
Reincarnated as the Only Human

Astra woke up in a forest with no recollection of her precious life. The only thing she knew was that she had a system with two parts; one was a Survival System, and the other was a... Wait, what?! A Breeder System?! Finding herself in a forest, Astra now has to survive on her own, fending off the sexual and violent advances of all the other forest inhabitants; none of which are Human! Will Astra be able to survive on this hectic, pleasurable forest? Or will she lose herself to lust? --- Additional Notes: Female MC is pure Woman for now; there is futa, and all the characters are either women or futa. There will be both light hearted moments and dark moments, and this novel is mainly centered around her trying to survive in this new world, all while living her life to the fullest.

Ketsueki_Hasu · Fantasy
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702 Chs


I watched the pregnancy timer slowly count down, the convulsions and contractions happening inside my body making me grit my teeth in pain.

Time passed by slowly; Rhefia had lifted me outside, claiming it'd be better to be in the open air than in a cramped room.

Kneeling beside me, the tall Deerkin was clenching my hand between both of hers, frowning hard as she watched me cry out occasionally.

Worry was writ clear on her chocolate face, her amber eyes wide as she looked me over, trying the best she could to alleviate any of my aches or pains.

A sharp pressure was building in my back, and my bladder was constantly being pressed against by Camara's head, my daughter preparing to make her way out of my womb.

Panting as I laid on my back, I eventually felt Camara reach my cervix, the crown of her head trying to breach the small opening.

Biting down hard on the thick stick Rhefia had prepared, I screamed in agony as my insides contracted again, pushing Camara back inside.

Huffing, I waited for her to attempt to breach again, clenching my muscles as best I could to try and push her out.

Even with {Pain Blockers IV} I screamed in agony, the pain wracking my body and blurring my vision.

Feeling Camara push her head out a little more, I cursed hard when she decided to return to my womb, gritting my teeth on the stick and glaring at the sky.


Panting as I waited again, I matched my push to hers again, feeling her head start to breach my cervix before returning again.

I swear to all that is holy..!

Swallowing down the abundance of saliva in my mouth, I glared at Rhefia when she tried to speak, making her flinch before falling silent, returning to kneeling in front of my legs and helping to keep them spread apart.

She was watching with morbid fascination as I tried to birth our child, and while I wanted nothing more than to slap her for making me go through this torture, I clamped down hard on my stick, pushing and pushing.

Camara repeated her earlier actions, and time slowly passed by, my body screaming in agony at me while I cursed the pair of Deerkin.

However, as I pushed again, my eyes went wide as I felt Camara breach the cervix, her head entering my vagina as the rest of her body followed closely behind.

Surprised that the little devil wanted to come out, I desperately pushed more and more, wanting her out of me as quickly as possible.

Rhefia knelt in front of me, her hands brushing against my thighs as she prepared to catch our daughter, her face serious and worried as she stared at my gaping cunt.

"Almost Astra! You're almost done! Come on! Push!"

Hearing her voice comforted me for a moment, and my body pushed harder, doing as she said.

My teeth ground against the stick, and I snapped it in my jaw as I screamed again, Camara fully exiting my womb.

Pushing her out, my entire world went white as I felt her exit me completely, Rhefia catching her and swiftly removed the umbilical cord before using the prepared bucket to gently wash Camara off.

Panting hard, my vision gradually returned, and when I sat up...

In Rhefia's arms was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen...

Skin as dark as her dama, Camara had small cute white spots peppering her body, and the most notable one was just below her right eye, in the shape of an upside down heart.

Her cry was soft, and she instinctively nuzzled into Rhefia's arms.

Sitting up, I reached out to grab her, tears streaming from my eyes as I stared down at my daughter.

She reached her tiny little arms out towards my thumb, wrapping them around it before falling silent, her eyes opening to reveal muddy crimson eyes.

Grinning down at her, I ignored my exhaustion as I held her, stroking her smooth yet sticky skin, enjoying the way she murmured under my touch.

Lifting her towards my swollen tit, I smiled gently down at her as she swiftly latched onto my nipple, suckling.

Rhefia moved to sit behind me, wrapping her legs around mine as she pulled me into her chest.

Staring down at our daughter, I tiredly accepted her kiss, my eyes never leaving Camara's small, round face.

"Sh... She's here..."

Rhefia nodded, kissing my cheek as she softly whispered "She is... thank you, Astra... you gave birth to a beautiful daughter..."

Nuzzling into my neck, Rhefia and I watched as Camara continued to drink from my breast, her eyes screwed shut.

My body ached, and as much as I wanted to continue watching my first daughter enjoy her first moments of life, my eyes grew heavy, Rhefia's warmth and the exhaustion getting the better of me.

"Rest now, Astra... you deserve it..."

Rhefia's soft voice entered my ears, and I just nodded, muttering something before my world went dark.


Short, but...

I mean, where better to end it then there?

And it was kinda hard to write about something like giving birth, considering I'm 1) not a woman, and 2) know very little of what ACTUALLY happens during childbirth (I slept through my health classes...)

So uh... yeah.

Next chapter will be all about Astra enjoying time with Camara~!



Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts