
Going Back Home (2)

Aethisia PoV

"They sure are taking their sweet old time, now aren't they..?"

My mumble filled the quiet between my sister and I as we sat on some crates outside of our cart, the items we had purchased on our trip resting inside the crate in front of us, leaving our coin purses just a tad bit lighter.

"You make it sound like a bad thing that it's just you and me right now..."

Looking over at Camara, I gave her a small smile as I clasped my hand around hers, replying "Would that ever be a bad thing, my love? No, I'm just worried about Mother is all. Kalia as well... Who knows what sort of 'trouble' they could have gotten into already?"

She chuckled and nodded, before leaning over and resting her head on my shoulder as she added "All sorts of 'trouble', I bet. You know as well as I do that Mama is more than capable of getting lost in her own world without meaning to... while also leaving herself open to being 'attacked' more often than not. But, we should trust her; I doubt she'll let anything happen to herself or to Kalia whilst they're up and about. Most likely, their just meandering around, having some fun..."

I studied her face from the side, Camara's soft, gentle features and muddy crimson eyes bathed in the golden rays of the sun and making me stop and appreciate just how beautiful my sister truly was.

And as my eyes went from her soft, slightly chubby cheeks down towards her supple breasts, I felt the all too familiar stirring in my loins, which was only amplified more as I looked from her chest to her stomach, which had grown to a rather large size already...

Every time I looked at Camara now, my body was sent into a confused spiral; on one hand, I wanted to pin her down and ravage her pussy over and over again, the thought of having sex with her as she was pregnant making me far hornier than anything else ever could... that I could think of, anyways.

Of course, that was tempered by my larger need to be gentle with her, the idea of potentially harming the child growing in her womb staying my hand extremely easily... though that didn't mean I wasn't wanting to mate with her.

Something she understood as well, since my lovely, wonderful older sister gave me a seductive smile as she whispered "Well, since we're waiting anyways... how about we have a go in the cart, dearest sister~?"

I just couldn't help it - maybe it was something that I had carried from my previous life without knowing, maybe it was just because this world was filled with such open debauchery that could only be imagined in the previous...

Or perhaps I was just that degenerate that I got so aroused at Camara's words, the thought of taking her when she was with my child getting me so horny that I felt like I would burst.

So, I stood up and stored the crates away while watching as she climbed up into the cart, the pregnant Deerkin giving me a lustful smirk before slipping inside, leaving my vision for just a moment and tantalizing me just that much more.

I almost leapt into the cart after seeing that smirk, finding Camara already nude and flaunting her sexy ass for me as I entered, her excitement shown from her fluttering tail that helped to spread her scent throughout the closed cart as I climbed inside.

Without a word I shed off my clothes and knelt behind her, staring down at her chocolate back and admiring the soft muscles that rested beneath her skin, my sister still fit enough to fight but concealing those muscles beneath her womanly frame.

Caressing her hips, I rubbed my tip against her drenched slit and pressed forwards, sliding my throbbing cock into her all too familiar and incredible folds, the both of us letting out moans as I slowly submerged myself inside her.

Even as the urge to slam my hips forwards grew inside me, I remained gentle with her as I leaned over her back and wrapped my arms around her stomach, lifting slightly and listening to the relieved groan she let out as the weight of our child eased off of her body for just a moment.

That relief, paired with the pleasure of sex made Camara let out an interesting moan, one that brought a smirk to my lips as I rubbed against her cervix, the tightness of her cunt and heat of her body beneath mine flooding me with a unique mix of euphoria as I started to thrust into her at a controlled pace, kissing her cervix over and over just like I was kissing her neck.

Her smaller antlers rapped against mine as I did so, startling us for a moment before I just chuckled and started thrusting faster, my lust making it impossible to not seek out the highest amount of pleasure that I could whilst still remaining 'gentle'.

Especially with how she moaned "Harder~! Fuck me harder~!", that made it really hard not to just push her down and pound her into the floor of the cart, but for this one, singular occasion I ignored her desires, capping myself at my current pace and slapping my hips against her ass, all while my arms remained firmly locked around her stomach, keeping it supported the entire time.

Reaching up, Camara caressed my cheek and stared at me heatedly, managing to ask "D-Do you think~ th-this is how Dama f-felt ah~! when she took care of M-Mama~?"

Kissing her cheek again, I watched amusedly as she gasped, her eyes hazing over for a moment as she came from both ends, my sister reacting on a hair trigger like always.

"Maybe... But I do know that when Mother was pregnant with Kalia, she didn't mind satisfying us all even on her... 'worst' days. Much like you have for Dama and I, Camara... Goddess above..."

Her orgasm made her entire cunt clamp down on my cock, and I couldn't concentrate anymore after she began to milk me, even less so when I heard the familiar voice of Mother behind me as she got into the cart, saying "Aw~! You both are so~ adorable~!"


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts