
Familial 'Love' (1)

"Well, we can move to other matters that concern the family, and I think the best place to start is with the new additions to the family, right? Specifically, Inik. You were a slaver before this, so what are you going to be doing now..?"

"Like Dama like daughter huh~? Aethisia was asking me the exact~ same questions whilst we were in the midst of... something really entertaining~! So, just like I said to her... I'll quit my job as a slaver and go freelance. Head out hunting every once in awhile and make some coin that way. Maybe pick up a trade here and figure out how to make a profit that way."

Shrugging her shoulders, Inik casually draped her arm over Kalia's shoulder and smirked at everyone, something that made me giggled quietly as I hid my amused expression from the proud Hawkkin, wondering if she was entirely aware that Kalia - while no longer the actual baby sister here - was still viewed by Rhefia, Camara, and Aethisia as the one who needed protection despite Kalia's magic being rather potent.

None of us really could tell who in the family was the 'strongest' in any sort of combat scenario since... well, we really haven't fought anyone, and even when we have, none of us were actually fighting for our lives or anything, or fighting to kill someone, so y'know...

All that was to say that I was confident that Kalia could protect herself with her magic and I was also confident in her ability to figure out if someone was worth a damn or now... but Rhefia, Camara and Aethisia also knew that, and whilst they also trusted her, it didn't mean that they were entirely ready to 'hand her over' to someone just yet...

I was also curious to know if there reluctance to entirely trust Inik was coming from the fact that if Kalia wanted to remain relatively exclusive with Inik, then they 'lost' one of their favorite sexual partners; it was a bit selfish and a bit telling on their priorities, but I couldn't say I was surprised if that was the case since this entire family had been built upon sex with whoever you wanted whenever you wanted.

Perhaps they were being semi jealous of the Hawkkin for being able to make Kalia hers, or perhaps they were just getting irritated by how she was acting so smugly and being semi confrontational in her actions without having 'earned' that right, like how Sari earned the right by sparring with Rhefia.

The Catkin I was thinking about was just smiling slightly as she stared at the Hawkkin, drawing the same parallels I had and likely reaching the same conclusion I did, since she decided to ask "Will you be able to put those skills you learned as a slaver to use though to make money as a hunter? People and monsters are different, after all... and from what I can recall, most slavers usually had some rather potent equipment and not the sharpest skills..."

"Course I will. If you want proof, just ask Prixisia over there~! She knows all~ about my skills, in all sorts of facets too... isn't that right, snake?"

Smirking over at Prixisia, Inik didn't do anything even as the Lamia hissed and bared her fangs, the anguish from what had happened making her show an expression none of us had seen before.

The Hawkkin didn't care at all that the Lamia was a part of the family, even if she wasn't on the same level of my daughters and wives, but that didn't mean she wasn't apart of the family, and seeing someone in my family being so blatantly disrespected was...

A bold move, that's for certain.

"Would you mind humoring me, Inik? I must admit, I've sparred with Prixisia a few times now, and she's a decent enough fighter. Surely that means you're better than her, right? Let me verify that..."

Getting up, Aethisia smiled at Inik and gestured towards the door, with Rhefia and Camara watching the Hawkkin closely whilst the rest of the family simply frowned at what she had said; Yiksa was patting the Lamia's arm and calming her down, though her own emerald eyes were narrowed quite a bit as she noticed that our daughter was doing something similar to Inik in hopes of having her stop being so... insufferable.

Perhaps it was a warriors pride, perhaps it was her own pride instead, or perhaps she was always up for a challenge, but Inik wasn't allowing Kalia to calm her down and rein her in, the Hawkkin standing up as well as she answered "I don't see why not~? Just don't expect me to hold back, hm?"

Kalia's pink eyes were filled with worry as she tugged on Inik's sleeve, the Dark Elf saying "Inik, please, don't be crass now!", only to bite her lip when the Hawkkin replied "It's not crass, Kalia~! Tis but a spar, no~? A friendly spar between me and my sister in law, right~?" and gently pushed Kalia's hand away, allowing her to walk behind Aethisia as the Deerkin led her outside.

As soon as she was outside, I glanced at Kalia and chuckled wryly as I asked "You didn't expect this, did you? There are a few... problems you need to find answers for with a futanari like that, my dearest daughter..."

Patting her head, I gave her a smile and glanced at Sari, who had made her way over to us and instantly grabbed Aka from me much to the kit's obvious displeasure.

"Honestly, Kalia, this would have happened sooner or later. The problem with wanting someone as strong willed and hard headed as a partner is that they need to be clearly told their place. If you were to leave and be with just her, this attitude would be a boon for you; but here, in a family as large as ours, and as complicated as ours, there is a clear hierarchy here..."

"And she needs to find her place within it soon. The same way Sari did, the same way your Dama did, the same way anyone in the future will."

Rhefia joined us and gave the Dark Elf a small smile as well, adding "The same way everyone eventually learns that whilst I might be the 'head' of the family from the outside looking in, we all know its really Astra who decides everything important. I might have some influence over her, but she has way~ more over me than most people would assume. From the outside looking in, of course~! We all know just how insanely unpredictable Astra is~!" 


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts