
Big Family

"Yes, I think Anne would quite enjoy being over here to work. She's been a bit cooped up in the city, and well... you got to meet her, albeit briefly. She doesn't particularly enjoy living within the city's walls, but her wife works inside the city so..."

Renna shrugged as she continued to stroke Ipoala's feathers, the pink Robinkin chick getting her fill of milk from the Duchess who was still exploring the wonders of being motherly to someone on a more intimate level.

"Speaking of, did you want to stay with us going forwards, Renna? Or are you going to be floating around from house to house?"

"Hmm... I don't have much I am required to do as of now, and most of anything that is important will be delivered to my manor just over yonder, so... if you don't mind it, then yes, I guess I could live here for a little while. Just remember that there is still work to be done, and things that need to be set up and discussed."

I nodded, even if the idea of working was just boring and made me want to roll my eyes and pout, but still, considering said work would be somewhere private with just Renna and I...

"And Shelur? Are you going to stick with Renna, or are you heading back into the city..?"

I stared at the Orc for a few seconds, thoughts running through my mind as I prayed that she would say yes, so when I saw her nod I couldn't help but smile, especially because... well, I had some things I wanted to do with her, some things that she could only do~!

"Hey! Don't be trying to poach my bodyguard from me, Astra!"

Renna gave me a 'glare' when she noticed the kind of smile I was giving Shelur, causing my cheeks to darken whilst my pussy quivered at the memory of just how impressively giant Shelur's cock was, and just how much semen was stored within her equally large testicles.

"I would never allow myself to be 'poached', my Lady, so fret not. Although, if you two do end up becoming wed..."

The usually serious and stoic Orc now had a slightly curled lip as she looked at the both of us, before her eyes landed on the Duchess' stomach, where our baby resided; that made us both blush hard, with Renna saying "W-Well we aren't just yet..!" whilst I said "B-Besides, I wouldn't 'poach' you!"

"Oh? That look made it seem like you wanted to, Mama~!"


Glaring at Camara, I let out a huff and looked back at Shelur, this time with pursed lips as I asked "Though if you are going to stay here... you do realize what is going to happen around here often, right..? And what will be... 'expected' of you..?"

She glanced over at the two Deerkin and the Doe in the kitchen, who were still going at it hard and fast as they used Heila for themselves, something that was a bit unbecoming and risky with the children around, but considering Aka was trying to sink into my body to get closer to my milk whilst the other three were also focused on filling their bellies with milk, it was fine.

"I understand, but I also hope you and your family will understand that if I say no..."

"No means no here, yes, unless you discuss something before hand and agree with someone that no doesn't actually mean no... so you'll be fine, I promise! Besides, I um... think I'll be the only one actively seeking you out..?"

My eyes landed on her crotch, the memory of her penis filling my mind again as I bit my lip, but after a few seconds and a cough from Shelur, I looked back at her face and blushed a bit more at my rather obvious desire for her.

Renna too was blushing, since she hesitantly asked "And me as well... if that's fine, Shelur..? I can't really... forget about everything...", before peeking at me and asking "Would that be fine?"

"Of course~! We can enjoy ourselves, just the three of us... and I had something I wanted to discuss with everyone in the family, but I guess I can ask it now... Shelur, have you ever thought about being a Dama?"

Getting straight to the point even if it was embarrassing was something I thought made sense, so I asked that and watched as Shelur just blinked in surprise at my question, before she replied "I... never really gave it too much thought. I'm not against it, but I don't think I want to have a child. Not now, anyways. I haven't found a woman I want to have my child, and even if I did, I..."

Rubbing her jaw, Shelur leaned back into her seat and thought on it for a second, before raising a brow as I asked "If I asked you to put a baby in me, and told you that you needn't worry about being a parent, would you do that..? All I would want from you is to go as hard as you can, do whatever you want to me for an entire night and put your baby in me. Would you do that?"

"You want me... to get you pregnant... and then just leave?"

"Well, no, but I mean you don't need to be a 'parent' if you don't want to? You can just fill me up and not worry about what happens next if you want to..? This is a pretty big family with more than enough 'Dama's' and 'Mother's' to go around..."

The Orc just stared at me for a few moments before glancing at Renna, who was looking between us with a surprised yet also aroused expression, her rather peculiar kink makings itself known once again.

"Is there a particular reason you want that to happen, Miss Astra..?"

I gave her a smile and stroked my kit's head before answering "Because, Shelur, I have always... found the idea of an Orc having their way with me to be something I wanted badly to happen, and on top of that, I am... well, if you've seen the amount of children around, I think you can guess what I want to happen after~ an Orc has their way with me~?"

That only made Shelur nod her head, the Orc taking in the various children of mine - be they young or grown - before pursing her lips again as she turned her gaze back to me, looking me up and down in a way that sent sparks of aroused glee throughout my body.


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts