
Reincarnated as the Only Human

Astra woke up in a forest with no recollection of her precious life. The only thing she knew was that she had a system with two parts; one was a Survival System, and the other was a... Wait, what?! A Breeder System?! Finding herself in a forest, Astra now has to survive on her own, fending off the sexual and violent advances of all the other forest inhabitants; none of which are Human! Will Astra be able to survive on this hectic, pleasurable forest? Or will she lose herself to lust? --- Additional Notes: Female MC is pure Woman for now; there is futa, and all the characters are either women or futa. There will be both light hearted moments and dark moments, and this novel is mainly centered around her trying to survive in this new world, all while living her life to the fullest.

Ketsueki_Hasu · Fantasy
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702 Chs

Blossoming Love..? (5)

I just let out a huff as I looked away from the Hawkkin, making her shake her head and let out a sigh as she stared at me, only to grin as she stood up and made her way to sit beside me, not faltering even as I continued to look away from her.

However, when she grabbed me and pulled me onto her lap, I yelped and blushed as I felt her strong arms around my waist, only to blush even more as she reached up and groped my chest, the Hawkkin reverting back to her usual self as she whispered "Really, Kalia... You think just any~ plain old Elf will do it for me now..? When I've had a taste of someone as perfect as you~?"

Kissing my cheek, Inik chuckled as she felt me squirm in her arms, only for me to freeze as I felt her cock hardening beneath my butt, something the Hawkkin noticed as she added "Your heat, your sharp, warm scent, your soft body... that Elf doesn't have anything on you besides somewhat longer ears, but..."

Moving her lips to my neck, Inik continued to fondle my tit and rub her penis against my ass, my arousal threatening to spill over despite my mind demanding I make my displeasure known...

"Even that is something I find adorable about you, Kalia... You're unique, and I want you. I want to fuck you, I want to hold you, I want to kiss you, I want to get you pregnant... I want so much from you, from us..."

I shivered at that, and my displeasure faded slowly even as she said "No other Elf could ever compare to you; none of the ones I've fucked, none of the ones I will ever see after this moment... no one. I realized that, each time we separated. You don't like hearing it, I'm sure, but..."

Stroking my stomach, the Hawkkin growled softly as her cock got entirely hard, straining against her pants and poking my butt, giving the futanari a slight amount of pleasure as she held me close, trying to find the best way to communicate with me.

"When I first had you, back in Tusk City, I... didn't know how blessed I was. At first, you were just an excellent fuck, a one time Elf for me to devour and then to move on. But when I got my hands on another Elf, I realized just how much better you were to them. Then the next came along, and I yearned for you even more. I felt lost and confused, my source of pleasure - Elven women - tainted by the fact that they were no longer as good as the one I had let walk away. Then I got to hold you again, and that feeling... it only got stronger."

Even though I wanted to frown and snap at her for talking about the whores she fucked when I was gone, I couldn't help but feel my heart flutter slightly at the raw emotion in her voice as she held me closer, the Hawkkin doing her best to keep her voice steady as she continued to kiss my neck and indulge herself.

"I wanted you more than I cared to admit. Each waking moment was spent feeling confused and cold, each time I tried to stave off that pleasure with another whore leaving me emptier than before... Now I know why. You're just... better. Your screams of agony, the pleading for more... The way your actions are reminiscent of an innocent virgin despite wanting me to dominate each inch of your body... How your beautiful pink eyes grow wet with tears, yet remain hot with lust. Sexually, you are the best of everything I want, and yet..."

I blinked as I leaned into her chest, not realizing I was hanging onto each and every word she spoke like it was made from gold, not realizing just how fast my heart was beating.

"My thoughts started to drift towards you as a person, Kalia. The curiosity I felt at what would make you smile, the wonder I had about how much brighter a room would feel if you smiled at me... I was thinking about how warm it would feel to just be together, not entwined in lust and passion, but to just sit and enjoy one another's company. To go out and look around the city, hand in hand... When I imagined you doing that with someone else, I didn't understand why it made me angry, why I felt my heart aching..."

Turning my head, Inik stared at me straight on and refused to allow me to look away, the Hawkkin's amber eyes meeting mine and filled with such a strong emotion that I couldn't help but shiver in her arms... those strong, muscular arms that made me feel safe despite knowing they would be used to hurt me later.

"I love you, Kalia. I'm damn certain that somehow, someway, you stole my heart and are refusing to give it back... I want you to be mine, and mine alone, just like I only want to have you, and you only... Will you be my mate, Kalia? My... lover?"

Surprise washed over me in a heavy wave, followed by an even heavier, soul encompassing wave of happiness as I stared at the Hawkkin silently, wondering what it was about her that made me lean forwards and kiss her as quickly as I could, to twist on her lap and push her back as we landed on the pillows together, our lips entwined as we kissed passionately.

What was it about her that made me so certain that the answer was yes?

Despite only having met her three times now, why was I so certain that she was the one I wanted, that this Hawkkin who had slept with who knows how many other Elves was going to be mine and mine alone?

Why was it that when she grabbed my ass and pinned me against the ground, I readily spread my legs and took her cock without any issue, letting her fuck me here and now despite it being embarrassing that we were in public?

I wasn't entirely sure about the nuances and details of everything, but I was certain that by the time she finished inside me and released my lips, the first words I would say were "I love you too, Inik..."


On one hand, kinda quick?

On the other... they've already had hardcore sex on their first meeting, and Kalia IS currently best girl as voted by you, the readers, so I guess it makes sense, no~?

Tell me what you think though; I definitely think Inik would work fast, and I think Kalia - whilst she has a vague idea on what she's feeling - is also a rather decisive woman with serious things, no?

Anyways, now we get back to Astra, before returning to Kalia for some really~ special fun times~!



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