
Divine Warning

After a few seconds of letting that warning sink in, Demetra released Moriartra and gave her a sweet, 'warm' smile as she added "Don't be a fool, Moriartra, and you'll be able to enjoy this trip down to Teran as much as you like without risking anything to your health~!"

The Goddess of Murder, renowned for her ability to instill fear into the hearts of all she came across was now nodding slowly as she looked away from Demetra and myself, not letting her gaze land on us as she instead tried to recollect her dignity amongst the rest of our peers.

"I understand, Demetra, but... what happens if she does happen to... perish..? Not by my hand, of course, but maybe someone down there disappoints you once again. What are you going to do? Enshroud the entire world in frost once again? Spread famines amongst the people?"

"That is not of any concern to you, now is it, Moriartra? What I do doesn't matter to you; what you do doesn't always matter to me. Let's keep it that way, hm? I think its for the best..."

Clicking her tongue and raking a hand through her pitch black hair, Moriartra glanced back up at me and narrowed her eyes as she asked "And what about you, Reincantra? Will you interfere, or won't you?"

"You seem to be asking all sorts of interesting questions, my dear, and yet you don't seem to be thinking about the various warnings we have given you~! Now, why else did you come to my library, hm? Surely it wasn't meant to be a vague, idiotic threat to my charge..?"

The Goddess in front of me snorted and proceeded to slink over to one of the many chairs littering the area, plopping into it and tossing her leg over the armrest as she flaunted her immaculate body to everyone, knowing damn well that the only part that would be touchable was that spiked cock that she prided herself on.

"Well, besides coming to see my two favorite conquests sitting in a room together sulking and being otherwise childish in attitude, I wanted to go ahead and lay down a... gauntlet of sorts. See, I know the time isn't ripe just yet, but it's coming about, and when it does... I got a few targets in mind, some nice mortals that would be delicious to conquer and make my own.

Now, being all sneaky and underhanded might usually be my style, but I thought it'd be fun to play above board this time around. I want to see more of us down amongst the mortals in the upcoming days, I want us to remind them about the times prior. Things were far more interesting and entertaining back then, so.. that's my reason. I want to go down and murder your favored mortals, soak myself in their blood and rape their loved ones, all because I can~!"

Grinning at everyone else, she flicked her wrist and summoned out her all too fabled dagger, the long, obsidian blade older than some of the Goddesses present known to each of us as one of the few weapons to have ever killed a Goddess, and as such...

Everyone inside this library shivered, even me; not because I was afraid, but because I knew just how powerful that dagger was, because I knew just what was inside of it now that it had drank of the essence of a Goddess.

"So that's my warning; I plan on sowing discord and death amongst the world all because I can~! And my targets will be your chosen prophets, priestesses, Queens and lovers, so do your best to keep them safe~!"

She waved that blade around for a few moments before getting up and stretching, flaunting her curves and muscles as she looked around at all of our wary siblings before turning back to Demetra and I, her grin widening as she asked "Anyways, I also came to ask if I could perhaps... be bought, or persuaded to not go and touch some of your favorite mortals. It's been awhile..."

Demetra raised a brow and watched Moriartra slowly slink on over to our side as the Goddess of Murder carefully placed her hand on the older Goddess' wrist, lifting her hand up and allowing the usually sneaky and underhanded killer to put on a facade of honor as she placed a kiss on the back of Demetra's hand.

Some of the Goddesses sneered and looked away, and some even began to leave the library behind, not wanting to deal with her antics or risk anything else, and I watched quietly from the side as even more began to leave, sensing that staying would be a bad idea, especially since Demetra wasn't moving at all.

Areseta and Serenata were the only two who stayed, and even then it was more so for Areseta to take long, heavy strides forwards as she grabbed the red skinned Goddess and yanked her away from Demetra, uncaring of the dagger that remained in her hand.

"You are NOT touching my or my family's chosen, Moriartra. Am I clear?"

"Oho~! Are we going to see you get on your knees and submit then, Areseta~? Because I think I made it clear-"

Before the Goddess of Murder could finish her sentence, she had to leap back after being struck as Areseta tried to press the advantage, only for me to let out a sigh before I shouted "Stop it! There are children present."

Both of the Goddesses froze and turned towards me, and I stared heavily at Areseta as the black skinned Goddess clenched her jaw, not aware that her obsidian was beginning to become 'cracked' by orangish lines.

Taking deep breaths, they glanced at Astaria before looking back at me as I turned and went to my child, lifting her up and giving her a kiss before whispering something to her, watching as she warped away to another part of the library to give us some peace and quiet.

"Moriartra, I do this because I want double insurance from you..."

Allowing my robes to fall to the floor, I turned back around and beckoned for the Goddess of Murder to come to me, my legs spread as I laid back on the bed, enticing her with her base desires and welcoming her with my own as I gave myself back to this horrible futanari.

She might have been a murderer and downright evil woman, but that made the sex even better as she fucked me over and over again that day, and soon... she was balls deep inside of Demetra too, the two of us quenching her lust and using her to get closer to one another again, even if we didn't show it earlier.

Areseta soon joined us as she ravaged her wife beside us, and eventually I got to taste my previous baby Dama once more as the two Goddesses who dealt in death spit roasted me between them, ensuring I had one hell of a night.


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts