drillings it had taken, well... I got the message and reluctantly abandoned Renna to her fate.

Making my way downstairs, I returned to the main house and went even lower as I entered the basement, making my way past Inik and Kalia - who were making love yet again - and heading down to the crafting areas, where I was going to be completing some miscellaneous tasks that really did need to be finished soon.

For instance, I needed to get the materials prepared for an entire club to be built, including furniture, storage, the building itself, and most importantly... many different kinds of alcohol, which meant I needed a new crafting room in my basement!


I had one dedicated to wine, which was definitely going to be served - if only to promote Domus Stella - but I needed other drinks to serve if I wanted to appease to a larger clientele base, and the idea was a simple one.


Lots and lots of beer, and maybe even some cheap malt... anything, really.

Like whiskey, or maybe even vodka; either way, I needed to be able to turn normal grain into malt, which would require a station dedicated to soaking grains and fermenting them, and then a station dedicated to heating them up with very hot air to dry them out...

So I needed a special crafting room for this, and that was going to take a lot of time... but hey, when it's done I can go ahead and make beer en masse and then sell it to idiots who would drink piss if it was sold to them as alcohol~!

And then I can let them have wonderful sex with some women and or futanari to really~ milk them dry of all their spare coin... and I could even learn some fun little things about anyone special who comes into my club~!

I can see why Suu loved the life enough to stay back at her 'Nest'~!


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts