

"So, you here to pick up your slaves? They've been yearning to leave here already; Brix has been a little bitch about it too, riling up the others. Might want to be careful with her, Lady Duchess."

Plopping down onto a couch, Heather grinned at me and relaxed as she added "You know the way there, and if you want... Arani's waiting on her lonesome right now, so you have a couple minutes there Lady Duchess~!"

Her grin and sparkling eyes made me blush a little as I wondered if I had been discovered by more than just her, though the Hawkkin just kept speaking as she said "Don't worry, I just weaseled that out of her after the last visit~! Thought she was acting a little weird, and voila~! Learned she was being rewarded with some high status pussy before she even began her tenure as a manager~!"

"And this is going to be kept a secret, yes?"

Heather laughed and nodded, her eyes still sparkling while she sank further into the couch, her amusement somewhat contagious even as the subject reached a 'dangerous' zone, though when she looked me up and down I frowned a little.

"I ain't stupid, Lady Duchess! Nor am I looking for a quick death; just funny seeing how defensive you get all of a sudden when someone finds out you actually live like the rest of us. People might use that against you in the Noble circles, but to the rest of us normal people... dunno, it's just kinda amusing to know you have needs."

She only looked at me like that once, and afterwards she just gestured towards the other door before raising a brow as I fished a letter out from between my breasts, offering it to her and saying "Astra wanted me to give this to you. Says you'd be interested in it."

Before she could reach for it though, I just had to satiate my own curiosity as I asked "About that Heta outside... what is her purpose? Is it really just to breed?", which caused her brow to arch even higher as she gave me a wry grin.

"Yeah. Seven a half feet of top of the line genetics, incredible magic, and a fertility that guarantees pregnancies in one single ejaculation? Her whole life is about breeding now after she raped someone she wasn't supposed to. They wanted her killed, but I mean... you saw her. No way in hell are we killing her.

So yeah, she's relegated to being enslaved for life, and her entire purpose is to sow her seed inside whoever wants a strong child. Lady Gionai is just the latest Noblewoman who wants to get raped by Heta, and she also wants a strong heir to her house. Frowned upon by you Nobles, I'm sure, but the results speak for themselves."

"How have I not heard of her before then? Not a peep from anyone."

Heather chuckled at that and just shrugged, though the gleam in her eyes made it clear she knew the answer and just wasn't going to tell me, meaning it was likely something that she swore to keep secret.

With a sigh I handed her the letter, and I lingered long enough to watch her open the letter before her eyes widened as she saw who it was written by, but by that point I had slipped out as a sort of petty revenge for her earlier actions, leaving her to read it on her own and wonder about whatever words had been written down.


Astra PoV

"And this is it..."

Slowing down, I looked at the overgrown plot of land and smiled wryly to myself as I wondered how I could bring the rampant Nature Mana under control so that I could build a club here.

It was a plot of land cradled between two separate swathes of forest that were apart of the parks, and while it seemed odd at first that this was even a plot of land that could be owned it made more sense when I realized the Nature Mana was coming from and amplifying the parks.

They were feeding off of one another in a way that guaranteed this was inhospitable for normal people while also providing a large benefit to the forest nearby, which meant this was going to be a pain to figure out how to handle.

The mana coming from the forest was capable of sustaining itself without the plot, but it benefitted greatly, so perhaps I needed to find a way to gather this mana and redirect it... easier said then done, of course, but... not impossible.

I don't think, anyways...

It would definitely take some researching and understanding to do, but the idea behind it didn't sound like it would be impossible, just tedious; I would need a way to focus the mana into a specific spot before sending it straight back into the forest to facilitate its growth.

As I began to walk into the overgrown plot of land - stepping around thick brambles and large roots, or hopping over fallen trunks to get closer to the center - someone called out my name, and I turned around to see two Wolfkin standing near the edge of the plot, where I had just been.

Magistrate Fenkar and Luna were waving at me, and I made my way back to them to greet them, with the older Wolfkin pulling me in for a kiss right away while Luna gave me a nod and a more formal greeting, lifting my hand to her lips.

"Hello hello~! I knew I smelt my bitch walking around here~!"

I rolled my eyes at Fenkar but didn't push her hand away when she grabbed my ass, my baby Dama kissing me once more before she asked "Where's Renna? I was hoping I could knot the two of you again so soon after the first time!", to which I said "She's dealing with her own business. What brings you out here?"

Luna was the one to answer, glaring at her Dama and saying "We wanted to check up on this area and see if anything had happened just yet. When we caught your scent we just knew we needed to see you again..."

"I want to fuck, while Luna here is being a bit more tame about it. I keep reminding her what kind of woman you are and yet she refuses to see reason..."

"Dama, I won't treat her like a piece of meat. She's a woman and the Mother of my child."

"Well, she wants to be treated like a piece of meat, I guarantee it. Isn't that right, slut~? If you agree... that trunk over there looks smooth enough; bend over for me and I'll remind you of our night together~!"

Two very different Wolfkin were staring at me, and I shivered slightly as Fenkar ran her hand down my curves, cupping my pussy and igniting my lust as I nodded, much to Luna's 'reluctant' chagrin, though she whipped her cock out the moment I bent over that trunk for her Dama.


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts