
Full Recovery

After making sure my wife and daughters had eaten, I made sure to finish the rest of the pot of stew before Yiksa, making the woman watch on in hunger as I ate the small amount that remained.

It was petty, but I wanted her to go hungry for the night, so I ordered her back outside and handed her one of the older, torn blankets.

As for me, I indulged all my girls some more as Camara and Aethisia requested to remain in our bed upstairs, wanting to sleep with Rhefia and I.

Camara cuddled in-between Rhefia and I, while Aethisia hugged me from behind.

It was at that moment that I knew how exhausted they were, as none of the three Deerkin even attempted anything that night, each one softer than the sheets we lay in.

So, in a large, warm pile, the four of us fell asleep, and I awoke the next morning feeling refreshed and at peace.

Glancing around, I gulped as I realized they also enjoyed that sleep; each one was still unconscious, but pointing to the ceiling were their cocks, making my body head up slightly.

However, I didn't want to push them yet, not when I didn't know if they were truly recovered.

Slipping silently from the bed, I went downstairs and started breakfast, going with a Vetusberry tea and some grilled meats, keeping the meal simple.

While I cooked everything, I reviewed the gains from my...

Shaking my head, I perused my inventory as I flipped a venison steak, nodding to myself.

I had gotten some new herbs to plant; Rosemary, Basil, and, funnily enough, Mint.

Besides the herbs, I had also found that Scallion, or Spring/Green Onion, whichever you preferred.

While not the most nutritious or tasteful thing, it would add just enough to my dishes to help enhance the flavors.

Besides that, when I had looted the camp, it seems like Yiksa was going to try and set up a new, permanent home, and had planned accordingly.

There were wheat seeds and corn seeds, which made me incredibly excited.

This would increase the amount of things I could make for now, as well as how we prepared for winter.

With my {Farmer III} skill reducing growth time by 15%, as well as increasing yields by 15%, I was looking forwards to expanding the clearing some more and creating some fields for these crops.

I was also interested in knowing whether or not this world's grains grew as slowly as I thought they did, with wheat taking around 4 months, or if they grew faster...

Either way, I should have a good amount of wheat and corn before winter arrives, so I was looking forwards to-

Yelping, I glanced over my shoulder as I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist.

Staring up at Rhefia, I gulped as I felt her pull me into her, my cheeks reddening as I felt her cock press against my ass.


Her eyes were still droopy, but her hands moved from my waist upwards, slipping under my shirt.

Feeling her warm hands grope my chest, I held in a moan as she squeezed my breasts, before I watched her smirk as she leaned down.

Pressing her lips against mine, she started kissing me, her hands working at my swollen breasts.

Since I was pregnant again, my body was preparing milk, so...

Turning me around, she pulled my shirt off my body and took my nipple in her mouth, swirling her tongue around the hard bud.

Gulping down my milk as it spurted out, she lowered her hands to my pants, taking them off as well.

Stroking her head as she suckled, she eventually pulled away and spun me around again, spanking my plump rear.

Giving her a glare, I could only moan as she slipped her hardened cock between my thighs, lubing her shaft up with my drooling juices.

Feeling her tip scratching against my hardened clit, I moaned as my wife held my waist, gently thrusting into me.

When she felt her cock was sufficiently lubed up, she pressed her tip against my anus and pushed inside, making me moan hard as she penetrated me.

Her thick girth and flared tip filled me up, unlike the two-

Chasing that thought from my mind, I pressed my hips back into hers, retreating into pleasure.

Leaving one of her hands on my waist, she wrapped my hair around her hand and pulled back, making me look at her.

Smirking at me, she whispered "When you give birth to that Dark Elf, I want another child. I'll start hunting more, so give me another child, love..."

I gulped, her amber eyes boring into mine; there was desire, lust, and need in her eyes, making my heart race.

Extending my tongue, I moaned as she took my lips, her tongue coiling around mine.

Using that as a response, I continued grinding my ass against her hips, pleasuring us both with the movements.

Slipping her arm around my waist, Rhefia held me close as she started gently thrusting forwards, before eventually cumming deep into my ass.

Pulling out, she turned me around again, pinning me against the counter.

"Astra... I... I don't want that to sound like a demand, but..."

Pursing her lips, she glanced away, towards the door.

Reaching up, I grabbed my wife's cheeks and turned her back to me, giving her a small smile.

"Weren't we always talking about a large family, Rhefia? Didn't you say you wanted five daughters before the year was out? Well..."

Stroking her soft skin, I grinned at her as I whispered "I want a large family too, love... Camara and Aethisia have only made me desire such a family more; my first two daughters are so wonderful, that I can't help but imagine the next dozen~"

Rhefia smirked at me, kissing the palm of my hand as she said "I don't know about a dozen, but you wouldn't get any arguments from me, dear."

Smiling warmly at one another, she released me and rubbed her hands together, glancing at the pan.

"So uh... when's breakfast?"


That is the current plan in regards to family size for now; the Dark Elf child will be born, then Deerkin #3 will be born, then winter.

As for the finding of wheat and corn...

Honestly, I couldn't think of naturally growing grains and didn't feel like pouring research into it; and even if I did, Rhefia isn't letting Astra out of the clearing anytime soon.

So, boom, we got grain~!

Past that, when spring time hits in the book, we'll talk then about turning this family into nomads; think I'll have them get a little stronger, stock up some more, then start traveling.

Got a few ideas for that section, but if you all have ideas, lemme know~!



Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts