
Discussion Time

Watching as my wife and my Dark Elf...


Would that be the title that she bore?

She wasn't my 'wife' like Rhefia, nor do I think that I'll find someone as reliable, lovely, and beautiful like the giant Deerkin that was currently throatfucking my daughter, but she was definitely more then a servant now.

Maybe Concubine would be the best title for her; she still pleasured me sexually, she was the Dama of one of my children, and she lived with me.

That title makes the most sense...

Nodding to myself, I continued to watched the two Dama's of my children mercilessly pound away at Kalia, their lust filled faces appearing rather cute as they ravished the young Dark Elf's tight cunt and mouth.

Slipping a finger into my own cunt, I stirred around the semen that was sticking to my folds as I took in the sight before me, enjoying the live show as I pleasured myself.

The two older women were grunting now, the tightness and clumsy, yet incredible movements of my youngest daughter bringing them to the edge again.

Moaning, I used my free hand to pinch and twist my puffy, sore nipples, letting my milk spurt out to relieve the tightness in my chest as I masturbated.

Churning my cum filled pussy, I eventually rose to orgasm alongside Rhefia, Kalia, and Yiksa, my body in sync with the three women as I imagined being in Kalia's place.

Listening to the bestial growl of Rhefia, low grunt of Yiksa, and muffled moan of Kalia, I added my own sensual moan to the cacophony of sex as we all reached climax.

Riding out our individual waves of pleasure, I eventually managed to focus my mind on Rhefia, who was panting slightly as she pulled out of Kalia's throat, a long bridge of saliva and cum linking her tip to my daughters lips.

Brushing away her long black hair, Rhefia looked at the panting Kalia and smirked, before glancing at me as I spoke.

"R-Rhefia dear, could you... leave us for a few moments? I believe we need to have a... discussion."

Alternating her amber gaze between the Dark Elves and I, Rhefia nodded as she strode over to our daughters room, slipping inside silently as she joined in on their lovemaking.

The silence in the kitchen was palpable, and Yiksa fidgeted slightly as Kalia lifted herself off of her Dama's lap.

Plopping into a chair between us, Kalia looked at Yiksa and I before she asked "Is this about... how I was conceived?"

Hearing the curiosity, but also anxiety in her voice, my heart clenched as I nodded, balling my hands into fists.

Taking a deep breath, I nodded again as I said "It is baby. I'm.... sure you noticed by now, but Rhefia isn't your Dama. Nor is Yiksa your 'Second Mama'..."

The young Dark Elf nodded, still staring intently at me, listening on.

"You see, I was..."

Pausing, I stared at Yiksa for a moment, the horror and pleading in her gaze clawing at my heart.

She so obviously, so very desperately, wanted to hide this from her daughter for as long as she could.

To keep the image that Kalia had of her, the good grace she had for her, alive and well.

Seeing that, I pursed my lips as I sighed, making Kalia frown.

"I was traversing through the forest in search of those Vetusberries I use so often. Rhefia and your sisters had fallen sick, and apparently the berries were the only thing that could cure them, to keep them... alive.

During that trip to find and harvest them, I 'encountered' Yiksa. I had already harvested the berries, but the forest had grown too dark to safely navigate back home. So, I sheltered down and waited for morning. That was when I met her."

I felt both relieved and horrible for having to spin this story, but...

I didn't want to let my baby girl feel like she had been unwanted, a child conceived not from love, but from pure lust.

I wanted to protect that innocent, pure, happy heart that she had, and I noticed instantly that Yiksa had relaxed slightly.

"Yiksa offered me a tent to stay in, and a fire to warm up by. With such a strong... such deep emotions running rampant throughout my mind, I... I needed a distraction. I'm sure you've noticed, but this family of ours is rather open. Sure, according to Rhefia and Yiksa many treat sex as we do, but few actually go as far as we go.

That has a reason. Your mother, me, has a very... high, demanding libido. I'm... constantly in heat, I guess. So when this Dark Elf woman... comforted me, and helped me, I repaid her the best way I knew. Sex.

It was both wrong and right; I was true to myself, but I felt bad for Rhefia. It was something we had yet to discuss, and still truly haven't, but the woman you've called Dama accepted you as her own. I accept you, as does your true Dama..."

I trailed off, realizing I had rambled on.


Yiksa and I stared at Kalia, who was frowning.

"So you and... Yiksa, my Dama, had sex during a tumultuous time? Is that why your... womb was unguarded? Was it a 'mistake'?"

My eyes widened as I realized that my sharp daughter had pointed out a hole in my story; the ability to close off my womb.

"I... yes, my emotions ran high and I lost control. However, you're not a mist-!"

"I know, I know! I'm happy that this... miracle happened, so that I could be here. Believe me, that doesn't worry me Mama..."

I sighed in relief at that, before listening to her continue on.

"However, I... is that why I feel so good all the time, letting Dam-, I mean, Rhefia, and my half sisters have sex with me? Is it also why whenever I'm with my real Dama, I feel it so much more?"

I blinked a few times at that, before glancing at Yiksa.

"I... I mean, maybe..? Astra and I are both... lustful by nature, so it makes sense to have inherited it. As for... f-feeling it more with me, m-maybe that comes from your Mama, since she's... unique?"

Kalia glanced back at me, her eyes even more confused as she asked "Unique?"


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts