

"Better to show instead of telling..? What do you mean?"

Astra pursed her lips as she stared at me, before she glanced back at Shelur for a moment as she asked "This too, Shelur..? Keep quiet on this too, please... and... try not to be too surprised..?"

The hesitation and mild 'fear' in her voice as she asked that of us made me frown, wondering what could possibly make the woman in front of me act like this after being so 'fearless' during all of our time together.

She had no issue treating me more as a boss instead of a Noble, had no issue riling up an Orc's lust, had no problem at all being ogled by someone so hideous like that Dogkin bitch, no problem whatsoever being alone with both the Queen and the Goddess... and yet, here she was, clearly unsure of whether or not she should do... whatever it was that she wanted to do.

It was vexing since I wanted to ease her mind, but the signs I was reading from her just made it impossible to try and wholeheartedly support her and tell her it would be alright; I just couldn't, since... I didn't know her so deeply like that, nor was I comfortable giving support like that.

I want to know her deeper, want to be able to give that kind of comfort to her, but right now... right now, I wasn't going to just blindly dance in the palm of her hand; cautiousness ran deeply inside my veins anyways, but this sudden shift in her expression and personality was...

She took a deep breath and gently reached up, laying her hands on my breasts before closing her eyes, making me raise a brow as I wondered if she just wanted to cop a feel, only for my eyes to widen as I felt my tits swell, a brief moment of pain filling them both before that pain was relieved when I felt something seep out of my nipples.

Looking down towards her hands, I stared in confusion at my breasts, which were leaking a white liquid from my nipples; they were larger than before, both my boobs and my nipples, but only just barely, thought they were certainly more sensitive...

To the point that when Astra opened her eyes again and gently slid her hands towards the undersides of my tits, I gasped, only to let out a moan as she squeezed them, shocking both Shelur and I as a jet of white liquid squirted from my nipple and onto Astra's face.

Even she was shocked as she blinked away that white liquid, though she just chuckled softly as she looked up at me and said "I guess it took to you better than I thought it would..."

"What took... what..? What is... Is this milk..? W-What..? How?!"

She gave my tit another squeeze, this time parting her lips and allowing the jet of milk to land on her tongue as she gulped it down without any hesitation, her crimson eyes flashing with approval as she nodded her head and muttered "Sweet... delicious too..."

"Astra! What..? What is this?! How?!"

I stared at the violet haired woman in front of me incredulously, and she smiled up at me with amusement and lust as she answered "I told you, I can gift things to people... really, this shocks you more than me growing an entire penis from my clit? Or the fact that I got you pregnant~? This is what shocks you~? Oh, I cannot wait~ for you to come see my home..."

She giggled to herself before she glanced at Shelur, her crimson eyes narrowing slightly as she asked "And Shelur..."

Trailing off, she bounced my chest and showed the Orc my boobs, which were still leaking milk and gradually becoming smeared in a different white liquid, one that I had never thought I would have.

It was odd, since each time my chest bounced in her hands I felt them tingle, while their weight had undoubtedly increased by a significant amount, and yet... it was a comfortable weight; in fact, I usually had a bit of pain in general that I had just gotten used to by having breasts this large, but that pain was gone...

My shoulders didn't ache, my lower back wasn't slightly strained, this bouncing that would have usually come with a fair amount of pain in certain areas was just... nice... all of it was making me frown, to the point that I barely realized Shelur had stepped closer and was ogling my milky tits now.

"My Lady, may I..?"

Her raspy voice brought me back, and I nodded without thinking, my brain still trying to figure out the interesting new discovery that happened to my body, though that was tossed off the table as pleasure jolted throughout my being as the Orc lowered herself down and wrapped her lips around my nipple, gently suckling on my tit.

I moaned as her tusks brushed against the sensitive skin, and the feeling of my milk squirting out of my nipple at a quick pace was arousing and embarrassing, this new ability of mine being used right away as the Orc I had both helped raise and train was now suckling on my tit like a baby...

Like... a baby..?

Blinking, I felt my cheeks heat up slightly as I stared down at Shelur, and before I could realize it I was stroking her hair and humming softly, my heart swelling just like my tits did as I felt joy spark inside me.

She was suckling from my tit just like a child...

Gentle, hungry, loving... her face was so beautiful in this moment, and as I stroked her hair again, she leaned into me and continued to drink, unable to help herself as her emerald eyes grew hazy... though considering the thick log poking my thigh, it was clear that one part of her wasn't gentle, but still just as hungry...

"It feels good, doesn't it..? Letting someone drink from your tit..."

Astra leaned into my side and looked down at Shelur with a smile, the violet haired woman also looking far more beautiful than before as she took on an aura that... admittedly, made me a tad jealous; she was so mature and motherly in this moment, and as she turned those crimson eyes to me, I couldn't help but gulp as I wondered just who I was looking at.

I really, really knew nothing about her, and yet...

"It feels even better when its your baby, Renna... in a few months, it'll be our baby drinking from your tit, but until then... well, I guess we can get you ready for that, hm~?"

She smiled gently at me, and I felt my cheeks darken before I turned back to Shelur, who was still eagerly gulping down my milk, which just seemed to continuously trickle out of my nipple; in fact, it seemed to be imbued and created from my mana, which was already rather high, so shouldn't...


"Ah, and I might as well go ahead and tell you the others, since you can't really tell what happened~! Your breasts are filled with milk, your body is no longer encumbered by your oh so bountiful assets, you're going to be able to give birth easier, and if you focus really, really hard right now..."

Astra reached for my brow, and I gasped as my vision began to change, the world around us becoming filled with beautiful and elegant threads that drifted around lazily, each one laden with power and thick with potential; I was incredibly well versed in my magic, so as soon as I saw this, I knew what it was.

The Weave.


Looking towards Astra, I gasped again as I saw her, but... a different her; a different style, but still undoubtedly Astra, but what I saw was...

A bundle of threads loosely gathering beneath her skin, coiling together like muscles and forming a structure that loosely resembled a person, though that was only because the threads were lazily doing their best to remain inside her body, and not because she wasn't a person.

Though... where the threads around us were bright greens, blues, emerald greens, the occasional fiery reds and most commonly, a colorless or prismatic - depending on the lighting -, the threads that made up her body...

They were black and crimson, dripping with sanguine beauty and letting off vapors and mists that corroded and brushed away any threads that tried to get closer to her; they weren't natural threads, and they weren't threads I would have ever in all my years of life considered associating with the bright, cheery woman I had come to love.


I know everyone wants more chapters, and that some of these end either abruptly or cliffhangers - say hi again, by the way~ - but please do remember that these are 1k word chapters uploaded daily; I would LOVE to write more, but I do have other works that I love just as much...

One of which is paid, the other is maybe eventually going to be paid - I don't know yet - but still, this is a passion project that I love just as much as you all do, but again... it's free and daily~!

Not trying to tell you all to not be passionate - believe me, I love seeing all~ of your comments each day, both because it helps make writing the next day easier but also because I love seeing all of you so engaged here, and I'm not asking for you to gift or anything like that; this is going to be daily unless I am either sick or otherwise unable to write, so don't worry about that lol~!

Just a reminder is all, and maybe sometime in the future I'll spoil you all with some extra chapters per day or something, but until then... one a day, always 1,000 words at a minimum, and most of the time filled with goodness that I hope you keep finding as fun as I do~!

And again, not asking for gifts, but I will say this; a Dragon will get an extra chapter that week, a Castle will get 4~5 extra, Spaceship will get the entire week to be at least double uploads, and a Gachapon... I have no idea lmao, maybe two weeks double?

I'll try to stick to that, and I WILL always make sure that those bonuses are received, even if I don't upload on that same day; again, DO NOT feel pressured to gift or anything, just keep reading and let me know your enjoying this as much as I am, and that'll make my day.

Really, just seeing all the comments is always a great thing for me, so maybe I'll throw in a few extra chapters here and there hehe~!

Hope you enjoy though, and while this is a tad~ of a cruel cliffhanger (again, hehe~) I think it's quite good narratively and opens up quite a few fun conversations~!

See you all tomorrow~!



Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts