
Auction House (12)

Sinking into the chair further, I sighed happily as I rubbed my belly, finally feeling satiated now that I had finished off the plate of food after many long breaks in between, the steak and potatoes making it almost too easy to close my eyes and fall asleep in this seat.

Of course I couldn't actually fall asleep though, since right now I was looking down at some cool, nifty items that were rather interesting to bid on, like the current item that was a bundle of various monster parts, each one laden with decent quality mana waiting to be used in forging.

I still needed to see the difference between making use of metals versus making use of monster parts for my weapons, but that was something I was content to wait on doing since I had more important things to focus on, like the Beekin beside me who was still being questioned by Renna.

"And you were never that bothered by the fact that you just... weren't going to be able to see and raise your children? That didn't sadden you at all over these years?"

Christina shrugged as she answered "No, not really; after I birthed the first few dozen, the bond simply wasn't as important as it once was, so whenever I bore another few children for whomever I was sleeping with at the time, I just let them do as they pleased. That didn't mean I was heartless, obviously; if I ever felt like my children were being endangered I did go to help them and nurse them back to health, but..."

Seeing her shrug her shoulders again was enough to make Renna frown as she asked "Why were you alright with that though? They were your children! Born of you-!", only to have Christina interrupt her as she said "They were born of me, yes, but ask yourself, Duchess; what if I was tired of popping babies out every week?

What if I didn't want to be impregnated every single time I found a potential lover for the night? That one night stand I had with a guard to get out of trouble resulted in twins. When I was captured by some enemy gang members and passed around like some cheap slut whose only purpose was to empty their balls completely. Does that sound like a gift to you? Each creampie is almost guaranteed to be a baby from someone new... Sometimes my children that I raised with love would take turns knocking me up to show their love, and whilst I wasn't against it..."

Yet again we were given the briefest glimpse into Christina's mind as she let out a low sigh, her shoulders slumping slightly as she focused entirely on the stage in front of us, not letting us try and attempt to read her multifaceted orange eyes as she gave us that small pearl of information, and honestly...

Whilst I couldn't exactly relate to her dislike of being impregnated on someone else's whim - since I could close myself and I really didn't mind the idea of some random futanari guard putting a baby in me in exchange for something - I could at least understand why she would be so tired of it all, since it was such an interwoven piece of who she was.

As a Queen Bee, she was - at the end of the day - a very fertile woman who's most important biological advantage was her ability to pop out babies rapidly to create her own colony of workers and soldiers with little difficulty, so knowing that the only way to function properly in life was to be a breeder must be rather draining on her, especially since it seemed she wanted more from life then pregnancies.

"That is why, Duchess, I don't particularly mind what happens to some of my children; they don't really feel like mine sometimes, since they just feel like an extension of their Dama who spent hours ensuring they were inside me. I feel for them, I don't hate them, but I just can't bring myself to love the hundreds of babies I've birthed. I mean, just these couple of weeks alone inside this Auction House have been spent giving birth. They had to 'verify' I was a Queen Bee, after all."

Renna and I shared a look at that piece of information, though when Christina shrugged again and said "Their Dama's were very good though, so I didn't mind it; I mean, in order to keep on living I needed to sign away my ability to close my legs, so it doesn't bother me that much. And they did let me see my children during this stay, and each of them are happy to remain here working for the Auction House. They have purpose, which is all I could ask for."

The nonchalantness in her voice as she talked about being forced to bear children for whomever wanted to bed her was a tad difficult to hear, but when she added "Don't worry, I've been in worse situations. When I joined up with the gang I eventually took over, the head used to have me just serve as the relief for the girls. It was a boon for me even if I disliked how greasy and rough they were since I eventually overthrew that idiot and took everything for myself." I couldn't really find it to be any worse anymore since it seemed she knew how to weaponize her body.

"I wasn't... still, I just want to say this, Christina, even if it means little to you. With us, any children you birth will always be your children. We won't separate you, won't force you to become a breeding bed... Perhaps I am a little odd because of this, but I prefer my partners to have... 'substance', I guess. I want the people I have sex with to be interesting, complex people, and so far... you certainly are that."

Our new member nodded at that, before standing up and approaching the Duchess, looking down into her eyes as she said "I am far more accustomed to pleasuring a futanari, however this won't be my first time with a woman. Shall I display my skills for you, Duchess?"


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts