
Finding a Fight (1)

Aethisia PoV

Waving goodbye to my sisters and Mama, I walked beside Dama, our weapons slung over our shoulders and our 'armor' covering our bodies.

I say 'armor' because... neither of us so much as cared for it, and we only wore the leather chest pieces and battle skirts that Mama made for us because... well, we didn't want to worry her.

Anyways, as I walked beside Dama, I took the time to look around the city of Tusk once more, enjoying the various 'foreign races' and fantastical sights as best I could; I wasn't much of a fantasy enjoyer in my previous world, but I did know what I was looking at.

Various 'flavors' of Elves walked around, easy to depict with their long, sharp ears.

Then the Beastkin like myself ventured around with their notable animal parts, be it the ears or tufts of fur and feathers.

Finally, there were the Orcs and Halflings and other humanoids as well.

Noticing my curious gaze, Dama smiled at me as she whispered "Anyone catch your fancy, miss 'I needed multiple does to sate my lust~'?"

Glaring at her, I let out a huff as I muttered "There was no reason to refuse them..." before returning my gaze to the crowded street, taking note of the fact that no one seemed to get in our way.

People made a wide berth around us, with some casting fearful glances our way as well.

"Dama, why is everyone avoiding us?"

It might have been a stupid question, but I still wanted to make sure of the answer anyways.

"Hmm? Oh, cause we're obviously from out of town. Again, Northern Deerkin are from - surprise~ - the North! And we are currently almost as South as South you can get~! That, and the spears let them know we're fighters of some kind, be it mercenary, hunters, or slavers. Most common folk will steer clear from an open weapon; no need to risk pissing someone off and losing your life."

Nodding, I fell silent as we continued walking through the city, only looking back up when Dama stopped in front of a large stone building.

Circular in shape like most amphitheater's, the giant stone structure radiated noise as cheers and shouts echoed out of it's arched windows.

Hanging off the top of the flat 'roof' were long colored banners, each one embroidered with a name.

Embossed onto the stone archway above us were the words 'Tusk Arena', and dozens of women streamed into and out of the giant arena.

Taking a deep breath beside me, Dama grinned as she looked around the crowd, her excitement palpable.

"Well Aethisia, this is where your Dama used to earn herself spending money~! Not this specific Arena, of course, but places like this. Honing my skill and getting paid to do it is always a great feeling~! Come on, let's get signed up~!"

We joined the large influx of excited civilians and preparing fighters as we entered the large Tusk Arena, instantly welcomed by a bustling, noisy entrance hall.

Large counters spanned both side walls, while two large gates were carved out of the opposite wall; one read 'Fighters' and the other read 'Watchers'.

Dama walked towards the counters on the side that said 'Fighters', joining the queue for one of the receptionists.

Resting her arm around my shoulder, Dama began to speak to me in a hushed tone, her voice serious.

"Listen. When you reach the receptionists, tell them you want to take the Gladiator's Gauntlet. Every Arena, both legal and illegal, has them. It's a set of seven matches that you will be going through; matches that the Arena organizers will try and make impossible for you to win. If you lose the matches, you're banned from ever participating in that Arena again, but..."

Smirking at me, Dama continued on, the excitement returning to her voice.

"If you win all seven matches, you'll win 40% of the earnings the Arena made on your fights, alongside whatever the current 'bounties' are from your seven opponents. If you lose though, you make not a single coin, and the Arena makes a killing on your fights. Understand? We're going high risk, high reward, daughter. Both for your Mothers'... interesting obsessions, but also-"

She grinned at me, and I could feel the adrenaline flooding my veins; I knew that grin, as it was one she only wore whenever our spars got heated.

It meant that what we were going to be doing was, in our eyes, a really, really fun time.

"For our own thrill! Again, request the Gladiator's Gauntlet, insist on it, and sign the contract they give you. Everything under a Gladiator's Gauntlet is overseen by three Goddesses, so those contracts are some of the tightest binds anyone can be under. There is nothing 'underhanded' the Arena can do, lest they invite the wrath of three very proud, very vengeful, very, very, very, very powerful Goddesses. So make sure to get that contract signed."

Nodding, I felt her slip her arm free from my shoulders as she walked forwards, called to one of the pretty Elven receptionists that had become available.

Taking a deep breath, I waited for the next receptionist to open up, this one being a Wolfkin.

Sharp orange amber eyes seemed to pierce my soul, though one of them was hidden under her dark brown hair, her bangs long and pulled to the side.

A small, arrogant smirk rested on her thin lips, and she looked me over a few times before asking "Are you here to apply as a single fighter or as a repeat fighter?"

The Wolfkin woman's voice was low but smooth, and she raised a brow when I didn't respond right away.

"Ah. I'm here to take on the Gladiator's Gauntlet."

At that, the Wolfin's visible eye widened, while her ears twitched.

That smirk was replaced by a frown, and she leaned forwards as she asked "You are aware of what the Gladiator's Gauntlet is, right? If you lose just one match, you can never step foot in this Arena again, even as a spectator."

I nodded, saying "I understand what is at stake. However, I would like to take the Gladiator's Gauntlet."

She stared at me in silence for a few moments, before placing a small medallion on the counter in front of me.

"Fine. Here's the Gladiator's Medallion; please wear it during each of your matches. Make your way to the waiting area for fighters, just through that gate. When you present the medallion to the organizer, they will arrange your matches for you."

Sliding it towards me, the Wolfkin looked towards the next in line, and during that moment I glanced at Dama, who was raising her brow at the Elf.

Sighing, the Elf reluctantly placed a paper on the counter, which made Dama grin.

Coughing gently, I made the Wolfkin turn back to me, her brow raised inquisitively.


Letting out a sigh similar to the Elf, the Wolfkin grumbled to herself as she reached under the counter, grabbing a paper.

Placing it in front of me, she watched as I read it over, before I signed my name and stamped a bloody imprint of my thumb on the page.

When I did so, the contract shone for a brief moment, before the Wolfkin took it back and sighed again.

"Alright, you're done. Go to the waiting area, through that gate there, and present the medallion for the organizer. Then, say this phrase; 'Dionysia drinks from the chalice of entertainment'. Enjoy yourself, Deerkin. If you lose, you will never step foot inside this establishment again."

Giving her a small smile, I winked at her as I said "I've never lost in my life, so I don't plan on starting now!"

With that, I made my way towards the gate for the fighters, were Dama was waiting for me.


Maybe two slices of chocolate cake for my birthday was too much... almost fell asleep writing lol~



Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts