
Auction House (9)

Standing on the stage clad in tattered rags stood a really beautiful woman with a unique appearance that made both Renna and I pause, and many in the hall fell silent as they too stared at her in shock, something that made the auctioneer all the happier.

About my height if not a few inches taller, the slave was not affected at all by rags that barely concealed her body, nor was she at all bothered by the blatant ogling that everyone was doing to her; no, she appeared just as regal and composed as a Noblewoman as she looked down at everyone in the first few rows, staring down at them as her nose was slightly upturned, allowing the pride that she so clearly held in her heart to shine as brilliantly as her golden locks.

She was another woman that just seemed to have been born entirely for lust, her abundant curves and sensual body giving all futanari pause as we got to witness what Renna was saying previously, something that she and I were intimately familiar with.

Long golden hair was disrupted by the three black bands that caused her hair to take a unique style I had never seen before, much like a bee; when paired with the translucent chitinous wings that didn't move at all behind her as she stood there, waiting for the auctioneer to begin.

Her arched brows, sharp jawline and cheekbones gave her a deeply serious expression whilst her multifaceted, glassy orange eyes held nothing but indifference to what was happening, something that only made me more impressed as the auctioneer started to speak, giving us more information about this absolute gem.

"Standing before you is a Beekin responsible for the management of an insidious gang of rogues who were distributing a myriad of extremely addicting drugs, known as Christina the Shamanic Queen. As you can see, that moniker isn't just because she was the leader of said gang; she is actually a Queen Beekin, blessed with extreme fertility and one of the few capable of giving birth to Beekin children.

Beautiful, smart, and again, extremely fertile, Christina has agreed to serve her 20 year sentence as the sexual slave of whomever bids the highest, as the only other option available to her was execution. But of course, you don't care about that; you just want to know what the starting price for this beautiful 'Queen' is~! Well, the starting bid is 30 Gold~!"

Before I could even suggest purchasing this woman's contract, Renna began to bid alongside everyone else, rapidly driving the price up to 125 Gold before it became a rather clear battle between her and two others, which was of no surprise to everyone else; you definitely had to be a Noble of renown to have this much coin on hand, and even then only a few would be able to take such a hit to their coffers.

"Someone seems enthusiastic~! What's the reason, Renna? She is a beautiful woman, and I admit the race is extremely intriguing, but..."

The Nymph chuckled softly as I lowered myself onto her lap this time, draping myself across her as I nuzzled into her neck and tried to get her pay more attention to me again, though I didn't inhibit her from placing those bets since I too wanted to have this Queen Beekin join us, mainly because I was very curious about the many things related to Insectkin, like the similar situation that she shared with me in how her children should be born with a sense of loyalty to her ingrained into them.

"Beekin are extremely rare, let alone a Queen Beekin. The auctioneer wasn't lying either about her being one of the few capable of birthing Beekin; their fertility rate outside of sex with the Queen is almost zero, so they almost never reproduce. That alone makes her worth a lot, since anyone with a breeding kink - hardcore breeding, I mean, not just wanting a baby here and there - will love having her with them since she gets pregnant so easily.

And then there's the fact that all Beekin born of her are going to be really skilled laborers and entirely loyal to her - and only her - driving up her price even more, since everyone wants a workforce like that. And since you have a slave contract on her ensuring her loyalty to you..."

I nodded, understanding what she was saying and understanding the importance of this slave here, which only grew as the price reached 175 Gold next and showing no signs at all of slowing down.

"Problem is, since she is one of the smarter Queen's - some don't mind being little more than breeding beds for their babies, letting anyone cum inside whenever they want - she most likely has a way around a slave contract using her children, so I wouldn't be surprised at all if she could find a way to escape... which is why I want her. I don't know who I am bidding against, but I cannot trust that many people to keep a woman like this perfectly 'in line'..."

When the price hit 225 Gold, I blinked a few times at the sheer amount Renna was spending today, and before I could say a word she just smirked at me and said "I really don't have much to spend my coin on besides my employees and taxes, Astra. I own farmland that provides for me and my employees, I own boutiques and general goods stores, I have the privileges of a Duchess... my coffers are damn near bottomless~!"

She almost matched the pride that Christina displayed down on the stage as she said that, and it made me raise a brow as I looked my lover up and down as she took on this more 'traditional' and expected Noble visage; one of arrogance and wealth as she spent an insane amount of money without much thought at all.

I guess we were both seeing new sides of one another that were surprising, weren't we~?


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts