

When I finally woke up after that, Yiksa was still rigidly sitting beside me, her eyes fixed on the asleep Kalia, who's lips where slightly sticky with milk.

Getting up, I yawned before gently wiping off her lips, glancing briefly back at Yiksa, who was now staring at me with confusion.

I spoke to her, my voice low and soft, just so Kalia wouldn't wake up.

"What just happened doesn't mean I forgive you, Yiksa. You need to prove that to me, to prove that you are worthy of being able to raise Kalia alongside me. What you did was unforgivable, so I may never truly let go what you did. However..."

I looked down to my newest daughter, her calm, peaceful sleeping face making my heart melt slightly.

Her pale gray skin and pink hair looked silky, and I stroked her cheek, smiling warmly as she nuzzled against my fingers.

"That doesn't change the fact that Kalia is OUR daughter; she came from you and I, even if you... raped me to conceive her. So, show me that you want to be apart of my family, which includes her. Prove to me that you want to be apart of her life as more than just a servant, or pet for us to play with."

Yiksa nodded, her face serious as she spoke again, her voice raspy as she whispered "I... Before now, I had never even truly thought of family; even when I had daughters with the Goblins, they... didn't feel like mine. Goblin blood overwrites other races easily enough..."

Biting her lip, she continued to stare at Kalia, her emerald eyes warm.

"But now, now I know what my own parents felt... and I don't want to feel what they felt when they sent me away, away from our burning village as they tried to protect me from the pillagers. Not knowing if my child was safe, was able to grow up..."

Her eyes watered, and she looked back up at me, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"It s-scares me, t-thinking that K-Kalia might not e-ever know of me... w-who I am to her. I... I d-didn't want to l-live the way I d-did, but I knew nothing else! S-So I want t-to teach her w-what I never got to learn... h-how to be apart of a f-family, how to return that warmth..."

Seeing her tears, I bit my cheek to prevent my own from falling.

"I... it d-doesn't mean much, I know, but... I-I'm sorry... I r-really am... I d-don't care if you c-continue to treat me l-like a slave, j-just let me... please let me b-be in her life!"

Hearing her plead, I was about to respond when Rhefia walked in, her expression soft as she moved to stand behind Yiksa.

"Well, at least you seem to regret what you've done. It's a start... but for now, let's put you to work; Astra's tired, as is Kalia. They need rest more than anything right now, so..."

Gently lifting the Dark Elf off of the bed, Rhefia said "We need to hunt, for food today and to stock for winter. This family got much larger, and it's going to grow much larger soon as well. Come on."

Yiksa nodded, her eyes glued to Kalia's as she let Rhefia pulled her downstairs, before they both left my sight.


Aethisia PoV

Watching as dama led the Dark Elf outside, I exchanged glances with Camara, who was frowning slightly.

"Girls, start clearing more of the forest; your mother wants to expand the house and the garden, to continue preparing for winter. Move the felled logs towards the other side of the clearing, out of the way. Yiksa and I will travel towards the Mountain, and we won't be back till dusk."

Nodding to her, Camara and I retrieved the axes that hung on the wall and made our way outside.

Dama and Yiksa entered the woods, spears and bows strapped to their backs as they eventually melded into the trees.

"Do you think..?"

Hearing my sister, I glanced over at her and shrugged.

"I mean, Mother and Dama were having fun with her this last week, so maybe? Besides, I feel like we've hunted the area around us too much, so we will need to start going further out now..."

Camara nodded, swinging the axe into her tree.

"I still don't know if I could really forgive her... but..."

"Yeah, she did... something unforgivable. But, we're not the ones she needs to apologize to. Mother is, and if she's willing to give it a try..?"

Swinging the axe hard, I grunted as I dislodged it from the tough wood.

"Besides, from what dama's said, Yiksa can't really do much against any of us. Mother... awoke to a powerful magic; a rare, dark magic, and with the seal she placed on Yiksa, unless she wishes to be boiled from the inside out, she can't disobey..."

Camara shivered, her muddy crimson iris' glowing in the noon light.

"Dark magic? What, is it more... evil than normal magic? What even is 'normal' magic?"

I shrugged, not truly knowing the answer...

For this world, anyways.

I mean, if it works similar to mine, 'Dark' Magic is just... a label for magic that usually is tied towards darker, eviler people and practices.

As for 'Normal' Magic, I imagine the elements fall under that umbrella term, maybe even things like Space, Time, and other 'non' elements like Dreams?

"Well, magic aside... how about Kalia? She's really cute, isn't she~! That silky pink hair looks a lot like Mothers, and her eyes are paler than yours!"

I nodded, recalling our newest sister.

It was... odd, knowing that my Mother, who seemed to be a reincarnator herself, was kind of creating her own Harem of women to satisfy her; I always thought that was a male thing, but...

Glancing at my older sister, I nodded to myself, understanding.

"And then Dama seems like she wants another baby too..."

Hearing her voice trail off, I retrieved the axe, before I started to sweat as Camara turned towards me, her eyes hot as she asked "Do you want a baby, Aethisia?"

Her question made me turn and lean against the tree, my eyes falling onto my now erect cock.

Taking in a shuddering breath, I then glanced back at Camara, who had stepped closer to me.


My voice was raspy, and she looked seductively up at me, making me groan.

She inherited mother's sexiness huh...

Feeling her hand on my stomach, I took in another shuddering breath as I thought about how to respond to her.

"Camara, I..."

Clasping her hand, I stared at her, debating the pros and cons of each answer.

I wasn't against impregnating her; I was curious as to the feeling of it, but I was also wanting to know what Mother felt as she loved me.

However, that was a lot of responsibility, and for now, we needed to think about our situation; we had limited food, and a growing family.

Another child was guaranteed on the way, so...

Clenching her hand in mine, I said "I... We would need to ask Mother and Dama about whether or not we could conceive now... food is limited, space is limited, and... winter is coming. From how Dama speaks of it, we need to prepare more."

She nodded, but I could see light disappointment in her eyes.


Pulling her into my chest, I stared down at my elder sister, pursing my lips as I held her.

"It's not that I don't want... to have a child with you. It's just... time and place... I don't want to have our child suffer... ever. So..."

She nodded, smiling up at me.

"It's alright, Aethisia... I know my little sister cares~! So..."

Trailing her fingers down my chest, she coyly looked up at me, only to yelp as I growled at her, pulling her into the forest.

"You vixen... tempting me like that..."

Tearing off her clothes, I pushed her against a tree and started pounding into her, her frantic moaning making me smirk as I slammed into her womb.

My sister knew how to get me riled up, but she had yet to learn how to truly handle the consequences...


So, the family tree won't be getting complicated... just yet.

But, for now, I really am going to limit the number of characters, both for my own sanity and due to its practicality.

I might not have gone in depth about winter, but it's bad; I mean, cold, windy, snowy bad, in the olden days.

No electrical heating and all that to survive, no refrigerators and freezers to store food, just salt and smoking...

So, they need to think it through, and that's going to be addressed in the upcoming chapters.

Besides that, I said it over in Servant System, but I think I need to say it in all my books...

I understand people's enthusiasm for certain character ships, or altering character dynamics, but some characters had fixed... characteristics.

Rhefia and Aethisia are the current subject of this talk; some of the characters I make are going to be exclusively one thing.

They are both exclusively 'male' in all relationships; they will be the ones using the dicks, but never using their vaginas. It's just how they are, and how I, their creator, perceive them.

When I try to imagine some characters being both 'male' and 'female' in sexual ways, they never really fit 'female' for me, if you get what I mean.

They just... are going to be the 'givers', never the 'takers'.

Camara and Yiksa are both; currently, Astra is just a 'taker'.

Most characters will fit both, but you'll find that some simply fit better as one or the other, and not both.

I have a character in mind already who will be exclusively a 'taker' even as a futa, and its the same in some of my other books; it's just how I perceive my own characters.

Not trying to shame people for wanting both Aethisia and Camara to get pregnant; that's a nice idea, but it just doesn't fit my idea for Aethisia, sadly.

Anyways, mini rant thing over, just letting people know the 'state' of my mind when going into character relationships all that jazz~!

Thanks for the support, comments, and I hope you continue to support and interact with my works~!

Love you all ^~^

- Ketsueki_Hasu



Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts