
Goddesses of Teran

That next morning, when I had awoke and before Rhefia could get going, I laid on my wife's chest and stared into her amber eyes as I asked "Rhefia, you often use the term 'By the Goddesses'..."

She nodded, before nodding again as I asked "Who are they exactly?"

A wry smile appeared on her lips as she stared at me, before her gaze drifted towards the ceiling.

"Extremely powerful and influential beings that shape and change this world as they please. They are very much a real influence on Teran, unlike the Angels and Demons people used to believe in. Anyways, many believe they were just like us; normal people who eventually reached the pinnacle of whatever field they were in, attaining divinity.

Personally? I think that they were always divine, and the legends about certain people ascending into Goddesshood were just that; legends. Feel good stories for the important people of this world.

Now, the main Goddesses... well, there are a few; eight actually.

The main Goddess worshipped by the masses is Reincantra, the Goddess of New Beginnings, Unions, and Storytelling. She blesses marriages, is prayed to by anyone seeking a new path, and is often described as the Goddess who knows all, for she has it all written in her book.

The next is a pair, two lovers who are slightly opposites, but have found love together.

Areseta, the Goddess of War, Bloodshed, and Honor, and Serenata, the Goddess of Peace, Love, and Joy.

Areseta is a brutal, yet fair Goddess; she's the Goddess that I worshiped the most as a soldier, since she is the Patron of War. If you find yourself in a battle, you pray to Areseta to help guide your blade and protect yourself from death.

Serenata is a gentle, caring Goddess, and those that worship her tend to be diplomats and negotiators seeking peace and stability for the world. Many temples also pair a Priestess of Serenata with a Priestess of Reincantra for marriages, and many praise her for anything good that happens in their life.

Then there is Lunalata, the Goddess of the Moon, and Gloria, the Goddess of the Sun.

They control the intensity of the suns and moons, their positioning, and a but more, but honestly they are the most... neutral Goddesses; they interfere little with the world.

Monetata is the Goddess of Merchants, Trade, and, oddly enough, Seduction.

Merchants, obviously, worship her to get good deals and insight on their own investments, whilst other women worship her to get a silver tongue for the day, helping improve their chances at getting their way with pure charisma.

Hecata is the Goddess of the Weave and Magic, and she is a reclusive Goddess who studies and perfects her control over the Weave constantly; she herself is the source of the Weave, but it constantly grows alongside her power, so...

Finally, there's Demetra, the Goddess of Fertility.

She is in charge of the seasons, crop growth, child bearing, and so much more. As such, farmers pray to her just as much as couples do, and she has been known to be fickle; the reason we have such a long, harsh winter is because we, the Teranlings, spited her millennia ago, and no one has managed to appease her since.

There are a whole array of other Goddesses; for example, the Goddess of Virginity Atrestra, the Goddess or Murder Moriartra, and the Goddess of Prostitution, Gambling, and Hedonism Freyishtra.

Each is important, and they control whatever domain they have with immense care and attention. As I'm sure you noticed, many overlap, which allows them to work together to share the load, but certain Goddesses are known for the whole domain; there are many specific storytelling Goddesses, but Reincantra knows all, because she sees all. Hence her being THE Storytelling Goddess."

The entire time I stared at my wife, not realizing this world had that many Goddesses floating around, and that they were apparently a real, important part of this world.

I was also rather surprised to learn that Reincantra was considered the 'Main' Goddess here, but it also made sense; new beginnings is rather broad, and each Goddess has a 'new beginning' related to them.

"Have... Have they interacted with people before?"

Rhefia chuckled, her amber eyes filled with a mixture of mirth and dread.

"Yeah, yeah they do... For instance, I've spoken with Areseta a few times, and even sparred with her as well... for others, I know the current Queen of the Dryadi Queendom worships Dryatra, the Goddess of Dryads, and she even had a child with her, which is the Eldest Princess. They are a very real influence on Teran, and..."

Biting her lip, she sighed as she said "They can do a lot of good and a lot of bad. They are all powerful, but they tend to keep to themselves and know how to hold back, but... well, take Areseta for instance.

Before she was tied to Serenata, the Goddess of War went around taking part in wars, which altered the geopolitical landscape of the world forever. Countries were formed and destroyed on her whims, and she had her way with the loosing sides leaders, resulting in a large amount of her blood seeping into the worlds populace.

Her children were an entirely new race called Arese; they're tall, muscular, powerful women with frighteningly sharp battle acumen, but they are incapable of magic. They also inherited her terribly large libido, and it resulted in a nigh unstoppable tribe of women going around forcing themselves into countries, which sowed their seed and chaos alike.

Finally, Serenata offered herself to Areseta, but for a condition; Areseta would never have children with any besides herself, and the Goddess of War agreed, ravishing the Goddess of Peace for centuries to come.

The Arese slowly died off, hunted to extinction. Their blood lives on inside many warrior families; mine included.

From Serenata's sacrifice, the world regained it's previous order, and the two fell so deeply in love that Areseta sometimes stops wars from happening so that peace may reign, giving her more time to pamper her wife Serenata."

I blinked a few times, unsure of how I was meant to feel at that story.

"A-Are all stories like that?"

Rhefia smirked, nodding.

"Indeed~! Would you care to hear about Freyishtra selling herself to Moriartra and birthing seven children, each of which would go on to become what we call the Goddesses of Sin?"

Staring at my excited wife, I raised a brow as I asked "You're enjoying this aren't you?"

Her smile widened, and I chuckled alongside her as she nodded, her eyes excited as she continued to hold me in her arms, her voice slowly drawing the rest of the family upstairs as she told tale after tale of this worlds Goddesses.


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts