
First Snow

When I awoke that next morning, I stretched and glanced outside, my eyes widening slightly as I saw the carpet of white that was laid outside my window.

Turning around, I gently shook Rhefia and Kalia awake, the two women grumbling as they sat up and yawned.

Returning to the window, I grinned as I stared over the snow covered grass outside, my eyes tracking the snowflakes that lazily drifted down from the white sky.

Stretching behind me, Rhefia leaned down and stared out of the window with me, her eyes still unfocused as she muttered "Oh, snow..."

Pouting, I glared at her as she shrugged, before glancing at Kalia, wondering if I was the only one excited for this first snow of ours.

The curvaceous Dark Elf winced as she grabbed her hips, the prior night of rough sex with Rhefia making her achy on this colder morning.

Shuffling to stand beside me, the Dark Elf's pink eyes widened as she looked outside, excitement and wonder filling them up as she gasped.

I gave Rhefia a triumphant look, the large Deerkin shrugging again as she walked towards the dresser, grabbing us some clothes.

Ignoring her thick morning wood, I grinned at Kalia as she continued to take in the falling snow, before we both swiftly threw on the clothes that Rhefia gave us.

Rushing downstairs, I opened my daughters room and woke them both up, wanting to share this moment with them.

Like their dama, both Deerkin were sporting glorious erections, but when they saw my excitement they glanced briefly at one another and untangled themselves from each other.

Dressing themselves, we all slipped on some boots and took a deep breath, staring at the door.

Rhefia watched us with undisguised mirth as we all excitedly grinned at one another, all whilst Yiksa knelt in front of her.

Reaching forwards, I grabbed the door handle and pushed it open, a cold gust of wind sending my violet hair aflutter.

Shivering slightly, I took a step down onto the frosted grass, Kalia and Camara swiftly following behind me.

Aethisia seemed excited, but not as much as us three were.

Taking a few more steps out into the clearing, I spun around and giggled, enjoying the sight of snow falling all around me.

Kalia joined me, her pink hair bouncing as she jumped in joy, a wide smile on her lips as she reached down to scoop up some of the snow.

Camara looked around in wonder, her eyes flitting from us to the trees on the edge of the clearing, each branch now white with snow.

Finally, Aethisia simply remained by Camara's side, her arm around her sister's shoulders as they stood together, taking in the first proper day of winter.

Whilst we were looking around in wonder, Rhefia and Yiksa eventually stepped outside as well, the older Dark Elf joining her daughter outside while Rhefia leaned against the doorframe, her eyes filled with warmth as she looked over us.

Beaming at each of my children and my wife, I giggled alongside Kalia as she flung some snow up into the air, creating a mini blizzard around us for just a moment.

Upon seeing that, Aethisia smirked as she reached down and scooped up some snow as well, packing it into her palm.

I didn't see what my middle daughter was doing, but I sure felt it; a cold ball of snow slapped into my side, exploding and showering the rest of my clothes with snow.

Turning towards her, I raised a brow as I chuckled, scooping up a handful as well.

Camara and Kalia mirrored me, whilst Yiksa swiftly retreated towards the house, where Rhefia stood shaking her head, a small smile on her lips.

Packing the snow, I lobbed it towards Aethisia, who ducked underneath the ball.

She dodged that one, but she didn't anticipate Camara flinging her own snowball at her sister's broad back, hitting her directly in the center.

Staggering forwards, Aethisia turned and stared at her elder sister with mock surprise and betrayal, before she received another snowball to her back, this time from Kalia.

Finding herself the target of all three of us, Aethisia grinned and began dodging and ducking each ball, her eyes tracing each one as they arced through the air towards her.

Lowering her stance, Aethisia blitzed towards Kalia and lifted the shorter Dark Elf in front of her, using her as a shield from the torrent of snowballs.

Seeing that, Kalia fake screamed as she pleaded for us to not hit her, all whilst her eyes glowed with childish glee.

Nodding to Camara, we moved in opposite directions, forcing Aethisia to pick one of us to face.

While we moved around the clearing, snowballs in hand, we kept our eyes glued to Aethisia's, trying to get a clue on what she was thinking.

Once again nodding to one another, we both wound up our arms and prepared to throw at the same time, only to watch in awe as a snowball collided with Aethisia's cheek, the soft snow leaving her face covered in white powder.

Rhefia was grinning widely as she pulled down her lower eyelid, sticking out her tongue at our youngest daughter, who shook the snow from her face.

Glaring at her dama, Aethisia let Kalia slip from her arms before scooping up some snow again, about to throw it towards Rhefia.

Watching this unfold, we were again surprised when Camara was the one to receive a snowball to the stomach, Aethisia grinning at her elder sister as she got back at her for the earlier sneak attack.

With laughter echoing around the clearing, we all began to enjoy the snow that fell from the sky, each of us reveling in the pure childish fun that this first day of winter provided.

When we finally returned inside, each of us was soaked to the bone, and we all huddled together in front of the fire, warming one another up before Rhefia decided there was another, more intimate way to heat us up.

Filling the house with moans, our first day ended on a happy note, all six of us having enjoyed the giddy day that had passed.