
Reincarnated As The King's Wife

Sophie Danvers, formerly a maid for the Royal family, was tragically murdered after witnessing a crime. However, the reincarnation goddess grants her a second chance at life, reincarnating her as the wife of Theodore Silver, the man responsible for her untimely death. Intent on seeking revenge against the family, Sophie soon discovers that there is more to them than meets the eye, becoming entangled in a web of deceit, betrayal, and family secrets. Will she be able to uncover the truth and exact her revenge, or will she succumb to the darkness surrounding the Silver family?

Pheonix_Inks · History
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Chapter 2

Everything suddenly became clear to Sophie. Her conversation with the reincarnation goodness hadn't been a dream after all; she really had been incarnated as Theodore Silver's wife.

"Are you feeling better now?" Theodore asked as he walked into the room carrying a tray of food. He placed the tray beside the bed and sat down next to her.

"I'm happy to finally have you back. You don't know how much I missed you," he muttered, planting a kiss on her forehead.

"I'm sorry that I wasn't there to protect you," he continued, while Sophie watched speechless. In all the years she had worked for the Royal family, she had never seen Theo act so kind and sensitive.

"The doctor said that you have developed amnesia. I wonder what those monsters must have done to you," he said, his fist clenched.

Sophie began to piece things together. Ivory, Theo's wife, must have been kidnapped, and Theo must think that she has developed amnesia.

Although Sophie didn't have any of Ivory's memories, she had worked for the Royal family long enough to understand their dynamics.

Theodore Silver, heir to the throne and would take over from his father once he produced a child. He always appeared cold in public, but in his wife's presence, he transformed into a loving and caring person.

Ivory Silver, an ordinary maid before meeting Theodore, had become a world-famous designer with her own brand called IVS. While she appeared as an angel in the public eye, she was actually unfaithful to her husband, cheating on him with different men on multiple occasions.

Theo held Sophie's hands and kissed them, his eyes filled with a mix of emotions—anger, regret, love, happiness, and relief.

"The doctor said besides the head injury, there are no other injuries," Theo said with a sad smile. He was happy to have his wife back, but saddened by her memory loss. According to the doctor, the chances of her recovering her memories were slim.

"I'm sorry," he muttered again. When he couldn't reach his wife on the phone, he became extremely worried. He even sent search parties and detectives to look for her, but they had no luck. He had almost given up hope until he spotted her running out of an alley.

He felt relieved to have finally found her, but then she ran away from him, calling him a monster and attempting to hit him. His wife had never spoken or acted that way towards him.

Despite not remembering their past together, they had always been a happy couple. Even after five years of marriage and no children, their happiness persisted.

"Here, I brought you strawberries, your favorite," he said, passing her a plate filled with strawberries.

Sophie stared at the strawberries with disgust written all over her face. She despised strawberries, but unfortunately, they were Ivory's favorite fruit.

Reluctantly, she picked up a strawberry and took a bite. It almost made her spit it out, but she managed to swallow it.

As she showed no intention of having another, Theo began to feed them to her. Sophie was about to slap the plate from his hands when a knock came from the door.

Theo dropped the plate and went to answer the door. It was his mother, Queen Amelia Silver, standing there with a smile.

"I heard about what happened to your wife and came to check up on her," she said.

Sophie recognized her voice instantly. Queen Amelia Silver, wife of Fredrick Silver and mother of two. If wickedness had a personification, that person would be Amelia. She took pleasure in making the lives of commoners a living hell. Her disdain for them stemmed from her husband fathering an illegitimate child with Amelia's own maid.

Queen Amelia walked in, her fake smile still intact. "Ivory dear, how are you feeling?" she asked, moving closer to Sophie. Sophie instinctively shifted back, a habit she had developed in her past life.

"She has amnesia and doesn't remember anyone," Theo informed. "Oh, poor thing. Have you tried hitting a plank on her head? It works in movies," Amelia suggested, earning a glare from Theo.

"She needs some time to adjust to us," Theo responded, ignoring her previous remark. "In that case, let's all have dinner tonight at the King's quarters," Amelia suggested. The palace had five quarters, one for each family member. It used to be four until Amelia separated her quarter from Fredrick's.

"I don't think it's the best idea for now. You know how the family can be," Theo reminded her. Despite his reservations, Amelia persisted and finally convinced him to bring Ivory to the dinner.

"Ok,fine. I'll bring her to dinner at your quaters but you have to warn Diego to be on his best behaviour" Theo said, "I'll tell him but you also have to be nice to him, he's not going to hate Ivory an less if you keep treating him like he's a stranger" Amelia argued all while Sophie watched. This was the first time she was seeing Amelia talk without telling or snapping.

"But Ivory" Amelia bade and left. Ivory watched her leave till she was out of sight. Theo pressed an intercom and asked the head maid to send some maids in.

Theo wasn't sure about allowing Ivory to be around his family. He still had his suspicions about who had kidnapped her and had a hunch that it might be one of his relatives.

Ivory hadn't gotten along with any of his siblings or parents, and each of them had their own reasons to dislike her, or even wish her dead.

He instructed the maids to groom Ivory and left the room. Sophie lay on the bed, still trying to process everything that was happening.

The maids entered and guided Ivory to the bathroom. They gave her a warm bath and washed her hair using Ivory's signature strawberry-scented shampoo. The scent almost made her vomit; she detested even the slightest hint of strawberries.

They applied makeup to her face and styled her hair into a neat bun. By the time they were finished, she looked exactly how the old Ivory used to look.

They dressed her in a blue evening gown and escorted her downstairs, where Theo was waiting. He led her to Amelia's quarter, where Amelia was waiting at the doorstep. Theo and Ivory followed her inside.

The entire Royal family was already seated at the dinner table. Sophie froze upon seeing them—the family that had made her life a living hell.