
Destination Set

After listening to that rather heart wrenching story, I, and the others, stared at Rhefia in awe and shock, our eyes slightly watery as she pursed her lips.

"W-Was that truly..?"

Hearing Camara mutter something, we all nodded as we looked towards Rhefia for answers, hoping that the Deerkin was weaving a fictions tale, but...

Giving us a somber nod, the woman smiled wryly as she rubbed her jaw.

"Pretty much. Each of the Seasons are apart of Demetra's now deceased family, and the Goddess of Fertility grieved for them quite a bit, to the point that the once friendliest Goddess turned her back on the world.

She even turned her back on her other mortal children, though some believe that she still answers some of their prayers every once in awhile. None of it is verified; usually, when a Goddess deigns to grant us mortals their blessings, you will know.

For example, my Dama, who you're named after Camara, was a rather strong warrior in the Dryadi Queendom's Legion, and she often prayed to Areseta, the Goddess of War. One of those prayers managed to... I don't know, intrigue the Goddess? My Dama received the Blessing of War, and it changed her physically; that was why she managed to stand her ground against an entire army on her own.

She began to take on aspects of Areseta; her skin darkened to look more like charcoal, and her eyes turned pure crimson. She had a heightened anger, but she controlled it well. She also began to have red veins that webbed her skin, and that was the sign that she was amongst the War Goddesses blessed.

So, no one has had any form of noticeable blessing from Demetra in centuries, and I doubt anyone will for centuries to come... she simply let us mortals know she had grown to despise us, and that she would only return when we 'repented', though she didn't tell us how..."

Sighing, the Deerkin continued to rub her jaw before clapping her hands together, startling us all.

"Alright, what's dinner? I'm famished!"

Giving her a faux glare, I huffed as I got up, only to yelp as I felt her spank my ass.

"Don't give me that look, dear... Your wife is parched from entertaining you, so you need to take care of her..."

Her lust filled whisper made me shiver, but I placed a finger on her lips as she leaned down, whispering "Later, love... let us eat first~"

Giving me a smirk, she nodded before kneading my ass, only to release me as I began to crave her more.

With a wink she sat down, instantly talking to Camara, who was curious about the woman she was named after, while Aethisia listened on from the side.

Yiksa and Kalia were speaking too, the two Dark Elves discussing various things, though I did hear Kalia ask if they were going to experiment tonight, so...

Chuckling at the scene before me, I began to lay out a succulent roast, some boiled corn, a few loaves of bread, some salad, and a venison stock to warm our bones.

Everyones mouth watered as I set the plates down, making me grin at them all as I said "Dig in~!", which instantly prompted them to lunge forwards, grabbing what they could for their own plates.

I was a little annoyed by their uncivilized actions, but I still had a few months to work that out of them...

After all, I didn't want people to point at my family and say we were uncivilized hicks.

Table manners were a must.

Sitting down beside Rhefia, I scavenged the rest of what I could, mainly a few scraps of meat and a majority of the salad, alongside an ear of corn for myself...

Oh, and the end of one loaf.

Sighing, I began to eat the remaining food, through honestly I wasn't that hungry to begin with; sure, normal food was amazing, and I loved cooking, but...

Glancing over at my wife, I knew that I had developed a... 'sweet' tooth; I could live entirely off of her minty seed now, and I was making the most of that skill of mine...

The perks of having such a horny family?

With a skill like that, I never had to worry about going hungry.


The day I go without having dozens of deep inseminations is the day the world explodes.

Finishing my meal, I glanced at Rhefia, who was nursing her cup of milk, and asked "Love, where should we go after winter? Is there anywhere in mind?"

Rhefia looked over at me, her lips pursed as she tilted her head.

"Not particularly... From what I've seen of your abilities, we could go and live anywhere honestly... I mean, I still remember the fact that your magics can defy gravity... So, if you have an idea, or some urge to go somewhere, let me know."

Frowning, I looked back down at the table, ignoring the confused looks of the rest of the girls as they heard 'defy gravity'.

"Hmm... do... do you want to go back and... settle things?"

I gave her a furtive glance, gauging her reaction to my question.

She stiffened for a moment, before relaxing as she smirked at me.

"What, interested to see my ex~?"

My heart skipped a beat at that, and I grit my teeth as I glared at her.

For some reason, even though I knew she was teasing me, that got under my skin...

I have no idea why, but I glared at her, which made the Deerkin raise a brow.


Her smirk widened slightly at my growl, before she looked towards the ceiling, humming softly.

"I don't need to go back; you said it best yourself... Dama knows what I've done, and how I've improved. There's no need to go back for some meaningless items when I've already honored her memory and moved on... so, unless you wish to see where I grew up, I'm fine never returning to Birchan."

Taking a deep breath, I let that odd feeling waft away as I nodded, saying "I think... I think I would. I'm curious, both about your home and what a Capital looks like."

Giving me a wry smile, Rhefia shrugged her shoulders as she said "Alright. It's nothing special, honestly. Birchan's just a bustling city. But, if you want to see it, then lets go see it."

Grabbing my hand, Rhefia smiled warmly at me, and her previous dig was forgotten as I smiled back at her.

Feeling the atmosphere around us, the others silently got up and departed, going to do their own things.

Sensing that we were alone, I got up, slightly flustered, and began to clear the table, only to have a pair of strong, comforting hands wrap around my waist.

Kissing my neck, I melted as my wife held me close, her husky whisper gliding into my ears, sweet as honey.

"The others can do that, love... come on, let's go upstairs... let me make it up to you..."

Lifting me into her arms, the Deerkin smiled tenderly down at me as I let out a huff, only to melt into her embrace a moment later, nodding.

"Fine... I think I can forgive you... if you can be gentle all night..."

Smirking, Rhefia leaned down and whispered "For you, I can do anything, love~"


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts