Kalia PoV
Ever since that earlier decision of mine, Inik hadn't let up at all, the Hawkkin crouching behind me as she plunged in and out of my womb with her fat cock, depositing another creamy load of sperm into my pussy as she ejaculated once more inside me.
"Fuck! Oh I want to keep cumming in you Kalia! I don't think I've ever been this hard in my life! Get pregnant you stupid Elf bitch! Get pregnant with my superior genes! Get pregnant!"
The guttural roar that spilled from her lips as she resumed pounding my pussy into further submission made me shiver, and the powerful Hawkkin fucked me as hard as she could as she kept trying to get me knocked up, my eggs laid bare and waiting for the warm embrace of her sperm.
My stomach was already heavy with her seed, while my pussy was aching with need - both for an even rougher pounding, as well as for a break, both of which I was content with, but clearly Inik wanted to fuck me even more, my lover determined to get me pregnant tonight as she kept slapping her hips against my cheeks, which were sore and slightly bruised.
It didn't take long for Inik to ejaculate again, something that seemed to be going against what I knew about futanari's anatomy since she should be having longer periods between ejaculations, but here she was, spraying her seed into me a minute or two after the previous, all while her hips continued to smack into my ass and make me into more of a mess than I was before.
Inik didn't stop cumming until I could feel the shriveled sack slapping against my cheeks, but even then she came inside me two more times to wring out every last drop of sperm, despite me almost certainly being pregnant at this point.
The amount of cum that was swirling around in my womb was insane, and the fact that her sperm could swim straight towards my eggs instead of just staining the walls of my pussy was what made me certain we had come to a monumental decision with no chance of turning back.
I had no doubt that I was with her child at this point, and as she fell onto my back and kissed my neck, I felt my heart swell as the Hawkkin embraced me and showed me some sweeter, gentler love.
"I... I don't think I've ever had something... that I was more certain of in my entire life, Kalia..."
Nipping at my ear, the Hawkkin gently gyrated her hips and continued to make love to me even as her cock lost some of its hardness, her body at a point where maintaining an erection almost seemed impossible, but she continued to do so anyways.
"Then I have... with the idea of starting a family with you... or well... joining your family and knocking you up... Call me crazy, but even after knowing each other for just... what, a few days max..? I can already tell that I don't want to let you go. Ever. To anyone. To go anywhere. I want you in my arms... in my bed... heavy with my child..."
Kissing my cheek, she sighed and reached for my hands instead, releasing my stomach for now and instead entwining her fingers with mine as she continued to lay on my back, pressing me down and pinning me beneath her.
It felt... oddly comfortable to have her weight on my back, to be trapped beneath this Hawkkin that had just so voraciously devoured me until her balls were empty, and I moaned softly as I kissed her back, enjoying the citrus flavor that flooded my mouth as her thin tongue coiled around mine, the Hawkkin not relenting even in this despite being 'exhausted'.
"What about you, Kalia..? Do you feel the same as me..? Do you want to be with me forever..? In my arms, in my bed? Pregnant with my child? Holding my heart in your hands..?"
Kissing me again, she pulled back and stared at me, her amber eyes shining with a complicated light as she waited for an answer, the confidence that I had come to expect from her at all times now resting off to the side as she laid herself bare to me somewhat, revealing a fragility that sent shivers up my spine and through my heart.
By all accounts this was a rushed and stupid decision to make, but I just couldn't bring myself to care as my emotions won out, the happiness and warmth I felt when she was near me pairing with the way she fit so snuggly inside my heart and pussy in equal measures; she just felt so perfect for me, even if she was a bit crass, a bit crude, and somewhat inelegant in her actions.
That was just what made her all the more lovable for me, and I thought she balanced me out quite well, to the point that... I had no issue nodding back to her, swallowing down the rest of her saliva before saying "I do... I want to be with you, Inik... I want to be with your child, want to be in your bed... I want to be with you."
Simplicity was oftentimes the most obvious and correct choice to make, and as I saw the Hawkkin grin at my words and lean forwards to nuzzle me, her hands squeezing mine as we continued to lay together, I decided to forgo trying to be eloquent with what I felt.
I loved her, and that was that; no need for flowery language, no need for doing anything besides stating the obvious, and it made no sense to do otherwise considering that she was someone whose mind worked best with those simplicities.
Straightforwards and determined, it wasn't a knock at her intelligence or how she lived to say that she was a simple woman; it was the same way that I could say that Dama Rhefia was a simple woman.
She wanted her balls empty, her belly full, and her house warm, and that was it; she didn't need a lavish mansion or gigantic feast to feel satisfied, but what she did want was simple.
She wanted to be loved and in turn, give out her love in the most direct manner, which just so happened to shoot out of her penis; Inik was the same way, and she showed that again as I layered us both in healing magics that would allow her to start pumping her love into me again, stuffing me even more than I already was.
After all, it was her way to show her joy, and it was a way for me to receive it and show her that I loved having her joy; so when she turned me over and hugged me, I embraced her back and took her thick penis repeatedly as she impregnated me for certain, bathing my eggs in her sperm.