
'Guided Tour' (2)

"What do you want to know? How it all started? What the 'highlight of my career' was? Perhaps you wish to know if I've ever personally killed someone?"

Taking a seat beside me, Christina folded her hands in her lap and took on the perfect image of a Noblewoman as she looked over at me, her questions informing me quite a bit about herself as I nodded and said "I'm going to take a guess on that last one and say it's a yes."

That made her narrow her orange eyes before she nodded back at me, eventually taking a breath before she said "I've done it a few times, but I know it isn't for me. I don't enjoy getting my hands dirty the same way others do... I would rather sully my mind rather than my body. But yes, I have snuffed the life from someone. In my defense... they deserved it. My first kill... how about we swap that story, Miss Rhefia? Give and take is a wonderful thing isn't it? I give you a story and I want to take one from you..."

"That's acceptable, Christina. As the guest though I believe you go first~!"

The Queen Bee nodded again and said "It was a simple affair, really. My associates and I were owed a large amount of money in exchange for keeping this person safe. We did our job, took a few hits along the way, but everything was done cleanly. Nothing was traceable, nothing was sloppy...

That wasn't enough for our employer though, and they wanted to ensure NOTHING was traceable, so when we returned them to their home they tried to kill all of us. So we fought back and killed them instead. I'm not proud of it, but it happened; I plunged a dagger into a woman's throat and forced her to choke on her own blood. Me or her... and I chose me."

She trailed off and glanced at me expectantly, her put together demeanor cracking a little from that, though she almost hid it rather well since she also 'accidentally' moved in a way that emphasized her enormous bust... and of course I took a look, though I was accustomed to this sort of thing.

"I was a soldier, Christina, so my first kill is another 'me or her', but the difference is the 'her' in this situation was threatening the peace of our country, so I have no regrets nor questions on what I did. My first dozen kills were all on the same day, then it took another week to double that...

The thing about it, Christina, is that there was peace after I killed. My home was quickly returned to that lull of blissful peace after my first battle, and while I continued to serve it wasn't on the frontline of a war. I was maintaining the peace I had earned, and ever since then I got to experience the wonders of peace, be they good or bad."

"That is our difference, I suppose... you killed for peace, I killed for myself. And yet, Miss Rhefia, from what I have heard we were treated the same. I was hunted, you were hunted. The difference was that I was found, you were not. But... at least there is peace."

"At least there is peace. Though sometimes I wonder if that is a good thing. Peace is so different and so... fragile. It has created quite the precarious balance in this world, one that I worry about."

That earned a raised brow from the Beekin as she asked "Why are you worried about peace?", her genuine curiosity bleeding through her still tone as she waited for an answer, one that I sprinkled with a little bit of 'fun'.

"A few reasons. People become softer and lazy. Things are calm, there's no rush to do anything besides exist, and that makes things rather... difficult. People get too used to excess and change for the worse. I don't crave all our war, but a threat here or there would do us quite good.

The other reason I don't care for peace is a more selfish one. The privileges of being a soldier, the camaraderie, unity with my country... then there are the extremely selfish things I miss. I was born on the tail end of it all, but it was expected during my childhood to mate over and over again.

Nowadays we have sheaths and medicines being used constantly to make things more... boring... I miss the days of everyone being ready to breed constantly, and while I am beyond lucky to have found not one, not two, but three women willing to be bred by me - really bred, not playing at it - I miss the way the world was back then~!"

Christina raised a brow again at that, though this time she looked down towards my cock as she took in how hard I was, the words resonating a little with her as she leaned closer to get a better look.

"You miss the way women would throw themselves at you to fulfill their 'duty' whilst you fulfilled yours for them, is what you mean. You miss all of the misguided and 'patriotic' women who gave birth dozens of times for their country to keep the population stable..."

I laughed quietly at that as I nodded, whispering "Selfish things I miss, right..?" to the Beekin as I shuffled over to her, enjoying how she remained in place even as she replied "You're saying this to a woman who has had that 'duty' since birth, Miss Rhefia."

Our eyes met, and I smiled at her as she added "Ever since I could remember I was told I was going to be bred. My neighbor bred me, my friend bred me, my own children bred me... when I joined a gang, they bred me over and over again. I was taken by a rival gang many times and bred by them... All my life I've been bred..."

"And here you are..."

One of my arms slid around her waist while I raised the other so that I could caress her cheek, soothing the Beekin and bringing her closer as I listened to her whisper from up close, feeling her breath on my skin.

"And here I am... bought so that I can be bred again... It's my lot in life, one I've come to not only accept, but... with Mistress Astra's gift, one that I can enjoy again... Is that what you want of me, Miss Rhefia..? To breed..?"


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts