
'How Did Your Day Go~?'

"I still can't get over how big you said this Horsekin was, Astra... I legitimately think that thing would kill most people if she pushed the entire thing inside of them... though I guarantee a lot of women would be keen to try their luck..."

Sari looked down and bit her lip as she watched Shelur's giant log slide back and forth beneath her, the Catkin getting a bit of a glimpse at how massive the Orc was while also showing even more of her submissive side as she watched those two large hands cradle her stomach to keep her in place.

"Yup~! Especially those little sluts like the Rabbitkin, Mousekin, Molekin and more... all of them love getting fucked by something far too big for them~! Tight little sluts too, nice to keep under you whenever you're feeling the urge to breed something..."

Rhefia grinned at us as she said that, and I had to roll my eyes as I recalled the time we had shared a Rabbitkin upon our arrival to the city, though I couldn't fault her for her words since they were true; I had wanted nothing more than to keep that Rabbitkin beneath me as I pounded her until I was satiated.

"Honestly I'm just waiting for the day you bring back a Rabbitkin, Astra... Our population would triple in a month if you didn't do something to keep them from getting pregnant."

The Deerkin said that with absolute certainty while both Sari and Shelur paused for a moment to look at me and give me a small nod, both of the futanari clearly liking the idea of having a tight breeding hole to fuck all day long.

Meanwhile, Renna was hugging a pillow to her bountiful bosom as she looked at me too, though the blush on her cheeks let me know she was thinking of something else, and the moment I caught her eyes she blushed even more before she began to speak as well, bringing the conversation back around to overly gigantic penises that could kill a woman.

"At the Auction House I found something interesting... um, they were 'moving' a special slave to go serve a Noblewoman, and this slave was... even larger than Miss Hertanc. By... multiple inches. In all ways..."

We all fell silent at that, and Sari looked back down at Shelur's penis before turning towards Renna again, the Catkin breaking the silence a few moments later as she just said "What?", voicing all of our confusion as we stared at Renna in shock.

"Yes... I saw her, and she was easily almost eight feet tall and apparently bred for nothing but being the pinnacle of what Horsekin are able to offer... and after committing a serious crime she became a breeding slave for the Auction House, one that is apparently under many, many different layers of security."

Pursing my lips, I imagined a Horsekin that large and instantly felt my lower lips begin to drool, and before I could even ask Renna said "And Heather was there to tell me about it, but apparently this Horsekin is a very well kept secret that Noblewomen sometimes order to come and get them pregnant. So there is that..."

"Miss Hertanc mentioned something about her Mother not really liking her Dama that much, and at first I thought she meant the normal Noble idiocy of marrying who you hate and having children simply because it's expected, but now... she also mentioned her older sisters are only half sisters to her..."

Rhefia gave me a smirk as she said "So you think this absolute beast of a Horsekin was hired to go and impregnate Lady Hertanc, resulting in this Third Miss being an absolute stud as well? Honestly I would say it's all too coincidental and there is always a possibility of someone just being born a stud - like me~ - but Nobles are always doing weird shit anyways..."

We all gave the cocky Deerkin a raised brow, but as she ran her hands up and down her immaculate body I couldn't really argue with her about it, especially not when it was clear she was absolutely a stud and then some, and her own child had become just as much of a stud as she had.

"Wonder if Inik knows anything about this almost mythical Horsekin and how we can eventually try and order her for the woman who is more than likely craving it more than we crave air."

I perked up at the idea of Inik potentially knowing something while also ignoring how Rhefia gave a slight towards me with a smile on her lips, though Renna dashed that hope as she shook her head and said "I doubt she can tell us. Most likely swore an oath considering even Heather dodged any of my questions."

"Too good to be true..."

Letting out a dramatic sigh, I beckoned for someone to come and comfort me, with Rhefia beating out Renna as my first wife yoinked me into her arms and hugged me tightly, before she grinned at the red head and beckoned for her to take the spot behind me, which would let the them sandwich me between two very different types of goodness.

The chiseled and incredible muscles of my first wife alongside her erection pressing against my stomach while the soft and curvaceous body of my third wife hugged me tightly from behind, rubbing herself against my butt and inhaling my scent as she buried her face into my hair.

Of course not even a moment later Rhefia began to take me, unable to help herself as she pulled us both onto her body and admired us both from up close, with the Deerkin grinning as she grabbed a handful of the Duchess' incredible ass even as she thrust up into my pussy.

A moment after that Shelur released Sari and claimed Renna for herself, leaving the Duchess on Rhefia's chest as she started to swinging her hips aggressively, giving her the dick that she craved more than she would ever admit.


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts