
Glassblowing (4)

Sprinkling in a very low amount of iron powder and encasing the mountain of powders together in my mana, I watched as it all melted down into that all to familiar molten ball of 'glass', which I scooped up on the end of the blowpipe.

Filling my lungs with my mana, I gently moved the blowpipe out of the furnace and revealed the yellowish orange bundle of molten goodness so that I could move it over to the anvil to begin shaping it properly.

After taking a deep breath, I began to exhale and fill the blowpipe with air, funneling it down into the glass and watching as it began to expand like the others, my gradual rotation of the pipe keeping it uniform whilst my mana did the rest, allowing me to begin shaping it into the typical rounded bottle to start, though I made sure to push the sphere down a bit, leaving a long, tapered neck to pour the wine out of.

When it got to the shape I wanted, I then started on the more detailed parts, which I was honestly not entirely sure of at the moment, but as I began to control the threads that were balled up inside the bottle, I nodded slightly as I saw the glass begin to slowly form two triangular 'ears' beside the neck, before the center of those ears moved back down into the bottle to create handles for you to hold.

That kept the bottle as one solid entity that could store the liquid inside of itself with no issue whilst also allowing it to be decorative too, something that I was aiming for with these finer, more flavorful and important wines that we were to sell.

Something to draw people in and think that it was worth even more than it was thanks to the fancy bottling, though considering I had given everyone's a taste, I had a sure feeling that they would sell well enough on their own based on taste alone, which was good.

The result of my efforts sat on the anvil waiting to be filled, and I appraised it with a nod as I took in the darker, smokier glass that somewhat resembled Sari's hair and fur, and it was that resemblance that made me ask "Would you prefer a yellow label or a yellow wax seal?"

"Why not lean fully into the caricature, Astra? Make the label primarily black, but have two spots of yellow for the eyes and do the lettering in yellow too; maybe make the letters 'hollow' to keep the yellow from overpowering the label? Simple yet very clear, no?"

Letting the bottle cool off properly in the kiln, I turned back to Sari and nodded, before asking "If I were to make you a 'symbol' - like for a signet ring or a pendant, something entirely unique to you - what would it be?"

"Like a stamp, or a seal? Something that shows my own identity officially? Dunno... never really thought about having one, but... maybe like a flaming star or something?"

She said that with a small smirk that made me blush just a bit, the idea not too subtle at all, but that was exactly what Sari usually tended to be - a not too subtle futanari who did as she pleased when she pleased with an attitude that brooked no arguments.

"Yeah, let's go with a flaming star; simple but with meaning we both~ understand completely, right~?"

Her smirk began to widen before she gestured for me to come over to her, the Catkin hooking her arm around my waist and pulling me closer so that she could look me over from up close, her eyes landing specifically on my lower half as she asked "Hey... gotta admit, I'm a tad curious about how you got the Lady Duchess pregnant... Like I knew you could grow yourself a cock, but..."

Sari's other hand slapped against my pussy as she copped a feel from the front, the Catkin enjoying the way I jumped from that blow and making her snicker as she began to search for my clit, her fingers digging into my dress and pressing it into my skin.

"How's that work? Did you actually use your mana to get her pregnant? Was this a one time thing?"

Even as I held in a moan, I smiled sensually at her as I coyly asked "Why~? Did you wanna see it~? Did you wanna see my penis, Sari~? Maybe you could give me some tips on how to blow better, hm~?"

She chuckled alongside me as she continued to stroke my pussy lips, the Catkin fully erect now as she whispered back "My lovely Astra... There are a few parts of your technique that could use some brushing up on~! Rhefia told me so too, if you were wondering... our Deerkin lover absolutely adores when I give her blowjobs, and sometimes she even tells me that I do it better than you do~!"

I knew that she was just over exaggerating the compliments that Rhefia gave - that the Deerkin adored both of us equally as sexual partners and that we both had our strong suits - but still, hearing that wasn't the most pleasant, especially coming from someone who had told me she quite enjoyed when I gave her head.

"Well then, I'm just going to have to ask that you show me now, Sari... let me feel your technique myself so that I can make improvements, no?"

Sensing my slight irritation at her words, the Catkin didn't back down as she just purred and guided my hand to her cock, which twitched slightly as soon as she felt my fingers brush against it.

"But my Prey, doesn't that mean I would be giving you pleasure for nothing in return~? So how about you give me the handjob that Inik was raving about and make me cum twice before I give you any~ help at all, hm~? Besides..."

Her other hand reached up and yanked my dress down, revealing my tits and allowing her to squeezing my nipple as she purred "I'm feeling a bit parched myself, so give me something to drink first too, alright~?"


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts