


Looking down towards my stomach, I couldn't help but bite my cheek as I wondered just what I had gotten myself into when Lycaniata appeared before me, and the realization that - what had been just some casual, incredible sex - I really had a 'problem' child growing inside me now.

"It is, isn't it? But don't worry; you would know if she gave you a Goddess or a Demi Goddess baby. So she just... apparently wanted to get you pregnant, but didn't want to have a child that would be divine in any way besides a trace amount in her blood."

That made me chuckle slightly as I leaned back in my chair and gave it a bit more thought, though not by a lot as I instead decided we should get to the conversation we had been having before, the one that mattered to us and not to anyone else in our family.

"Renna, all of yesterday and then some of today... it was an interesting set of hours we've had, hm? How exactly are we feeling about everything..?"

My lover mimicked me and leaned back in her own chair as she turned to stare at the wall for a few seconds, gathering her thoughts and leaving me to writhe slightly in the silence as I wondered what she was going to say.

"I'll admit that I was a bit... hurt, Astra. The way you first went to have sex with the guard at the entrance of the city, that was fine; I asked you to do it, and when you came back we shared a moment together where I was given some deserved comfort that - even though you had just been creampied for a dozen minutes or so - you still yearned for me.

The visit to my sister's house though... at first it was fine; seeing my sister and her wife take turns using you, before watching you make love to Cici as you tried to get her pregnant... That was fine. Really, it was; Annie and I were fine, and I was more than happy to watch you have sex with my sister as we explained everything to her.

But then you went and locked yourself in their house and having wild sex with Cici over and over again while Annie and I were outside, making us both listen to the moans you two let out as you fucked each other for thirty minutes... it was... draining, Astra. I was stunned, and afterwards I just felt... neglected."

Her words made me sigh as a myriad of emotions popped into my heart - regret and anger at myself being the primary ones - and I felt slightly guilty looking into those sky blue eyes of hers, but I forced myself to do so as I began to apologize.

"I know... I'm sorry that I did that, Renna, at least in the way I did; I never wanted you to feel like I wasn't happy with you nearby, that I wasn't going to treat you right. That wasn't my intention, and that came from me not understanding your boundaries... boundaries we had never discussed before this."

"Well... now we know, don't we? I never really thought I would be a cuck though, Astra, so it's as new to me as it is to you, and... maybe those years of being with the Queen have 'confused' me; I still expect my lover to primarily focus on me, even if we both agreed to have other lovers as well. I don't know..."

We both let out a sigh and pursed our lips before I said "I guess neither of us really know what to do, huh? I mean, my relationships with Rhefia and Sari were both forged from really good sex that led to me being pregnant. I gave them incredible sex and a baby, and they agreed to use me whenever I wanted them to use me."

That made her smile at me as she asked "So I'm the first 'actual relationship' you've had? Guess that means we need to figure this out together then... and I guess the first thing could be a slightly strict, but I think needed rule.

If you make love to someone else, I expect something right after too. And if we're sharing a bed with someone together, that obviously doesn't matter; we can flirt and have fun before, during and after that hookup, but if you go to have sex with someone else... I want you to come to me afterwards so I can unwind too!"

"Then what about Arani? Or situations like her? Are we following the same rule together, or..?"

My red haired lover rolled her eyes and rested her chin on her palm once more as she replied "Obviously, Astra. Rules for you are rules for me. Don't think I didn't notice that you were having a good time watching me too!", which made me smile wryly as I nodded.

That Elf entered my mind as I recalled the sight of Renna riding her on the edge of the bed until that sheath had been filled inside her, only to then be placed on my lover's ass before she slipped another on her cock and started fucking her again.

"Fine... but speaking of, what are we going to do with her? Are we sure she'd make a good manager to the point that we can be a bit more hands off with everything?"

Now it was Renna's turn to grin as she asked "Are you a bit jealous, perhaps~? Maybe now you know what I felt when you went into the house with Cici!", which made me roll my eyes before I just shrugged, not admitting it even though I was just a bit jealous.

The conversation shifted once more, and now we were chatting about the possibility of different managers to help alleviate the burden of running a store all on her own, alongside the potential use of Christina as that second manager and if we could trust the Queen Bee at all.


So just kinda wanted to put this out here, on the more viewed novel I have; I want to start a new book soon, sometime in the next week or so, and the idea is to keep everything the same with both Servant System and this.

Laid Back Life might eventually get returned to, but I know for sure that I just... am not that interested in returning to Twin Moons Of Eden, so I would be working on three separate books all at once... which might be a bad idea, but honestly I've been in need of something to do besides the exact same thing.

And that also means I want to get that book contracted and make use of the three months of premium/privilege to earn some more $$ for myself, but the plan was to make it like ~250 chapters maximum before moving onto something new.

Anyways, this is just a notice that that might be happening, and I will tell you all when that book goes live if you'd like to check it out!



Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts