
Familial 'Love' (4)

Watching as Inik thudded against the sand from that swift one two combo that Aethisia had given her, I felt my heart clench uncomfortably at seeing my lover in pain - even if she sort of deserved it for what she had said, when she had said it.

Still though, it wasn't something I wanted to see happen, especially not when it might have done some damage not only to her handsome face, but more importantly to that pride that I had found so endearing to the point of giving her all she wanted in bed...

That was what was worrying me right now, since a blow to her pride and an attack on who she was and what she 'offered' to me in the form of her confidence to keep me safe might be rather detrimental to her mentality going forwards.

Which was why I had already made my way forwards to kneel beside her, my mana already seeping out of my fingers and burrowing into her bruising jaw and temple, jolting the Hawkkin awake as she gasped and sat up quickly, her instinct to assess the danger around herself causing her to grab one of my hands and pull me closer, so that her other fist would have leverage to drive itself straight into my gut.

But, she stopped herself a moment before she did punch me, her eyes slowly focusing as she panted beside me, before she let out a sigh and a groan as I gently tapped her cheek.

"Are you alright, Inik? Does it hurt anywhere else?"

Fussing over her jaw and temple still, I paused for a brief moment as the Hawkkin sighed again to mutter "I'm fine, Kalia... I'm fine.", which brought a frown to my lips as I gently turned her to face me directly, those amber eyes meeting mine for a fleeting second before she tried to look away again.

"Inik! Give me an answer... does it hurt anywhere else? I don't want you hurting..."

My voice caught in my throat as I asked that, and Inik looked back at me quickly, the Hawkkin's expression unreadable as she replied "No, not hurt anywhere else Kalia... no where that matters, anyways."

She sighed once more, before raising a brow as I began to bathe her body in mana, seeping her muscles in healing energy and restoring her back to her 'prime', though we both paused when an antlered shadow fell over us.

"You fight well, but... it is my victory, no?"

Aethisia stared down at us with a neutral expression, the white haired Deerkin resting her spear on her shoulder as she waited for a reply, which Inik never gave as she just met Aethisia's stare.

For a few seconds, the two were staring at one another silently, until eventually Aethisia reached down and offered her hand to the Hawkkin, gesturing for her to get up as she said "Bygones can be bygones, but you aren't friendly enough with me just yet to speak about my sister like that; I don't know you well enough to view what you say as simple jesting, Inik. Understand?"

Looking between the two, I pursed my lips as I wondered if I should tell Aethisia that I don't mind, but as I glanced at her and back down at Inik, I remained quiet, noting how they weren't sparing me a glance at all in this moment.

Reaching up and grabbing her hand, Inik allowed Aethisia to pull her up to her feet, the Hawkkin brushing off her clothes and nodding, before asking "How will I know when you all have come to accept me for who I am? Why would you come to accept someone who had to change themselves simply to become accepted?"

Snorting, Aethisia rolled her eyes and released Inik's hand, the Deerkin saying "You'll know because I won't be watching you every time you do something. And I'm not asking for you to become a demure little kitten, Inik. I'm asking for you to speak of my sister like an actual woman, not a piece of fuckable meat. That shouldn't be considered 'changing yourself'."

Aethisia clapped Inik's shoulder as she added "I don't care how well you make love to her in bed, or what sorts of wonderful and intimate nothings you whisper to her whenever you wake up or go to sleep... I care about how you talk to her in front of others. Dama can do those things to Mama because we all know Dama; she only does so in front of us, her family. Which does include the Duchess over there, who likes watching someone play with her love. You, however, are an unknown currently, and all I'm hearing is disrespect for the woman who you want to make your wife."

My sister looked towards me as she said "And Kalia, perhaps its selfish of me to say, but I don't care if you like being demeaned and belittled like that, just like Mama, but until I know your lover enough to think of her as a friend at least, I don't want to hear her speaking about you like that. It doesn't feel genuine. When you're in private, do as you please though... alright?"

She stared at us both before nodding and walking away, heading over towards her mate and Sari, who were still bickering; meanwhile, Mama was smiling at us from afar as she said something to the Duchess, who nodded and seemed more interested by Mama herself than whatever it was that she was saying.

That Orc was quietly watching Mama and the Duchess, while Helia had made her way over to join Dama Rhefia, who was approaching us; Dama herself was still standing next to Prixisia, and I bit my cheek again as I saw the lingering distrust and hostility in their gazes as they stared at Inik, before the Lamia turned and slithered away, heading back inside.

Dama followed her, and I met her gaze for a moment, relief flooding me as I saw her eyes soften and her lips curl into a small smile, helping soothe my heart as I realized it was something similar to Aethisia for her; she just didn't want to see me getting hurt by Inik, which I could understand, even if I wasn't entirely happy with her current execution...


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts