
Expanding (9)

"This is still hard to believe... I mean, being able to renovate an entire floor in mere hours is just... it just sounds impossible!"

Renna looked around the new and improved bedroom with wide eyes, and it seemed that everyone else was experiencing some similar awe at this entire area being remodeled in mere hours, even though they were well aware of my capabilities.

And honestly, I could understand it since this was a lot of space that I had changed, and not only had it been changed, but I had added onto it as well with the children's 'wing', which was no small area either.

All in a single day of work, and there were still a few more hours before the moons reached their zenith in the sky, so the day was far from over and I had a few things that I wanted to get done with this remaining energy I had.

"Well, it isn't impossible, and I had quite the motivation behind it didn't I~? Being able to see all of your surprised faces is reward enough, but I do expect to be properly compensated for my labors, alright~?"

I smiled at everyone, noting instantly that all of the futanari were smirking at me at the mention of compensation; Aethisia and Sari were eyeing me up like a piece of meat, Rhefia raised a brow as she pointedly glanced at the children's area - which was made from the bricks she created - while Prixisia and Yiksa were both just smiling amusedly at me, their lust evident in how they looked me up and down.

Even Shelur was staring down at me, her emerald eyes tracing out my curves while her pants did little to hide the giant bulge she sported, and much to Kalia's irritation Inik was also smirking at me, the Hawkkin ogling my breasts before turning to look down at Kalia's, which made the Dark Elf give a confused glare and pout.

But, while I was really wanting to let them have me already, I still wanted to get some work done, and to start I had a very clear goal in mind for what I needed to get done; I needed to get the newest members of the family set up with some better gear, and specifically...

"Come, Renna~! I need your help making a Focus. Oh, and Shelur; if you want, I wouldn't mind getting you a new sword made? I just need some... measurements~!"

Grasping the hand of my red haired lover, I smiled at the Orc and pointedly stared at her cock, before Aethisia snorted "Yeah, 'measurements'... Just say you're horny Mother, no need to be flowery here.", which made me shrug my shoulders even as I remained quiet.

My response to that was to just walk away from the white haired Deerkin, who was watching me leave with a smirk still on her lips as she bore a hole in my rear, her gaze palpable as she enjoyed the swaying of my hips beside Renna's.

Shelur followed us a moment later, and soon we were downstairs and in the Forge, where I began to pull out a few different things that I needed for what was to come, specifically the Steel Ingots that I would have them both imbue with their respective mana types to create a new material for me to work with.

"So, just so you can understand that I wasn't joking, I have the ability to make Focuses and weapons out of Magisteel, but I can also work with materials that are more specialized, like this for example~!"

Pulling out two ingots - one of Tenebristeel and one of Sanguisteel - I showed the Duchess and the Orc these rather impressive materials, before also pulling out a third, more specialized but not as perfect ingot of Vitae Shadowsteel, which I really needed to start working on.

Then, after stacking those three ingots on the anvil, I decided to flaunt the staff that hadn't seen much use since its creation, but something I was still really proud of; the [Icon of the Sanguine Phoenix], which had been christened by Reincantra herself.

"As you can see, I have the ability to make some really good things, and I want to make you both something, for a few separate reasons. I want to display my gratitude for everything so far; I haven't known either of you for a long time, but I really do adore the two of you, and obviously I am thankful for everything that has already happened. I want to show you how grateful I am, and I also want to ensure that you can protect yourselves against anyone or anything even better than you can now. So don't try to refuse this gift from me~!"

Grinning at them both, I stored away the specialized ingots and instead handed them both a plain Steel Ingot, which I would need them to infuse with their own mana to allow me to make them something stronger than anything that is on the open market right now.

They were both staring at the Icon still, marveling at its beauty and stroking my ego just a bit as I proudly said "Isn't it just incredible? It's made from those prior ingots, so it is quite the masterpiece for me~! Stronger Blood and Dark Magic and I have better control too~!"

Giggling softly, I leaned the staff against my shoulder and gestured at the ingots in their hands, saying "Well, you need to get those ingots converted into something for me to make you something~! So come on, come on~!"

I kept my staff out just because, and my words drew their attention as they stared at the metal in their hands, with Renna nodding her head and beginning to imbue her Nature Magic into the Steel without any hesitation, while Shelur paused for a moment, watching the red head closely.

Stepping over to her, I gently laid my hand on her muscular forearm and asked "Do you need some assistance, Shelur~? I can help you in any~ way you want...", which made Renna cough a few times as she turned to stare at us, only to blush as I pressed a finger against my lips and winked at her.

I loved the way she went red after every little thing I did~!


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts