
Flower For The 'Flower'

Carefully and gently screwing the last part of the wand together, I felt my lips curling upwards as I felt the mana within it begin to grow and pulsate as the last part - the Mana Steel flower - was placed within its spot between the green sepals.

I had even managed to create a rather 'powerful' little trinket that was acting like a battery, since I had infused it with a bit more elemental less mana before forging it into what it was, creating an exquisite variant of the Mana Steel ingot to push this Focus even further over the limits that it might have.

It had been a fun Focus to forge, one that had it's own difficulties to some degree, but nothing too difficult past dealing with the new, curious Blood and Dark Mana infused anvil that had been trying its best to sneak its way into the Focus.

But as soon as I had finished forging and set my hammer down to appraise the wand I had created, those threads of red and black mana dissipated, leaving the anvil as it was before I had activated the skill and allowing me to go ahead and forge something new without any issue at all.

Lifting the wand from the anvil, I turned towards Renna and presented it to her, unconsciously a tad sad that I hadn't turned around and been greeted with the sight of Shelur anally inseminating my love, but outwardly happy that we had all managed to calm down enough to not be lost to the throes of lust.

I was still surprisingly sporting an erection after this entire time, as was Shelur, but otherwise we were able to control ourselves even as we watched Renna walk forwards to meet me, the curvaceous Duchess proudly displaying her body to us and making it even harder to not push her down and take her.

Gently lowering the wand into her hands, I smiled at my lover and said "As you requested, a showpiece and a functional wand all in one~! It's not modeled after any particular flower, and I must admit that I should begin to study up on flowers and their meanings going forwards, but... I think it looks rather beautiful, no?"

Although it was ramrod straight - which was a tad odd to see with a flower, since most of them tended to have a bit of a curve to their stems thanks to the weight of the petals - the wand still very much looked like a flower, and the bluish grey flower that I had molded from that elemental less steel looked pretty atop the green metallic stem.

The dark brown handle was sort of out of place, and I was hoping to find some green dye to rub onto the wood to color it properly, but besides the wood the rest of the wand looked very much like a flower that I had plucked out of a garden.

"It does, Astra... Quite beautiful... And I don't mind the wood at all either; it's almost like a splint for the stem, holding it in place and allowing it to heal. On top of its appearance, it feels..."

Running her finger over the side of the wand, Renna nodded as she felt the power within such an innocent looking Focus, and I couldn't help but grin proudly as I nodded back at her.

[Vis Steel Wand : Nature Mana Damage +65%, Nature Mana Gathering Efficiency +65%, Nature Mana Capacity +25%]

Simple boosts that were made impressive simply because they were so damn high, and boosts that anyone would accept in a heartbeat if they knew just what the wand was capable of; honestly, if I advertised these things to people and tried to sell them, how much money would they spend to acquire such an item..?

And how much blood would be spilled to have it if they couldn't afford to buy it, or the owner simply didn't want to sell it?

"Renna, two things... First, do you want to name it? It can be anything, but it is your wand now, so... you should probably give it a name."

She hummed softly as she looked the wand up and down, her sky blue eyes shining brilliantly as she appraised her new wand, giving it a test as she funneled her mana into it and watched as the flower at the back shone just like her eyes did.

"Gorgeous... so simple, yet so gorgeous... so perhaps... something simple to match? Petal? Petal sounds nice... though..."

Looking towards me, she grinned as she said "How about Petal Minima~?", which made me blush slightly as I glanced at Shelur, who was smiling softly as well, the Orc finding the Duchess' decision rather amusing considering... well, everything that had happened a few minutes ago.

"If you want..."

That only made her grin at me more, this switch from being the one who was teased to the one who was teasing giving Renna quite the power high at the moment, since she stepped closer and poked my breast with the wand, just hard enough that my milk began to trickle out.

"Oh, I do~ want to name it that..."

She leaned forwards and kissed me, and before I knew it she was sandwiching my cock between her thick thighs, giving it a soft embrace as she stroked it against her pussy, which was still dripping with her own juices and with my cum.

Placing one of my hands behind her head and the other on her butt, I gave her what she wanted as I deepened the kiss, enjoying the softness of her curvy body whilst also loving the heat that permeated us both as we stood there together, sharing our love.

I had tried so hard to not be horny, and yet Renna dashed that hope away with this single action, so it only made sense for me to show her what happened when she got me horny all over again, right in front of Shelur, who had resumed stroking her cock as she watched me push the Duchess down and slide on in to her pussy to make love once more.


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts