Renna PoV
Blissfully unaware that my lover was currently taking the thick cock of a Goddess for the fun of it, I was instead left to my own devices inside of the dining hall, watching as the various Wolfkin that I had come to know as reliable laborers and warriors bickered with one another over the stupidest of things.
Some wanted special rights to certain women, others were gambling away their money on dice rolls or arm wrestling contests, and more still were butting heads and grappling like they were primitives unaware they were in a civilized city.
Beside me, Fenkar groaned happily as she pulled out of her daughter with a very audible plop, and the sight of her creamy cock standing tall even after cumming so much in the last 24 hours was a damn miracle, one she was going to continue to repeat as she glanced at me with a small smile.
"So, Renna dear... about what we were chatting about last night..."
Giving her daughter a firm smack on the ass before turning towards me completely, Fenkar flaunted her penis as she said "I understand that the answer is a firm 'no', but still, I wouldn't mind discussing some more... types of bonds we could share, if you get what I mean~? I think we can help one another out in many, many different ways..."
Saying so, she pointedly stared at my breasts before licking her lips as she gently slapped her cock, letting it bounce around before she asked "Would you be willing to consider some other working relationships with me, Renna~? I heard you were hoping to open a winery up...", which made me roll my eyes even though I had been rather engrossed in how tantalizing her drenched cock looked right now.
"Not hoping, Fenkar; I AM opening a winery up, and I already have everything squared away for it, down to the workers manning the store and the product I have in storage. Though, I suppose one of the things I wouldn't mind asking of you would be an endorsement. Not from you per se, but instead from your pups. A fair amount of them are amongst both the guard and the standing military, correct?"
Pride laced the Wolfkin's blue and amber eyes as she nodded, replacing her lust as she grinned over her filled estate and replied "More than half of them are, in various positions. Simple minded yet strong frontliners, adept mages, tacticians, aides to the Captains and Generals, archers, trackers... you name it, one of my pups is nearby~!"
The unspoken part of that would make me shiver if I didn't know just how loyal this Wolfkin was to our country; having so many people in positions as diverse as that was... scary, to say the least; especially when they had a knack of befriending and charming people with their loyalty and personalities.
"Well, that was when Astra gave me a pretty good idea about my winery. See, who tends to be some of the biggest drinkers in this city?"
Fenkar gave me a raised brow before chuckling as she answered "Soldiers, fighters, laborers. You tryna profit off my drunken pups?", which made me chuckle as well as I nodded, opting for honesty instead of trying to be flowery with her.
"Yes, but what I wanted was to offer discounts to those that show identification at the winery. Soldiers and guards get some discounts on certain wines, healers get discounts on other wines, things of that nature. Fostering good will with everyone that keeps the city safe and healthy and ensuring the winery spreads through word of mouth primarily."
"That sounds pretty good, but Renna, my dear... wine is expensive. How are my pups going to afford it long term? That's nice and all, giving them discounts, but-"
"Not at my winery. We have quantity and quality bottled together for a cheap price, and I give my guarantee that they are well worth the price, and taste just as good as those marketed at higher prices."
Fenkar paused at that, and her lust and pride faded away as she leaned forwards and stared at me straight on, her eyes narrowing as she asked "You're trying to usurp some of the market for yourself, aren't you? Actually, that's more than just 'some' of the market... You trying to play with fire here, Renna? That's a lot of old, uptight pricks you'll be putting yourself at odds with for negligible profits..."
I chuckled again and shrugged as I replied "It's not negligible, and they don't scare me. If they take offense to this and start working on their businesses, that's only a boon for the city. If they try and do something about me... well, I had been hoping to weed out some of them eventually anyways, so~!"
We stared at one another for a few moments more before Fenkar let out a bark of laughter, capturing some of the attention of the pups around us as she nodded and grinned at me, eventually saying "You never cease to amaze, Renna! Never ever~!" as she reached forwards and laid her hand on my knee.
Her amusement was contagious, and when she gestured for me to get up I didn't mind at all how her hand moved towards my waist as she led me out of the hall, announcing that we were going to be discussing some more business before my departure.
Of course, that business was me taking this old Wolfkin's cock into my mouth as I sucked her off once again, blowing her until she was happy and then bending over for her as we started to fuck inside her office, my pussy yearning for some good dick once more.
We still discussed business, of course, but the way we negotiated was rather... unorthodox for most, since most of my time was spent facing away from her as she pounded me from behind before sliding herself inside me completely, squeezing out all of her cum and filling me to the brim once more as we made a couple of deals.
Like me securing a few of her unused properties for myself, as well as some manual laborers to help get them back to a workable state; all I needed to do was let this Wolfkin bust a nut inside my pussy and suddenly, I was the proud owner of a few more parcels of land, in and out of the city.
It made me understand exactly why Astra was so keen to lean into her sexuality as much as she did; why she was happy to give her body up for the smallest things, since they easily snowballed the more pleasure she provided her partner.
Still, even though I willingly let Fenkar resume smacking her hips against my ass as we mated inside her office, I doubt I was going to be content doing this with others; I at least liked Fenkar like that, and her sexual prowess was just what I needed right now as she entangled her hand in my hair and spanked me harder than before, treating me like she had treated Astra last night.