
Family Business (2)

"Yes, the statue of Temenatra holding a bottle of our wine and pouring it out into a 'lake' of wine made from glass was the idea that we had for the store going forwards, something to draw people in based on intrigue and to show that we really are serious about this business; you can't sell terrible wine and utilize the Goddess of Wine to market without risking her wrath, after all."

"That is a fair point, yes, but... you wouldn't happen to have some of this wine available for sampling then, would you? I need to make sure it's worth the risk on our end, just to be certain and ensure we - the ones carving the wood - are safe as well."

Renna nodded and turned back to me, smiling slightly as she gestured for me to bring out a bottle, confusing her sister and sister in law as they too turned to me, only to gasp slightly as I just summoned a bottle of wine from thin air and placed it on the table.

It was one of Kalia's extra bottles from when she had first made wine, and it was by far my favorite flavor that had been produced so far, but that was likely to change going forwards since everyone had ideas of their own that all sounded really tasty, like the various spiced wines and especially Rhefia's minty brandy.

I was also looking forwards to having us get more adept at making wine so that it's quality would go up, but that was a little ways away from where we were currently at, so I could only wait patiently and enjoy the wine we had, which I knew for certain was already a really good wine.

Pouring a little for both of the nude futanari, I slid the cups over to them and waited, watching as they hesitantly picked them up and stamped down on their desire to ask questions, the neutrality with which Renna viewed my miraculous action stunning them into this interesting state.

To soothe their nerves, I poured myself a glass and took a sip, moaning softly at the wonderful taste of Kalia's refreshing, sparkling wine that fizzled nicely on the tongue, its sweetness spreading throughout my body and relaxing me somewhat whilst also warming me thanks to the alcohol.

They mirrored me a moment later, and I saw both of their eyes brighten as they downed their cup of wine with a promising lip smack that followed afterwards, both of them nodding and exchanging a glance before Annie said "Yeah, that's some damn good wine. Better than some of the shops those Nobles love to visit."

"What she means to say is that we will be delighted to work, but remember Renna, we are - and will always remain - a business, even if I am fucking your sister and vice versa. We need to make some money off of this, so... let's talk price."

Despite still being extremely naked and still proudly showing off her semi erect cock, Cici leaned forwards with a serious expression as she looked between Renna and I, her intentions clear; she wanted us to take this seriously as well, which was why I then turned to look at Renna, who was the one with the bigger purse here.

She was also the one who wanted to commission her sister and sister in law, so to me it was up to her to set the price and pay them, though I wasn't going to accept an outrageous price since I could always have Camara try to make a statue that large as well; her forte was clearly in smaller mantle pieces and the like, but I believe in my eldest daughter enough to say that she could manage to carve something that ornate.

"Hm... well, I wasn't going to have just the two of you working on it by yourselves, and I was also going to be providing the materials, so the price shouldn't be too high now, understood? Astra's daughter, Camara, is really skilled at woodworking too, so if you want to have an 'apprentice' or something to help out with the menial tasks, that's fine; and remember, Astra herself will be doing the glasswork and providing food and drink during your visits to her compound, so..."

I wasn't going to deny the fact that if they arrived at my compound they would be well taken care of in any way that they wanted, but still, being told that I would do something was a tad grating initially, even if that was exactly what I had just done to Renna; still though, I could accept it and realize that this was a large part of us being partners, and I could more than accept that.

Especially if they wanted to be taken care of in that way too... I wouldn't mind that at all~!

"A menial laborer and all materials payed for? Lunches on Astra over there, guaranteed pay..? We've definitely had worse before, haven't we Annie? I don't see why not, but again, what's the price?"

"I was thinking... 5 Gold an hour, we'll be generous and round it up if you clock in or out in the middle of an hour. I can't imagine this takes you more than a week to finish, considering your skills, and again, as you said, this is fully paid with no cost to you for materials, an additional helper, and lunch plus other snacks whenever you feel hungry."

"And I'll even throw in a few bottles of wine for you to store away for after your pregnancies; you got a taste of one of the lower end wines we have, so imagine having a few bottles of the good stuff~?"

Annie and Cici raised a brow at that before exchanging glances, and I smirked as I added "And of course, when Renna says you'll be taken care of, that means you will~ be taken care of if you so desire... paid breaks and I'll have a nice little room with a bed waiting for you... maybe even someone waiting for you on that bed~?"

Both of the futanari's smirked back at me as they nodded, their cocks standing back up as they showed just how much they would be taking advantage of what I just said.


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts