
Gerina Augustia

Astra PoV

"Alright. Now, Veiled Lady... Shall we begin?"

Gerina was a rather handsome woman, her sharp features and permanent half smile giving her a rather arrogant air, but one that seemed fitting for such a woman like herself.

Tall and muscular, she was every bit the warrior type as Vienna, her Dama, and she seemed to take pride in that fact as she guided me into the room I would be spending the next two hours in.

Her movements were precise and controlled, and I nodded to her as we stood across from each other.

"Lady Gerina, what would you like to learn first? And in what way would you prefer me to act?"

Gerina chuckled, her fingers hooking her tie as she loosened it while she said "Hmm... Dama always talks about how she loves submissive women, but..."

She smiled sheepishly at me, her olive cheeks darkening as she finished speaking, surprising me.

"Well, whenever I went out with friends, for some reason a certain kind of woman always... 'spoke' to me more; they tended to light a fire inside me compared to others. They were... more... in control of what they did. Confident and assured with everything in their lives. That was attractive to me. And when Dama took Ilya and I out to a brothel once to get a grasp on what kind of women we liked, well..."

Pulling her shirt over her head, she revealed her bound chest and chiseled abdomen, still blushing shyly.

"One of the dancers was a little... upfront with what she wanted. Tried her best to convince me that she could take me for a ride that would make me unable to lust after any other besides her. That confidence... just aroused me more than I would like to admit, Veiled Lady. It's embarrassing to say; Dama and my peers all talk about how a submissive, meek woman is so beautiful, but I find the opposite attractive."

I smiled under my veil, nodding my head before asking her one more question.

"If that is how you want me to act... Very well. Last question, Lady Gerina. Do you want to see my face, or shall I leave the veil on?"

Gerina pursed her lips at that, her hands still moving as she unwrapped her modest breasts.

"Leave it on, please. I've been told that you are an incredible beauty, and while I am extremely curious on your looks, I wouldn't want to further deepen my desires for something I am incapable of every obtaining. Something tells me that if I spend this hour with you unveiled, my outlook on women going forwards shall shift considerably."

I chuckled at that, enjoying her honesty.

"I understand. Lady Gerina, from here on out, I shall try my hardest to become your ideal partner for this hour... As such, I hope you can excuse any of my actions going forwards, since some may be... rather unwelcome between our social statuses."

"Oh, no need to worry, Veiled Lady. Dama made sure we understood well what we were getting into, and I won't take offense to a woman who is catering to my whims~!"

My smile widened beneath my veil, before I took a deep breath and tried my hardest to switch my mindset, moving from my comfortable territory of being submissive and instead switching towards my more dominant desires.

Gerina watched with bated breath, her eyes filled with intrigue as I stood quietly before her, before she shuddered in suggestive pleasure as I spoke, my voice harder than it had been before.

"Lady Gerina, strip for me."

She pursed her lips and nodded, reaching down and unbuckling her trousers, letting them drop to the floor to reveal her rapidly hardening cock, which stood just as tall and proud as she did.

However, where I might have showered praises on her before, I now just sat on the bed and stared at her, steepling my fingers as I said "Now, kneel before me. If we are to make love, you need to prepare your partner to receive you."

Gerina nodded, instantly dropping to her knees and making her way over to me, her eyes fixated on the cloth that covered my wet pussy.

Since we had been planning on going to a Noble's residence to have sex - and Lady Vienna and Lady Lizbeth had both seen me at work, which is where they determined I was the one to do what they wanted - I was wearing loose, revealing clothing, and I bit my lip as I felt the futa's heated gaze, shivers running up my spine.

Before I revealed my garden to her, I wanted to have some fun of my own - since Rhefia and Aethisia were dominants, I rarely had the pleasure of being truly in control, so I was going to relish this opportunity.

My leg lazily stretched out, and I surprised the woman kneeling in front of me as my toes wrapped around her tip, making her shiver as she stared up at my leg.

"Kiss it. Get me in the mood, Lady Gerina. Make me desire you like you desire me."

Sitting on the bed, I watched in aroused amusement as Gerina reached up to caress my thigh and calf, before she brought her lips down to tenderly kiss my leg.

I took some time to observe her as she showered my leg with her lust, her lips trailing over my flesh as she massaged my thigh, all while I gently stroked her hard cock with my foot.

Humming softly, I reached up and unclasped my top, letting the flowing cloth fall freely to the floor beside us, and I started to undo the skirt I wore, all while Gerina watched me closely, her cock throbbing at the sight.

My breasts hung freely, and I slowly pulled my leg away from her, staring into her passionate eyes and ordering her "Take my skirt off for me, Lady Gerina..."

The Boarkin Noble moved quickly to do as I asked, almost ripping the skirt off as she remained kneeled in front of me, and she gasped quietly as she got to see my dripping pussy for the first time tonight.

As she knelt there, enraptured by the beauty before her, I smirked beneath the veil and swiftly wrapped a leg behind her neck, pulling her forwards and burying her face into my crotch.

"Lady Gerina... Foreplay is a rather important part of sex, and I desire it rather greatly. Use your tongue and taste me, Lady Gerina. Lap at it, plunge it in, nip it... do whatever you want to it, but relish the taste of my vagina, Lady Gerina..."

Her eyes widened as her nose twitched, and I moaned softly as she did as I told her to, her long tongue gliding over my pussy as she licked my lower lips, getting an initial taste of me.

My leg remained behind her head, and I stared down at her in interest as she started lapping at me like a dog, licking me incessantly.

A smile graced my lips at her thirst for my juices, and I gently reminded her "You can go deeper inside, Lady Gerina... Mmm~ Just like that, Lady Gerina..."

The way she followed my orders so quickly was amusing, and I chuckled quietly as she eagerly began to explore my pussy with her tongue, finding my sweet spots quickly; she was an attentive lover, as the smallest gasp or moan made her search that area first, looking for where I felt the most pleasure.

To reaffirm that she was pleasuring me orally correctly, I reached down with one hand and stroked her hair, moaning softly as I pulled her a little closer, all while I used my leg to anchor her lips to my lower ones.

My moans were her guidance, and no words were shared as she searched my veil for affirmation, desperately trying her hardest to pleasure me, and pleasure me she did.

Biting my lips, I moaned before pulling her further into me, cumming straight into her open mouth and spasming slightly as her fingers dug into my ass as she hugged herself closer to me, both of us wanting me to cum.

"Mm~! Lady Gerina~! That was excellent..! Your tongue felt great... Now, let's move on to the real thing; I imagine your desire has reached its peak, no?"

Releasing her head, I looked down at her stained face and giggled, enjoying the absentminded look in her eye as she licked her lips.

"Come onto the bed now, Lady Gerina... Let me take care of you going forwards... You deserve a reward for your excellent treatment."

The Boarkin shuddered slightly, however light returned to her eyes as she nodded, scrambling to her feet and crawling onto the bed, staring at me with anticipation.

I patted the bed beside me, saying "Lay down, Lady Gerina... I shall care for your impressive cock now, so just relax. Sex is about reciprocation and passion; after such a great display of passion, I want to reward you... However, instead of my mouth, I believe this would do best to display my passion to you."

She had laid down on the bed, slightly confused, before her eyes went wide as I straddled her lap, my drenched pussy achingly close to her beautifully long dick.

My hands rested on her abs, and I traced my fingers over the chiseled lines, nodding to myself; something that I had retained from my previous life, it seemed, was my love for muscles.

That thought drifted through my mind as I lifted myself up, sliding my wet pussy over her throbbing cock as I prepared to slip her inside.

"Are you ready, Lady Gerina? To lose your virginity?"

Gerina licked her lips once more, before nodding her head quickly.

When she opened her lips to speak, I placed a finger over them and quieted her, my other hand guiding her thick tip into my pussy.

Pulling my finger away, I grabbed ahold of her stomach and lowered myself down entirely, moaning as she spread apart my cunt and reached my cervix, her tip trying its hardest to gain entrance to my womb.

Her breathing quickened as I sat down on her lap, taking in her entire girth with ease.

She throbbed hard inside me, and I could see her grit her teeth as she tried to hold her ejaculation back, only to shiver as I leaned forwards.

"It's alright to cum, Lady Gerina... You made me cum earlier, so it's fine to cum now... It's your first time, after all... I'm not expecting you to be an expert right away. No one is... so please, just enjoy yourself. Cum inside me whenever you want..."

My breasts rested on hers, and I began to raise and lower my hips, moving slowly to start.

"Oh~! V-Veiled Lady, t-this..!"

Gerina grabbed ahold of my ass and bit her cheek, her face flushed with pleasure as she slammed her hips up into mine.

My moans echoed around the chamber as she began to cum inside me, her semen splattering against my cervix as she pushed deeper into me, her eyes closed as she moaned with me.

I laid my head against her chest as I began to massage out more of her cum, my cunt gripping her tighter as I used my muscles, helping her along.

The Boarkin moaned again as she shot another thick rope of her cum inside my pussy, before falling limp to the bed, her hands resting on my ass as she panted.

"The volume was impressive, Lady Gerina~ Really, it was... Now, please, rest up... We still have an hour to spend together..."

She opened her eyes at that, and I grinned beneath my veil as I rose from her chest, bucking my hips as I started to ride her cock as hard as I could.

Our moans joined together as we made love, and I reveled in having such an obedient woman below me, her body mine to use as I drained her of her sperm, showering my pussy in it.

Gerina did whatever I asked - sometimes before I asked it, like when she reached up to grope my breasts as I rode her, kneading them in her hands and playing with them before cumming inside me again.

When I grew slightly tired of the same position, I switched it up a little by turning around, shaking my ass on her cock and ordering her to spank me, moaning loudly at the pain.

It would seem that, even as I topped, I was still a masochist to the extreme, and the desire to feel pain as I had sex was greater than most of my other desires.

However, Gerina didn't seem to enjoy inflicting pain, so I dropped that and instead relished in the more passionate, yet controlled sex that she wanted, which started with her sitting up and hugging me close as I bounced on her cock.

Her chest pressed against my back, which she was kissing as she hugged my chest, her fingers digging into my breasts as I continued to gouge myself on her thick cock, riding it to another nice creamy filling.

As the clock began to wind down, I began the last part of my 'education' for Gerina, pulling myself free from her arms and moving away from her.

Both of us were covered in sweat, and my back and neck were covered in small marks from her kisses.

Panting, I looked down towards my pussy that leaked cum like a faucet, and I moaned softly as I massaged my chest.

"L-Lady Gerina... Now, I need you... to do the moving, alright..? Come over here, and make me cum again, Lady Gerina~! Fill me back up with your thick cock~!"

I presented her with my flooded pussy, my chest pressed against the bed and my ass raised into the air, and I moaned with need as I watched her, the sweaty Boarkin staring at my overflowing cunt with surprised eyes.

Nevertheless, the Boarkin Noble nodded as she approached me once more, her girthy brown cock almost white with the amount of semen clinging to it, and I began to lead her through what I wanted.

"Take ahold of... my hips~ and thrust inside... Oh~ J-Just like that..! Mm~ N-Now~ you just need t-to start... thrusting in and out of my vagina, Lady Gerina..! T-This is a popULAR~! OH YES~!"

I trailed off as she plunged deep inside, reaching and hammering my cervix hard before she began to fuck me, the Boarkin panting behind me as she desperately made love to my rippling ass.

Arching my back as much as I could, I moaned into the bed as Gerina used the last minutes of our time doing the moving, creating another large puddle on the bed as she continue to cum inside me.

When a maid came to the door to inform us the time was over, Gerina glared at the maid as she continued to fuck me, slamming her hips against mine as she tried to reach another climax.

It took her a few more moments, but I was happy to accompany her for the extra time, my moans filling the room and spilling out the door as Gerina pulled out and painted my back with her semen, grunting loudly in delight.

I needed another minute to recover, and Lady Gerina sat on the side of the bed and breathed evenly, calming herself down as she waited for me to recuperate.

Getting up, I rubbed at my hips before smiling at her from beneath the veil, her semen dripping down my leg as I stood before her.

"Did you enjoy that, Lady Gerina..? I certainly did. You were an excellent partner."

She smiled at me, relief in her eyes as she heard that.

"Thank you, Veiled Lady... Really. It means a lot. And... thank you for what you've done. I... certainly think I've fallen more in love with what I find attractive after being with you. Now... Go. I think it'd be best if you went to Ilya's room instead of having her come here. Oh, and the maids will take care of you before you go. Again, thank you... and I'll likely always remember this. Farewell."

There was a trace of sadness on her face as she said that, but happiness and contentment outweighed that sadness by a lot.

"Farewell, Lady Gerina. May the Goddesses smile upon you. I wish you a happy life."

Giving her a slight bow, I slipped out of the room and glanced towards where I had last seen Rhefia, only to chuckle as I heard moaning coming from one of the rooms, where a Doe stood watching with lust.

I turned towards the maid that had informed us of the time - a Mousekin - and nodded to her, saying "Sorry, but Lady Gerina wanted to finish her last round with me... She also said that you will take care of me..?"

The shorter woman nodded at me, before opening a pouch and retrieving a small metal instrument.

"This will feel a little cold, but we need to make sure you're sufficiently cleaned for Lady Ilya, so I apologize..."

I chuckled wryly as I saw the metal instrument open and close, before letting out a sigh as I leaned against the wall and allowed the Mousekin to slip it into my pussy.

It was an odd experience, but she opened me up and used some water to rinse me out, draining the semen out into a pot, which we both stared at in interest when it was over.

Then she used magic to clean me off, before gesturing towards the next door.

"Lady Ilya awaits you behind this door. Good luck, Veiled Lady."


Damn... 2977 words...

I spoil you all sometimes.



Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts