
Family Trip (2)

Rhefia led us away, into the forest.

She told us that this mountain, Mount Aoak, was a good distance away, and it was situated further south from us, meaning we'd be traveling away from the Dryadi Queendom.

We walked through the forest in single file, Rhefia in front, then me, then Camara, and finally Aethisia.

I was taking in the beautiful scenery around us with a smile, enjoying the warm breeze and bright sunshine that trickled through the trees.

Meanwhile, Rhefia was keeping her head on a swivel, constantly looking side to side as we traveled through the forest, her spear resting on her broad shoulder.

I was looking for any new herb, vegetable, berry, or any other kind of plant that I could add to my garden, hoping to start building up a wider variation of of plants to grow.

However, much to my disappointment, nothing new stood out to me; the Rojaberries and Nettla leaves were extremely common and abundant.

The journey was boring, since nothing approached us; Rhefia made it adamant that she wanted to reach the mountain first before setting out for a hunt, so that we could create a camp before splitting off into groups.

Aethisia and I would explore the mountain, while Camara and Rhefia would set out for the land around Mount Aoak.

Time passed slowly, but eventually we reached the base of the mountain, all four of us staring up at it.

Camara and I were looking up with awe; we both had thought the trees around us were tall, but this mountain...

I knew what a mountain was, and Camara had heard an explanation of what a mountain was, but neither of us expected it to be this...


Aethisia was just staring at the mountain with little care at all, her crimson eyes instantly retuning to the area around us as she let out a low huff.

As for Rhefia, she gave the mountain a cursory look over before laying her hand on my shoulder, making me look at her.

"Come on, let's start climbing. I want to get the camp made a little bit up, out of the way of most animals."

I nodded, before staring at the giant mountain before us.

It felt massive; it scraped against the sky and was touching the edge of what we could see with its width.

Although it wasn't steep, just the idea of scaling this giant rocky pile made me excited, and I walked behind my Deerkin wife with mild glee.

Every few minutes I would stop and turn around, taking in the sea of lush green trees below us as we climbed higher and higher, until we reached a small rocky outcropping.

It was slightly smaller than our clearing was originally, and Rhefia plopped down onto a rock, a smile on her lips as she glanced over her shoulder towards the forest.

Aethisia sat beside her, while Camara stood beside me.

"It's beautiful..."

Rhefia nodded, before turning back to smirk at me, saying "Not as beautiful as you~"

Blushing, I glared and pouted at her, heavily aware of my two daughters gazes.

She chuckled, before getting up and stretching.

"Alright, come on Aethisia; let's get something to cook up for lunch."

Our youngest daughter nodded, her steady voice coming out as she said "Alright dama..."

Both muscular Deerkin stood up and hefted their spears before making their way back down the mountain, leaving Camara and I alone.

We both watched as the two Deerkin made their way down the mountain, before Camara turned to me with a small smile, saying "Well, let's get this camp set up mama!"

Chuckling, I ruffled her hair, my hand fitting snugly between her sporting antlers.

"Alright, alright~! Here, this is how-"

Placing the materials down on the rocky ground, I show Camara how to set up the tents, wanting to teach her how to do so just in case she finds herself without me in the wilderness.

We had two large tents; one for Rhefia and I and the other for Camara and her sister.

Once the tents were up, I handed her all the various blankets, furs, pillows, and other small things I had brought, letting her set up her tent as she pleased.

Crawling into my own, I spread out the thick furs and sat down, resting my aching body.

The walk had been longer than anything I had ever done, and on top of that was the climbing of the mountain...

I was a little tired now that we'd stopped, so I wanted to enjoy this momentary peace, looking over the inside of the tent with expectant eyes.

Licking my lips, I felt my lower lips moisten as I imagined Rhefia crawling into the tent at night, her dark eyes expectant and filled with lust as she pushed me down...

Resisting the urge to slide my fingers into my pants, I grit my teeth and got up, exiting the tent and setting up the campfire and some small chairs.

I had also crafted a bunch of quality of life things to use, like wooden chairs, a low table, a cooking rack...

Those, topped with the things I had brought from home, would mean that this trip would be much cozier than a normal hunting trip.

Moments later Camara stepped outside, her breathing slightly quickened as she sat down.

Raising a brow, I stared at her for a few moments, watching as my daughter looked away, her cheeks dark as she said "T-The blanket w-wouldn't stay put..."

Shrugging, I said "Might've been too small for the tent; they are pretty large tents. As long as it covers most of the space, then it's fine. Did you want me to help?"

She shook her head, her cheeks darkening some more before she said "W-When do you think dama and Aethisia will be back?"

Glancing up at the sky, I pursed my lips before shrugging, saying "Dunno; if you want, keep watch over the edge of the ridge for them."

Seeing her move towards the ridge, I added "Be careful; don't fall over the edge!"

Camara nodded, and I turned back to the camp, glancing at one of the large boulders off to the side.

Taking my club, I moved over to it, wanting to get some mining done now...


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts